Some teen magazine
Circa '90-91
"The Quiet New Kid Talks Out!"
Huggable Jonathan Knight has gotten a reputation as the stylishly dressed but quiet New Kid on the Block. He may be quiet, but he's definitely not silent!
For a quiet guy, Jonathan's sure managed to earn himself a ton of nicknames. "I have 10,000!" he laughs, listing 'Jiz' and 'Rinse' as examples. "If a name begins with a J, you say Jiz, if a name begins with an R, you say 'Riz.' D, you say 'Diz.' Rinse is an old name. They also used to call me John Lennon. They said I looked like him." One thing's for sure, though, Jonathan does NOT like to be called "Jon."
When it comes to whether or not two people should kiss on the first date,
Jonathan doesn't hesitate to share his thoughts. "You should do whatever you feel comfortable with," this Burger King fanatic recommends. "I will do whatever I feel is right on the first date, as long as the girl is willing and wants to also." Anybody out there willing to give Jonathan a kiss?
Jonathan's mom, Marlene, shares a story about him when he was a toddler and used to tug on her skirt for attention: "I remember this one incident. I was at choir rehearsal and Jonathan came into the hall where we were rehearsing and he came right over to me and started tugging at my skirt. I picked him up on my lap and he whispered in my ear. He kept whispering and whispering, telling me these stories."
"I'm confident with myself, but not conceited," Jonathan reveals. He also likes to think of himself as sensitive, caring and artistic.
Has their seemingly-overnight success affected Jonathan at all? No, he says. "When I go over to friends' houses, I don't talk about my career," the hazel-eyed New Kid says. "I'm just a normal person. I haven't changed."
Not surprisingly, the gentle Jonathan had to deal with some bouts of stagefright when the New Kids first started out. "I didn't eat for a week before the first show we ever did!" he recalls, grinning.
"We've met most of our fans out on tour," this Sagittarian marvels, "and it's great how friendly they free they feel to walk right up and tell you how they feel. If it was a little hard to talk to them in the beginning, it's gotten easier. They really help you to feel at ease most of the time."