I haven't built a sideboard for this deck yet ... or added new cards from Prophecy either, so it will change over the next couple weeks or so. It plays well now though! I'm still experimenting with creatures. I like Rhox and Rushwood Elementals a LOT but I might add a couple Avatar of Mights to it. This deck generates a ton of mana - so it is possible to cast almost anything I decide to put into it.
My friend Jose is using 4 Predator Flagships in his deck instead of the Power Matrixes - gets VERY annoying to play against unless you have counterspells or regenerating creatures or some way of eliminating the Flagships - Desert Twisters work great against them :o) Actually, Jose deserves the credit for designing this deck. I only built it because he was consistently beating my Red and Black decks with his version of it (but mine is still better lol).
The deck works very simply. 1) Use the Land Grants and Claims to strip the land out of the deck so the card draws get progressively better. 2) Start dropping big nasty stompy creatures. 3) Use the Artifacts and Invigorates to win combats and deal extra damage to the opponent. 4) Use the Desert Twisters to reduce any threats to rubble. I've been playing it without a sideboard for a few weeks now - only has trouble against Blue decks so far (because of their countering ability). Will update this page after I get into Prophecy a bit more :o)