
November-December 1990

"Step up 'n meet the REAL Jordan Knight!"

They say "His head's in the clouds" -- but that's because "they" don't

really know him at all!

You're about to meet Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight. You've been preparing for this moment for what seems like forever. You know exactly what you're going to say -- and you think you know what he'll be like. You've never been more ready than you are right now.

But before you open the door to where Jordan's waiting, you'll be stopped. Well-meaning "insiders" will offer you advice. Here's a sample of what they'll say.

"Oh, Jordan, he's got his head in the clouds."

"He's off somewhere in his own world."

"Don't be insulted if he seems to ignore you. He's in outer space. That's just Jordan."

Don't say we didn't warn ya', because when your chance to meet Jordan comes, that is what everybody on the inside will tell you.


The Focus is On The Music...

It's not that the insiders are purposely trying to steer you wrong. It is very likely that when you step inside that room, Jordan will be off in a corner, singing softly to himself, or working out a new dance step in front of the mirror. What you've heard about Jordan being totally into his music, well, that part is true. There's rarely a moment when he's offstage that Jordan's not doing something musical. Although you haven't heard much of his original music yet, he has been composing for years. Tunes just pop into

Jordan's head and naturally, once the creative juices are flowing, he couldn't turn 'em off if he wanted to!

It's been like that ever since Jordan can remember. "I wrote 'I'll Be Your Everything' -- the one that Tommy Page recorded -- when I was 13," Jordan reveals. There are more hits where that came from -- Jordan's storing 'em up!

When he's composing, tinkering with a tune on his keyboards, Jordan's completely immersed. According to his mom, Marlene, "He doesn't answer the phone; he doesn't answer the doorbell. He's not being rude -- he doesn't even hear them, even though he may be in the same room!"

...But it Could Be on YOU!

See, when Jordan is focused on something, his concentration is total. But that characteristic works both ways -- and music isn't the only thing he focuses on. When you get him to focus that brilliant intensity on YOU, you've got all of him!

Capturing Jordan's attention is what it's all about. If he's interested in what someone is doing or saying or asking, he gives his full attention. When he comes 'down' from the 'clouds,' Jordan's the best listener you'll find. He's thoughtful. He thinks before he speaks. He doesn't just toss off any old answer to a question or problem -- he's sensitive and truly creative. His mind may be twirling with a million ideas; but his nose isn't in the air!

When he's on YOUR wavelength, Jordan is one of the most sincere and charming guys you'll ever meet. He'll tell you stories about his childhood, about the last great book he read, about the early days with New Kids. He'll listen to everything that's on your mind. He'll be a friend.

The Real Jordan

Jordan's perception of himself isn't much like what others say about him either. He doesn't think he's all that spacey -- he describes himself as "quiet and bashful in one-on-one situations." Jordan's just jittery when he first sits down with someone new, face-to-face; simply, honestly and truthfully, he just doesn't feel he's much good at communicating one-on-one. "I feel loose and completely at ease on stage, talking to 50,000 people," Jordan admits in a moment of candor, "but I don't know what it is, I get nervous if it's just one person." That's the real reason he seems to "tune out" occasionally -- he's just prone to the same insecurity we all have sometimes.

For the real Jordan is a real person. Sometimes his head is "up in the clouds," but bring him in for a landing, and he's the most down-to-earth, unpretentious, nice guy you'll ever meet.

So go ahead, go through that door and meet The Real Jordan Knight -- forget what others say about him: you know the truth!