Faces In Pop- Starline Presents Reader's Choice Awards
New Music, New Tour, New and Old Fans
Jordan learned a lot with New Kids on the Block, and now he's ready to put what he learned to use. It's all here, the lyrics, the brown eyes and the hot dance moves. He has a few morsels of wisdom for some of pop music’s latest "new kids on the block."
For starters he warns: "Don't let all the screaming girls make you believe you’re God," and "Don't let all the jealous guys and terrible articles that people write about you make you think that you're nothing. Know who you are inside."
These are golden words coming from a man who's been down this road before. The New Kids on the Block were one of the most popular bands of the 1980s. A big reason why was Jordan's soulful voice, catchy lyrics and piercing brown eyes; a combination that made him an instant hit with thousands of girls around the world. Now that Jordan is back he has a clearer view of what to expect.
Jordan's single, Give It To You, has already made some big waves on MTV. His debut self-titled solo album is making even bigger waves these days. At presstime, Jordan had already done a few shows here and there before joining forces with 'N Sync. By the time you read this, the ex-NKOTB-er plans to take his show overseas.
Jordan says he's excited about touring and singing again, but he's also a little bit nervous going solo.
"This is a different kind of pressure," he explains. "In one way, it is good because you get to make all the decisions yourself and you get exactly what you want, but if exactly what you want doesn't work, then you take all that responsibility."
Jordan has a new, updated website where you can log in and keep track of exactly what he's up to. Check him out at: http://www.jordanknight.com.