Look at my Lance, he is just so adorable! I love him here.
I took this about 2 seconds later, I like to call this my "Lance Giraffe" picture. Look at the size of his Adam's apple! lol.
Here it is again, JC Shh-Zay.. he looks too good here! Ya see that hand? That belongs to the nastiest girl you are ever going to see. The girl was just gross and she smelled.. I wanted to beat her. Shh-Zay is that close to us, and she is looking up at him SCREAMING
Yes, It was obnoxious. And, if you see this you stupid fool
Whoopee, It's Juju. Truthfully, when I got my pics developed I was stumped as to how this got in there. I do not remember taking this pic. I don't even know why I would waste my film on Justin, but, here it is, Justin raising the roof.
The actual pic to this looks a LOT better. It wouldn't upload regular size, so I just cut them out. There was no one else in it anyway, except a REAL HOT security guard. I think it's funny though, cause It's Joey and Lance proving my theory again...
Here's Scuz.. he broke his fingers at the concert. I took this pic about 2 seconds before I realized Shh-Zay was 2 inches away from me. After I noticed that, sorry Scuz, but I took no more pictures of you, I stopped looking at him altogether. I do have two more of him from before this though.
This is me on the way home from Virginia Beach. It was so hot, and I drove past this sign, and it said 98º, so I turned my car around, and stood there with my 98º CD cover to get this pic taken. But, the sign would only say 99º, so my girl had to stand with the camera for like 5 minutes waiting for it to say 98º again.. I know, I'm nuts.
I bet he doesn't remember, but I took Lance to the beach in Ocean City. You can't really tell, but that is my "Lance In My Pocket" book, enjoying the ocean. If he only knew I actually took the thing on vacation with me, and took the time to take it to the beach and get this pic. You should of seen the looks we were getting from people. Notice the footprints.. lol, they are Lance's.