This Deck is pretty slow lol - but it's great phun. It wins with
cheesy fliers after early threats have been removed with the Powder Kegs
and a Masticore. If anything good comes out I try to steal it with the
Guilded Drake/Barrin combo - geez they hate that (bwahahahahahaha ...).
I run no counters in the main deck for 2 reasons: 1. Everyone expects
them and thinks I'm getting bad draws (lol), and 2. It leaves room for
more phun stuff!
Recommended as a metagame option in tournament because of its control
ability and because it's great phun to play. Early speed decks are it's
weakness - but it rules over Sneak Attacks because of the speed match.
It is a phun alternative to playing with Treachery/Confiscate.
The sideboard handles combo decks and offers limited protection from
Red and Green.