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Pikachu's Place

Welcome To Pikachu's Place!This Is A Spot Dedicated To Pikachu!

Pika! Pika!

Pikachu Is About 1'04" Tall And Weighs About 13.0 lb,He Is Pokémon Number 25 And His Pokédex Entry Is:When Several Of These Pokémon Gather,Their Electricity Could Build And Cause Lightning Storms.


Pikachu Is Also Known As An Electric Mouse,In The TV Show,Pikachu Is Ash's First Pokémon,Also In The Upcoming Yellow Version Of Pokémon He Will Be Ash's First Pokémon.In The TV Show,Pikachu Refuses To Go In His Poké Ball And Is Always In Threat To Being Stolen By Team Rocket.

Pika Pi Pikachu!

By Using A Thunderstone,Pikachu Evolves Into An Electric Pokémon Called Raichu,Raichu Gets To Be About 2'07" Tall And Weighs About 66.0 lb,He Is Pokémon Number 26 And His Pokédex Entry Is:Its Long Tail Serves As A Ground To Protect Itself From Its Own High Voltage Power.

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