Body Shots

by: Chris

"Come on Nikki. You act as if I'm gonna bite you,” Donnie laughed as he pulled Nikki towards him. "Just one, please."

"You are unbelievable, Wahlberg. All these woman around and you want me,” Nikki pulled out of Donnie’s arms.

"But I know with you, there’s no false hope being given. To you it's just a shot with a twist. To them it's an invitation into my bed. And I'm not looking for that tonight."

Donnie handed Nikki the glass and smiled at her. Taking the glass, Nikki shrugged and reached for the salt. She figured if this was the only way to feel Donnie's lips against hers then she was game. She allowed herself to be pulled back into Donnie's arms. Her body trembled slightly as he tipped her head back and pressed his lips to her throat. Nikki almost moaned when she felt him flick his tongue across her neck.

Donnie felt Nikki's body tremble and hoped it was because of him and not embarrassment. After kissing her throat, Donnie looked at Nikki. He was surprised at what he saw in her eyes. He took the drink from her, long enough for her to get a slice of lime. Then he handed her the drink back. Pouring salt on her neck, Donnie fought the urge to forget about the drink and kiss Nikki.

"Anyday D." Nikki said.

"Ok woman. Gimme a sec!"

Donnie wiggled his eyebrows at her as he tipped her head back and did the shot. When he went for the lime that Nikki held in her mouth, Donnie thought he had died and gone to heaven. He felt himself becoming aroused immediately. Pulling away quickly, he looked at Nikki. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she'd felt him getting hard as they kissed. He was embarrassed. Nikki was his best friend. He didn't want to ruin that by letting her know how he felt. Donnie was afraid that Nikki didn't feel the same way about him.

"Are you done yet?" Jordan asked.

Nikki and Donnie turned and looked at Jordan. Donnie gave Jordan an evil look while Nikki just laughed. Jordan was the only person who knew how these two felt about each other. He just wished they would admit it to each other.

"Dance with me J." Nikki grabbed Jordan's hand and lead him to the dance floor.

"Tell him Nik. If you don't I might,” Jordan said as he pulled her into his arms. "I'm tired of watching you try to hide it. It's not working anymore."

"Back off Jordan. I'm not risking the friendship on a whim. And if you say anything to him, Evelyn might receive a call. I know your secrets too."

Jordan grimaced at that, "You win. I'll keep my mouth shut."

Nikki laughed and decided to enjoy the rest of the party. By the time people began to leave she was so tired she could barely stand up. She headed into the kitchen to get away from the group and the noise. Pushing open the door, she lost her balance as she ran into Donnie. He grabbed her and put his arms around her to steady her. Nikki let out an involuntary moan at his unexpected touch. Embarrassed, she tried to pull away only to have Donnie tighten his hold on her.

"No you don't. I'm gonna do this," Donnie whispered. "You can hate me later but I can't resist it anymore."

"Wha..."Nikki was cut off as Donnie leaned down and kissed her.

She was grateful for Donnie's embrace as her knees began to buckle. Donnie ran his tongue lightly over her lips, causing Nikki to part them and allow the kiss to deepen. Nikki ran her hands over Donnie's shoulders and down his chest. Pulling free from Donnie's kiss, Nikki began to trail kisses over his jaw and down his throat making him purr like a happy kitten.

"Nikki, I just wanted..." Jordan stopped when he spotted the couple. "Sorry. Nevermind. Goodbye. I'll lock the door as I leave." Jordan backed out of the kitchen.

Nikki lay her head on Donnie's chest and giggled, "I think we embarrassed him."

"No. Right now he's probably thinking that it's about time that I did that," Donnie replied as he ran his hands up and down Nikki's back. "I agree with him."

"What do you mean he's thinking that about you?" Nikki was confused.

"Well, Jordan knew I wanted us to be more than just friends. He kept telling me to tell you." Donnie pulled back. "He even told me that if I didn't speak up soon, he would."

"That son of a bitch. He knew and never said a word. Wait until I get my hands on him," Nikki ranted. "Well, I guess the secret’s out. I want you as more than a friend too."

"I think we've wasted enough time with words." Donnie pulled Nikki tightly against him again. "I think it's obvious that I want you too."

Nikki ground her hips against Donnie, receiving a moan of pleasure in response. She reached between them and ran her hands down the front of his jeans. Donnie pulled her hand away and pinned her against the wall. Grabbing the front of her dress, he ripped it off of her. He smiled when he saw that all she wore was a simple black thong.

"Like playing rough, huh?" Nikki purred as she ripped Donnie's shirt open. "Good, so do I."

Donnie captured her mouth in a deep kiss. Keeping her pinned against the wall, Donnie began to kiss his way down her body. Occasionally he would bite down just hard enough to make Nikki gasp. Nikki squirmed as Donnie tortured her with his mouth. She tried to get free and turn the tables on Donnie. But he seemed to be anticipating her every move.

"Please, D. Let my hands go," Nikki begged.

Donnie released her hands as he dropped to his knees. Running his hand up her thigh, he slipped his fingers inside her thong. Nikki moaned as Donnie teased her with his fingers before ripping her thong off. She spread her legs when he began kissing the inside of her thighs. Nikki cried out as Donnie buried his face between her thighs, kissing her intimately.

Without thinking, Nikki spread her legs wider and pressed her hips forward as Donnie continued to tease her with his tongue. Donnie pressed his fingers into Nikki as he used his lips and teeth along with his tongue to show Nikki just how much he enjoyed tasting her. He felt her body begin to tremble as her climax neared. He quickened the pace at which he was thrusting his fingers into her when he noticed that she was rocking her hips to match his touch. Tangling her hands in Donnie's hair, Nikki pressed his mouth tightly against her as she came.

When Nikki finally released his hair, Donnie stood up. He ran his hands up her body. Nikki shuddered at the touch. She smiled at Donnie, thinking it was her turn. But Donnie had other plans. Holding Nikki tightly against him, Donnie backed towards the table. When he felt the chair against his legs, he sat down. When he pulled Nikki onto his lap she realized that he had removed his jeans at some point.

Grinning, Nikki raised herself up from Donnie's lap. Reaching down she grabbed his dick and guided it into her as she lowered herself back onto his lap. She began to rock, slowly, back and forth, teasing Donnie. She leaned forward and kissed him as she finally lowered herself completely on his throbbing cock. As she pulled back from the kiss, she spotted the bottle of tequila on the table behind him.

"Still wanna do those body shots?" Nikki laughed as she poured a small amount down Donnie's chest. "I'm all out of salt and limes though."

Nikki poured more tequila down Donnie's chest. Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue over Donnie's nipples, licking the liquor from his body. Donnie growled as Nikki continued her slow, deliberate torture of him. Unable to handle anymore, Donnie stood up and lay Nikki across the table. He grabbed the bottle from her and poured it over Nikki's body. He lapped the liquor up from between her breasts as he thrust himself deeply into Nikki.

Nikki whimpered at the sudden pain Donnie's rough entry caused her. But the pain was soon forgotten as they found a rhythm together. Nikki soon realized the more noise she made the harder and faster Donnie would fuck. She was soon moaning and crying out with every thrust. Donnie grabbed Nikki's legs and raised them up until they were almost over his shoulders. The feeling was so incredible that Nikki screamed as she came.

Dropping her legs, Donnie grabbed Nikki's hips and pulled her roughly against him as he began to cum. He growled deeply and bit her neck as he thrust into her one final time.

After they had caught their breath, Donnie began to laugh. Nikki looked at him and tried to find out what was so funny.


"I don't think we'll be eating many meals at this table any more."

Nikki laughed as she got up from the table. Reaching her hand out, she lead Donnie up to the bedroom.

"I need to go to sleep. I thought I was tired before. Now I'm tired, sore, and very, very happy," Nikki purred as she curled up against Donnie. "Good night."

Donnie wrapped his arms around Nikki and kissed her forehead, "Good night, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Donnie," Nikki said as a single tear of joy ran down her cheek.