*NSYNC's REAL Thank You's

Ever wonder what they REALLY had on the album cover as their Thank You's? Yeah.. well, I got the hook up, yaknowwhatimsayin? And I got a hold of their Thank You's... before Lou changed them.
JC's Thank You's

Well, first and foremost, I would like to thank Jerome. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Without you I wouldn't be able to make it through the day! Really I wouldn't. You are an inspiration to me. I love you man. Next, I would like to thank my mother for introducing me to Bobbi. They went to High School together! Class of 68' awww yeah! Go Mom! Go Bobbi! Wow.. I just realized me girlfriend is old.

Anyway, I also want to thank:

AJ McLean, for banging nasty Nikki and giving me an excuse to leave her.

The magic that is airbrushing, for having the ability to take away the gritty and make my teeth pretty.

All former MMC members! MMC Forever!

The Backstreet Boys, for letting Lance be on their team in the charity game.

Transcon, for letting me sign my contract for only 4 years. Therefore allowing me to go solo in 2002.

Lou, for buying me that whip so I can "Keep the boys in line" on the road.

I also want to thank Lou for telling me to say "Respect Everyone" on the Disney Concert! Damn.. that gave me a really good rep! Way to go Lou.

If I forgot you, I'm terribly sorry.

Love, JC "WWJD Respect Everyone Crack/Caffeine" Chasez. (My name is pronounced Shhhhhh-Zay Damnit! Shhhhh-Zay) Ya got that?!? The FREAKING 'Z' at the end is SILENT!!!!! Thank You.

Justin's Thank You's

Yo, Yo, Yo. Peep dis. First, Ah wanna thank Lou. Dayum! If it won't fo you, I'd probably be gittin no bitches right now. But Lou be hookin' me up, now ah gots so many bitches, it's off da hook. Plus, becuz of you ah'm now makin mad paper! Mad bills! I'm gettin' paid bay-bee! Oh Mah Gawt! Ah wanna thank Mercedes. Mercedes Benz, dat is. Lets all have a moment of silence fo mah Benz, foreal. Silence. Aiight, bump dat. Ah wanna thank Puffy, Snoop, BIG, Dre, and all my otha bruthas fo bein such inspirations on my ass.

Ah also need ta be thankin':

Brit-nay.. wassup girl? You be givin me TOO much lovin, but you need to stop stalkin mah ass, ah mean dat.

Lance, for always givin my ass someone to pick on while we on da road.

Joe-Dawg, fo bein da only one besides me dats all about pickin up da women!

Mah mom, for bein so 'close' (yaknowhatimsayin) ta Lou, which hooked me up wit all dem solos.

Das it. Nah, Ah forgot. I gotsa be thankin GOD. For spendin a little mo time on me. Justin Randall Timberlake.(You know mah name bitch!)

If I forgot ya'll when ah was writin dis... den dat means ya ain't shit. Boo Ya!

Lance's Thank You's

First I would like to thank the state of Mississippi. Cuz I'm from Mississippi. Then, I would like to thank the Confedarate Army of the Civil War, for losing and enabling Mississippi to become a state. I'm from Mississippi. I want to thank Danielle. She is beautiful... no, not really, but she stops all those nasty rumors about me being a woman.

Other Thank You's:

Toby, for always being there when I needed a friend. I love you and I miss you.

The fine corporation of AVON. You give me reading material while I'm on the road.

All my fans, Brittany, Aline (not pronounced Alien!), Autumn and Gin. That is them, all my fans. All 4 of them.


The line "Girl Were You Alone." I want to thank that line. If not for that line, I would've probably been thanking 0 fans, instead of my 4.

If I forgot you, I'm sorry, it's not my fault... I'm From Mississippi.

Sincerely, James Lance "Lansten Sir-Lance-A-Hot" Bass.

Chris's Thank You's

Heeeeeyyy! I wanna thank first off BUSTA! Yeah, he's the man! He's crazy! I'm crazy! Yeah! I would also like to thank my body double that does all the concerts for me, Lord knows I'm too old to dance like that! Yee-haw! Next, I wanna thank Rita, she keeps my hair looking radical! Cowabunga! Wait... are those words still popular slang? Oh well, when I was a kid...

I also wanna say WHASSUP to:

My wife and children. I love you!

Whoever invented Viagra and Rogaine, you are my savior.

Yo momma. Hhahahahah... I thanked YO MAMMA! Damn, I am SO funny!

Justin. I want to thank him for always being there when I need someone to cuddle.

My Playstation.

Signing off Captain ~ Craaaaaazy "SCUZ" Chris!!!!!!!!!!

Joey's Thank You's

Hi. Actually, I have alot of peeple to thanck. This might seem weerd. But, I want too thanck all the ladees that give me sumthing too look forword to in the morning. More ladees. You know who you are. All 15,054,627,279,174,562 of you. Next I want to thanck the Tastteekake company. They make good food. I also want to thanck the fone number 1-800-ABCDEFG. Look how good it teached me to rite. I am getting good at this reeding and riting stuff now. Dont you thinck?

More Thanck Yous

Steven. Without him I wood have nobody to look in the crowd for the bootifull girls when I am on stage. He always picks me a purty one.

The Free Klinik. I hopefully hope they still let me come there even thow I make lotsa monee now. They are nice persons.

All the ladees. I luv you all, and I give yoo presents too proove it. Sometimes the presents hurt and itch and burn, but I give them to yoo cause I love you.

SUPERMAN. I can spell SUPERMAN perfect. I love SUPERMAN. I am SUPERMAN. If any ladees want to see me in my kape, just page me. 1-800-IMA-PIMP.

If I forgot yoo. I am sorrie. But, I have truble with this riting sumtimes.

Love, Lotsa Love, Yes, I Mean YOO BUTIFULL! SUPERMAN.

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