Amy Lui Hello!
This is Amy, Junior Editor for, the internet's authority
hub for spiritual related web sites. Welcome, and congratulations on such a
wonderful site =).
As part of my new job here at Spirit and Sky, I spend my time visiting
sites and giving awards to those that deserve it.
So congratulations for having a VERY relevant, on-topic site, and thank you
for making the internet a better place! :)
This is no small matter. This directory, with over 100,000 links, has
strict guidelines and your site has earned this exclusive, high-end
distinction. You may display this award anywhere on your web site, either
with or without a link to us. You can download the award, or let our server
host it, either way is fine, it's your award, you earned it. Congratulations!
Your site is listed here:
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:01:12 -0500
From: Amy Lui
Subject: Top Spiritual Site Award 2005