This Deck wins by fast fliers, unblockable creatures, discard effects
... and the new racks. It achieves card advantage via the discard effects and the Attritions.
Discarding cards by my opponent yields control as well (Ya can't play it if ya ain't got it lol). Recommended against almost any of the top
tier stragedies because it's very disruptive. OH! the agony!!!
The Attritions are great in this deck ... I'll play a Rat - you lose a card ... then, I'll pay a B and sac the Rat to kill your Masticore (or Colossus lol) ... bwahahahahaha!!!
The sideboard needs work because I hardly ever have to use it lol.
The Engineered Plagues are there for use against Goblins and Elves etc. and to buy some time
when needed to let the racks work. The Soul Feasts are great finishers
against Worship.
I might add a couple of Thran Lens for use against White
protection stuff ... hmmm ... and I'm gonna substitute a couple Defense Grids for the Persecutes. Unnerve is just better than Persecute in this deck becaause it always gets rid of cards in my opponent's hand.