Gone Too Soon

by: Chris

Stepping out of the car, Donnie put his sunglasses back on. He looked around at all the people as he walked across the grass. He stopped and looked up at the bright, sunny sky and laughed at the irony of it all. Here he was in the darkest mood he'd ever been in and the sun was shining. He thought back to a week ago when the weather and his mood had been reversed.


Donnie grinned as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around Suz. "Morning beautiful," he whispered as he nibbled on her earlobe. "I'm gonna miss this when you leave."

"Then come with me," Suz replied as she turned around in his arms. "You'd love Texas right now. It's all warm and sunny. Not wet and rainy like it is here."

"Baby, you know I can't. I've got appointments for this new movie." Donnie ran his fingers lightly up the front of her nightshirt. "Let's not fight about this again. I really don't want to spend our last morning together for awhile arguing."

"Just what did you have in mind then?"

Donnie growled as he rolled her over and pinned her beneath him. He buried his face in her neck and gently bit her. With one hand he pinned her to the bed, as he swiftly removed her nightshirt with the other. Suz let out a moan as he ran his hand over her body slowly bringing it down to rest on the inside of her thigh.

"I thought I might take advantage of you. That is if you don't mind," Donnie laughed as Suz squirmed beneath him. "Uh uh. Don't make me get the handcuffs out. Behave!"

Leaning his mouth down, Donnie kissed Suz deeply. She moaned as he released her hands and began stroking her upper thigh lightly. He pulled back from the kiss and stared into her eyes. Suz's breath caught as she saw all the love Donnie felt reflected in his hazel eyes. Reaching up she pulled him back to her for another kiss.

Suz ran her tongue over Donnie's lips silently asking for entrance. He parted his lips and allowed Suz to deepen the kiss at her own pace. She trailed her hands over his shoulders and down his back. Arching her back, Suz pressed her hips into Donnie's causing him to moan at her contact with his obvious desire. Donnie moved his hand from Suz's thigh to cover her most sensitive area.

Donnie smiled as he realized that Suz was already dripping wet. He parted her damp curls as he slipped his fingers into her. He stroked her first slowly, teasing her by gently rubbing his thumb over her clit. Then faster and harder as he felt her release coming on. He ravaged Suz’s mouth as he felt her tighten up around his fingers as she came.

When her breathing had returned to normal, Suz pushed Donnie over on his back. Crawling over his body, she removed his pajama bottoms, still amazed that he wore nothing under them. She pushed Donnie's hands away as he reached to pull her up to cover his body with hers.

"Behave! I know where the handcuffs are too!" Suz laughed. Leaning down, she slowly began flicking her tongue over the head of Donnie's throbbing dick.

Donnie growled and tried to grab her again only to have Suz push his hands away again.

"I mean it D. Just enjoy," Suz said as she grabbed his dick and took as much as she could of him in her mouth. She worked her way slowly up and down his shaft, listening to him moan in pleasure as she gently scraped her teeth upwards. She looked at Donnie's face and would have smiled if her mouth had not been busy. The look of sheer pleasure on his face got Suz hot all over again.

Donnie's eyes flew open as he felt Suz's mouth leave him. He chuckled deeply as he saw she was positioning her self over him. He fought the urge to turn her over and drive himself deeply into her. He wanted this to be all for Suz. He refused to take control. He wanted her to know how much he loved her. Even if it meant giving her control now.

Donnie watched Suz's face as she lowered herself onto him. Placing her hands on his chest, Suz began rocking back and forth. She leaned down and kissed him. Then she sat back and placed her hands on his upper thighs as she began to rock harder and faster. Donnie placed his hands on her hips and thrust up to meet her thrust for thrust. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold on. Suz's moaning and crying out his name was pushing him towards his released. He felt Suz begin to tighten up around his dick and her body begin to shudder as she came. Donnie pulled her all the way down on him as he thrust deeply into her one last time, cumming with her.

After they had calmed down, Suz suggested a shower before Donnie took her to the airport. Donnie laughed at her and told her if they showered together she would miss her flight. She agreed and went to get ready to go.


Donnie pulled Suz tightly against him and kissed her deeply taking her breath away. "That should guarantee that you don't forget me. And I hope it makes you want to hurry back."

"That kiss could almost make me stay here. Almost," Suz laughed as she pulled out of his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you. But I'll have a surprise for you when you get back." Donnie handed Suz her ticket. "I love you baby."

Suz almost cried as she heard Donnie say that. He had never told her that before. "I love you too. Don't go filling my spot while I'm away."

"No one could ever fill your spot Suz. You have a piece of my heart that no one could ever try to take. Now go before you miss this flight. But hurry home."


That had only been a week ago. But to Donnie it felt like it had been a lifetime ago. What did he do to deserve this to happen? He had planned everything down to the smallest detail. The phone call he received just hours after leaving the airport had changed his life forever.

Removing his glasses, Donnie wiped the solitary tear that ran down his cheek. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small case. He sat down and let all his tears finally fall.

"Baby, I miss you so much. I can't believe that this had to happen to us. I was going to give you this when you came home. But I guess this is how you have to get it now."

Finally standing up, Donnie placed a single red rose on the head stone and pulled the ring out of the box. "I bought this for you but I guess I'll never get to place it on your finger. I love you and I will always love you. I'll miss forever. You were just taken from me too soon. It seems the good things are always gone too soon."