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ok, on to my point of this page... I have been talking to a lot of people about this, and this page is mostly going to be me ranting and raving. I don't think it's right the way Lance is treated. I don't know where the other members of NSYNC get off making fun of him all the time, I really don't. In my opinion, Lance is the only member in this group with a shred of decency or respect in him.

I have this Lance Conspiracy Theory. I don't even think Lance likes being a member of this group. He doesn't socialize with the others that much, and when he does, they treat him like shit. What, is he not good enough because his favorite pasttime isn't picking up skanks, sleeping with them and throwing them away, just because "he can?" Or, is he not good enough because he's not the most athletic member of the group, or beasue he's quiet, becasue he's actually NICE? Is that it? I don't know.

Lately, I have just been getting really pissed off about all of this, and I need to vent about it to someone, so, you guys are it. Although this might not make sense, I don't care I have to write it out. It just really bothers me when I see these guys together.. and I see Lance "left out" I see him as so sweet and innocent, and sure, he likes what he is doing. But, I don't think he enjoys doing it with the 4 guys he's with.

I'm not saying they aren't friends, or that they don't like Lance. Just that he doesn't seem comfortable around these guys. And, it seems like they don't care. All right, now you are wondering.. WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF THIS NONSENSE RAMBLING, right?

Well, there really IS no point. Except that I really feel strongly about this, and I get really upset when I watch NSYNC appearances and see the looks on Lance's face. I'm not trying to get anyone else to think this way, I just had to get this out. That's all.

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