NSYNC At The Movies

(Justin, JC, Chris and Lance walk into an Orlando movie theater. They take a quick look around and walk straight to the ticket booth.)

JC -Ok what movie do you guys want to see?

Lance -Notting Hill, Notting Hill, Please for the love of god lets see Notting Hill.

JC (ignoring Lance) SO.........what movie do you guys want to see?

Justin -Ah want to see Don't Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood!

JC (rolling his eyes) Justin, that movie hasn't been in theaters since 1994!

Justin But... Ah'm Justin! (he makes whimpering sounds and then lays his head on Chris' shoulder)

Chris- Hey why don't we see Wild Wild West? Wiggy Wild Wild... wiggy wiggy wild wild...

JC -Ok so that will be 3 adult tickets and 1 child. (stares pointedly at Justin who is now checking himself out in the theater window)

Justin (turns towards JC) What?

Lance -Hey has any one seen Joey lately?

Chris -No that's why everything is going so well. Hahaha! I'm good!

(Just then Joey walks up behind Chris, he has a confused look on his face, more then usual)

Lance -Where the hell have you been?

Joey -Sorry guys but I got stuck in the elevator.

(All the guys turn towards each other and exchange confused looks)

Chris -But Joey........the theater only has one floor....there is no elevator..

(Joey scratches his head and goes off into the corner to think about this)

JC -Ok so that's gonna be 3 adult tickets and 2 children. I'm gonna go buy the tickets.

(JC heads off in the opposite direction of the ticket booth, and towards the bath room)

(Justin, Lance and Chris walk over to the snack bar to grab some munchies)

Chris -I'll have a jumbo popcorn, soda and a box of gummi worms.

Justin -Me too. Lance do you want anything?

Lance -No thanks, I'm watching my figure, besides all that oil in the popcorn is bad for my complexion.

Chris-Yea, it could actually bring some color to your skin if you're not careful.

(Chris reaches for his wallet but Justin stops him)

Justin -That's ok I'll pay for it.

Chris (in a high pitched girly voice) -Oh Justin you treat me so well!!!!!!

(Justin quickly moves away from Chris and pays for the food)

Lance (looking around) -Where's Joey at now??

Chris -Why do you always want to know where he is, you're the only one who cares.

(Lance stares menacingly at Justin who apologizes for Joey's disappearance and Chris' smart remark. He then moves away from Lance)

Chris -Forget Joey, Where's JC? Lance, you should go and look for him.

Lance -What if someone sees me?

(Chris and Justin look at each other and exchange a confused look)

Lance -I might get mobbed......

(Chris and Justin are still confused)

Lance -.....by fans.

(Chris and Justin burst out laughing)

Justin -Dat's so funny.......come on, Lance... quit playing.. By fans?? Now, dat is comedy!

(Lance pulls Justin away by his collar mumbling something about Mississippi. Chris wanders away to look for the others)

Chris -Joey?! JC?! Dumbass?! Crackhead? Where the hell are they....

(Chris stumbles upon Joey who is right outside the theater trying to pick up a Mulan poster. After convincing him that the poster is not interested they turn and walk back in side)

Joey -There's JC, did he get the tickets or what?

JC -Hey there you guys are.

Joey and Chris -Where are the tickets?

JC (sniffing)-Oh I knew I forgot something, I mean I couldn't find the line.

Joey (turning and pointing)-There it is! There it is! There it is! I WIN!, Johnny, what do I win?

JC (smacking Joey upside his head)-I'm not Johnny you moron!

Joey (going into robot mode)-No I don't have a girlfriend Johnny, and I've never had sex or even kissed a girl. The fans are my girlfriends actually...

Chris -You don't have to say that now, we only have to say that in interviews. When no one's around you don't have to pretend that you don't know what girls are and I don't have to pretend I'm straight.

(JC and Joey look over at Chris)

Chris -I mean.........crazy.

(JC and Joey inch away from Chris. Just then Lance and Justin walk up behind them. Lance is reapplying his "chapstick" and cracking his knuckles.. Justin is crying)

JC -Are ya'll ready to see a movie or what?

Joey -You forgot to buy the tickets remember?

JC-OH YEA, I'll do that now.

(Just them JC's pager goes off, he quickly checks the number)

JC -UMMM.... that's my doctor Jay-Rome. He needs to refill my...ummm........my..... DAMNIT!!!......I'll be right back!

(JC heads off towards the pay phone, but stops at the bathroom AGAIN)

Lance-I'll go buy the tickets.

(Lance heads off towards the ticket line. As soon as he is out of sight, Chris quickly embraces Justin)

Chris-Did he hurt you? Lance is such a meanie, are you ok?

Justin-Stop yo, why you always gotta be up on me? I'll be fine.

Chris-Just remember to stay clear of Lance when he is venting.

Justin-Yea, Yea, whateva, just get off me yo.

(Joey pulls Chris back from Justin)

Justin -Thanks dawg...

Chris-You're welcome, anytime Justy!

Justin -Ah was talkin' ta Joey.

Joey -If you really wanna thank me, you can give me your popcorn and gummi worms.

(Justin holds his food out, Joey snatches it up. JC comes walking up behind Chris)

JC (smiling)-Today is a great day isn't it?

Chris -Oh Jerome has got some for ya, huh?

JC -I have no idea what you're talking about!

Joey-Your doctor Jerome?

JC -No, he's my dru.......YEA, YEA, you're right...doctor!..um.. Where's Lance?

Joey -Nice save... He's buying tickets, here he comes.

(Lance hands the other 4 their tickets, and knowing Lance they all look down at the tickets)

JC -No way! I step away for a minute and now we're seeing Notting Hill.

Justin -Return them forreal. I wanna see mah homie Will Smith.

Lance -I can't, it's Ladies Night and for some reason he gave me the tickets half off, and there is no refunds and no exchanges.

Chris -I'm not seeing this girly film.

Joey -I don't know Julia Roberts is kinda hot.

Chris -Shut up!

Joey-I will if you give me your popcorn and gummi worms.

(Chris holds out his food and Joey snatches it up)

Lance -Listen I want to see Notting Hill and I will see Notting Hill, and so will all of ya'll, weather you like it or not. Catch my drift?!

JC,Justin, Chris and Joey -Yes Lance, whatever you say. We're sorry...

So *NSYNC saw Notting Hill, When the movie was over Lance came out crying and Justin came out laughing. Joey and Chris came out in the midst of their ongoing popcorn fight that went through the entire movie and JC was left in the theater; he fell asleep right after the previews.

THE END Stephanie and ~Brianne

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