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Team Rocket HQ Branch Office

Team Rocket will rule the world!  BWAHAHA!  ^_~

Meowth is the coolest Pokemon.
Name: Meowth
Age: 5 years old
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 9.0 lb
Interests: Money, food, bowling, rare Pokemon (esp. Pikachu)

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This is my Meowth. Isn't he cute! Say hi to all the nice people, Meowth!

Awww! He's so sweet! Thank you, Pokemon Adoption Agency!

Hello and welcome to my magnificent Team Rocket Headquarters. I'm James, from Team Rocket. Whooppee!!
Please feel free to look around while we snatch your Pokemon!

The One and Only Team Rocket Motto (It never gets old, does it?)

Prepare for trouble.
Make that double.
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth, that's right!
Jesse, James, and Meowth

And Here Is The Team Rocket Song!

You know us as Team Rocket, and we fight for what is wrong!
We're tired of our motto, so we thought we'd try this song!
The speed of light, prepare to fight!
Meowth, that's right!
I am the handsome one!
I'm the gorgeous one!
Looking good is lots of fun.
We get some things wrong, but we keep rolling along!
We want to catch that Pikachu,
We hope to do it soon,
And when we do,
We'll be the new stars of this. . .

Woo-hoo!! I just love that song!

And Here Is The Team Rocket Motto From Pokémon Fashion Flash!

Jesse: To protect the world from boring fashion!
James: To dress all people with flash and passion.
Jesse: To give all Pokémon pretty faces!
James: To extend our art to outer spaces!
Jesse: Jesse!
James: James!
Jesse: Salon Rocket -- When it comes to chic, we know what's right!
James: Surrender your taste or prepare to fight.

Prepare to fight!

James is such a bishounen.  ^_^

Team Rocket is the best!  Way better than all the rest!

Top 10 ways to see if you like Team Rocket TOO much

Neat Links To Visit

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