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January 10, 2001-February 15, 2001

Thursday, February 15, 2001


Rules Updated
Posted 5:04CST by Mado
I updated the rules because I had some good ideas sent in. If I haven't emailed you back about your ideas within a week, then you most likely didn't get any money. Here are the rule updates:
If you die five times, then the only way to come back is to be wished back, if you are not wished back, then you have to start over again. If you are not wished back within two weeks, then you have to start over, you have no choice. If this happens to you, you can keep your character name.
A new spaceship, a Duugos Spaceship that has an anti-gravity machine on it that can go up to 80x gravity.
A Devil's star comes close enough to the planet that the Devil is on and it multiplies the Devils' on that planet powerlevel by twelve. The star comes within range of each planet the fifth of every month. The Devil can control themselves in this form.
There will be tournaments in the Next Demension, it will be anounced when these will be.
Those are all of the ideas so far, and all of the ideas I can tell you about (I can't tell you about new moves and things like that).

Thursday, February 15, 2001


No Dragonball X
Posted 3:53CST by Mado
Sorry Chuy- IT IS JUST A RUMOR, actually it isn't real at all but just another Fan Fic... I know I use ta think Dragonball AF was real too- which brings me to my point,"ONLY 3 Dragonballs existed: DB, DBZ, and DBGT. All other are only rumors due to VERY WELL DRAWN CHAR'S, So take my word for it and I'll c ya!
-Rewn Casanova

Wednesday, February 14, 2001


Dragonball X?
Posted 6:33pmCST by Mado
It is rumored that Akira Toriyama is/has made a new series of dragon ball called Dragon Ball X, Im still not sure but I think in Mexico it already came out. Submitted by Chuy.

Wednesday, February 14, 2001


DBZ Games by Infogames
Posted 6:30pmCST by Mado
I got some more info for the new DBZ Games by Infogrames, They will be games for PS2 AND PSone. So there's no need to worry if you have Either one... No more info available at the moment? More info to come as soon as I get it.

Monday, February 12, 2001


Mado Martial Arts Tournament
Posted 7:30pmCST by dast
The new MADO MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT is about to begin so sign up now, just email me at my NEW EMAIL:, The Mado Martial Arts Tournament has a lil' different rules though,
2: Fall outta da ring, you lose.
3: You can blow off limbs...and you will lose them permently, Unless you know regeneration or wish em' back.
5. If you have won a tournment of any kind you cannot participate in the Mado Martial Arts Tournament.
There will also be a Team Tournament...BUT, you can only participate in one or the other, and it's played like a tag team match.
Prizes: Single Player Mado Tournament: 10,000 and all the mado dragon balls.
Team Players Mado Tournament: 5,000 to each player. Please email me if ya'd like to participate.

Sunday, February 11, 2001


World Martial Arts Tournament
Posted 7:30pmCST by Mado
We finished up the World Martial Arts Tournament today. The winner was Sion, and he got 10,000 credits and all seven of the Earth Dragonballs. It was a good tournament, I had fun anyway. I wish more people had signed up though. Oh well, I think everybody had fun, it was our first successful tournament. Anyway, that's it.

Wednesday, February 7, 2001


Dast's players
Posted 11:41amCST by Dast
Okay i'll the people i've been updating, i want you to email the last thing you emailed me.See i did something and erased everyone from my buddy list and email by accident and while i was fixing that i let my email sit and it all got erased so if all the people would also include their aol instant messanger screen name with there email please do, im sorry for the inconvience and the past emails i have missed -dast -dast

Monday, February 5, 2001


World Martial Arts Tournament Notice
Posted 5:48pmCST by Mado
Your last chance to email me if you want to be in the World Martial Arts Tournament is today. The tournament will start this Friday. I will email each of you that signed up and tell you when your battle is. The tournament will most likely be Friday and Saturday. I will email everyone tomorrow (hopefully) and tell you what time and day your match is. If you're not going to be able to make it at any time Friday or Saturday, tell me and we can schedule your match on Sunday. If you're not going to be able to make it at all this weekend, then please email me and tell me so I can take you off of the list of participants.

Wednesday, January 31, 2001


Ref Email Change
Posted 3:48pmCST by Ryujin
My new e-mail is, my Juno account wasn't working so all of my members on Planet Frieza and Vegeta re-email me at my new email.

Tuesday, January 30, 2001


World Martial Arts Tournament
Posted 7:21pmCST by Mado
I'm home from school sick today, so I get to do some updating! Heh, exciting. Anyway, very soon (within two weeks) there will be a World Martial Arts Tournament on Earth. Everyone who can get to Earth or who is already on Earth is invited. I will email each of you individually, telling you when your match will be. If you want to be in the tournament, email me and I'll be able to get this tournament going. The prize will be 10,000 credits and all seven of the Earth's Dragonballs. Don't worry if you have some of the Dragonballs right now, after the tournament you'll get them back ;o)

Friday, January 27, 2001


Vote For Us!!
Posted 7:21pmCST by Mado
Everything's going pretty good guys. Except I have a feeling none of you are voting for Planet Mado on the topsites. Come on guys! Start voting!!! Of course if you don't, I'm not gonna force you to, but if I figure out how, I may make it so if you vote for Planet Mado, then you get something out of it, like a powerlevel boost or a good item. As soon as I figure out how I can do it properly, I will. And if you don't feel like voting for us, then tell anyone you know who likes dbz to check out this site. Or if you have a website, then link this to yours, or maybe we can be affiliates. Thats it, but please start voting.

Friday, January 26, 2001


DBZ Video Game
Posted 9:46pmCST by Mado
Infogrames is currently in the pre-production phase of game development and as such, are focusing on putting the finishing touches on game design documents and acquiring necessary approvals. News from, submitted by Rewn. "Oh yeah the game will MOST LIKELY be a Sony(PS2/PSone) one."

Friday, January 19, 2001


Buu Saga
Posted 6:54pmCST by Mado
I got another news update from Rewn, thanks Rewn. He said, "The Buu Sagga Comes to the U.S. on Cartoon Network this Fall/Late Summer..." There ya go, that kinda makes me mad though, I was hoping it would come earlier...Cartoon Network shoulda just started over at the Saiyan Saga since its gonna be so long till the Buu Saga...

Thursday, January 18, 2001


Dragonball Z Movies
Posted 8:32pmCST by Mado
I got a news update from a member, here it is, "There will be NEW DBZ Movies available sometime this Spring through Winter this year, the movies will be Movie's: 4 5 and 6 I fergot the names though..." I trust this is correct, so there ya go. Oh, and to give the person who submitted credit, it was Rewn.

Wednesday, January 10, 2001


Rules Updated
Posted 7:50pm CST by Mado
I updated the rules page. There is now a set amount of powerlevel for sparring/training with a person and a master. I also raised how many credits you get for winning in a lethal battle, it is now 700 instead of 200, I had some complaints about how hard it was to get money, so I changed it. And just in case you guys don't know, if the news page isn't updated, that doesn't mean your character's stats aren't updated or your ref hasn't updated you, it just means that there is nothing important to tell you guys.

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