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Wounds: 1d6+7    
Move: 4    
Weapon Skill: 4 Damage Dice: 1
Ballistic Skill: 6+ Luck: 0
Strength: 3(6) Willpower: 4
Toughness: 3 (5) Skills: 0
Initiative: 4 Pin: 6+
Attacks: 1    


Equipment: The Questing Knight has the Questing Favour Equipment Card.
Weapon: The Questing Knight carries a Broadsword, which adds +3 to his Strength when fighting, so it causes 1d6+6 Wounds.
Armour: Knightly Armour and a shield, giving him +2 Toughness.
Pinning: The Knight escapes from pinning on a roll of 6+.
Special rules: See below for special rules.


ENEMY'S WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TO HIT FOE 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5


The Knight's Quest is to find and recover a lost relic from the dungeon. Roll one dice before the adventure starts to see what kind of relic he seeks:

   1-2  Magic Sword

   3-4  Magic Armour

   5-6  Magic Item

If any treasure is found in the dungeon, and it is of the kind that the Knight seeks, roll d6 to see if it is the actual relic. On a score of 5+ it is the very relic and he can rightfully claim it.

If the Knight already has his fair share of treasure, he can leave one item behind to obtain the required relic, or swap an item with another Warrior. The other Warrior will be so impressed by the Knight's Quest that he will hand it over without argument. The Knight will not be able to use this item (to fight with, say, in the case of a magic sword), for he has sworn to return it safely.


As the Knight takes the relic, he is overcome with a glorious vision of his Quest fulfilled. Fortified anew, the Knight is even more determined to return the relic to its true place. Roll a dice to see what effect this righteous vision has upon him.

  1-3    1d6+2 extra Wounds

  4-6    1d6 extra Attacks

Extra Wounds - Increase the Knight's current Wounds score by the number rolled, even if it temporarilly takes the Knight above his maximum Wounds score.

Extra Attacks - These are one use only Attacks. They may be used at any time during the adventure, in the same or separate turns, as the Knight sees fit.

These extra Wounds or Attacks are not permanent increases to the Knight's characteristics - once used up they are gone.


 The Questing Favour is a magical token given to the Knight by a fair damsel in the hope of bringing him luck in his Quest. At the start of the adventure, roll a d6 and cunsult the table below to see which lady's Favour he has received, and what effect it has.

Questing Favour Table d6         Result

1. The Village Milkmaid's Favour. Re-roll one dice roll this adventure.

2. Brigitte de Bastonne's Favour. +1 to Pinning Roll (e.g. so a 6+ becomes a 5+) for this adventure.

3. La Belle Isabeau de Quenelles' Favour. +1d6 Toughness for one turn.

4. Blancheflor de Brionne's Favour. +1d6 Strength for one turn.

5. Queen of Bretonnia's Favour. +1 to hit for this adventure.

6. Fay Enchantress' Favour. Re-roll once any missed to hit rolls in a single turn.


Honourable Weapons 

The Questing Knight has sworn an oath to always fight in a fair and just manner. As a result, he will never use any form of missile weapon, but will always seek to engage his foe in hand-to-hand combat. To this end he may use any hand weapon, but prefers the Broadsword. 

Knight's Broadsword 

Wielding the Broadsword while wearing Knightly Armour is very tiring, and if the Knight strikes and kills a monster with one blow, the death-blow is resolved as follows. 

  If the death-blow hits and kills the next monster, it will carry on as usual. However, if it continues against the next monster, and the beast has a Toughness 3 or more, the Knight counts -1 on his next hit roll, before resolving damage as usual. If this kills the monster, the Knight's to hit roll against the next monster in the way of his death-blow is made at -2, and so on (-3, -4, etc). Any monster in the sequence with a Toughness less than 3 does not impose a penalty.



The Knight may use a weapon other than the Broadsword as long as it is either a sword, an axe or a mace. It is dishonorable for the Knight to use missile weapons, magic other than magical hand-to-hand weapons, magic armour or a healing potion.


The Questing Knight lives by the Codes of Chivalry. It is up to you to play your Knight in an honourable way; there are no rules which compel you to do a certain act or stop you from doing something. However, as you go down dungeons, complete adventures and visit distant lands there will be occasions where your Knight's honourable behaviour is recognized. In Warhammer Quest, this is represented by Honour Points.

  However, if you perform a valiant deed or complte a quest successfully you gain Honour Points. If you act in a cowardly manner or perform a dishonourable deed you will lose Honour Points; maybe even all of them! Keep a record of your Honour Points total on your Warrior record sheet. Honour Points are used to keep a track of the chivalrous deeds that a Knight has performed and are used to increase a Knight's chance of success in certain settlement locations.

  The Questing Knight may win Honour Points by valiant actions or lose them by cowardly actions. He may also win or lose Honour Points as a result of hazards, events and activities that can occur in a settlement.

Valiant Strike

If the Knight single-handedly slays a monster, the Knight gains 2d6 Honour Points for every 100 gold that the monster is worth. (This means if the monster is worth less than 100 gold the Knight won't gain any Honour Points; if it is worth 100 to 199 gold he gets 2d6 points and so on). According to the Knight's Code of Chivalry, there is far greater honour to be gained by slaying the biggest and most dangerous monsters in single combat, and not much honour at all in slaying hordes of Gobbos.

Cowardly Blow

If the Knight slays a monster which has been reduced to less wounds than his Battle-level by the other Warriors, the Knight loses d6 Honour Points for every 100 gold that the monster is worth.

Compleating an Adventure

If the Knight successfully completes an adventure he gains 1d6 x his Battle-level in Honour Points.

Failing an Adventure

If a Knight ever fails to complete an adventure but servives to fight another day, his Honour Points are halved!

Using a Missile Weapon

If the Knight breaks the rules of using dishonourable weaponry, such as a missile weapon of any type, his Honour Point total is immediately reduced by the gold value of the weapon! This penalty is applied every time he uses the weapon.

Poor Knight

A Knight with no gold is considered shabby and disreputed. If, during the course of an adventure, the Knight's gold total ever falls to zero, his Honour Points are halved. If he is away from society, down a dungeon for example, the Knight will not lose half of his Honour Points for being a poor Knight until he arrives at a settlement (with luck he will have obtainied more gold by then).

When the Knight gains more gold, his Honour Points are not restored - he must rebuild his Renown through more brave deeds!

Resisting Temptation

There are many temptations in this wicked world for a goodly Knight to resist! If the Knight visists the Alehouse he loses 2d6 Honour Points for being seen in such a disreputable place. If the Knight visists the Gambling House he loses 3d6 Honour Points not only for the dishonour, but for being a fool!

Of course, sometimes these are risks the Knight will have to take.


Honour Points count toward the Knight's Renown. Renown represents a particular Knight's reputation throughout the Old World, his fame, piety and courage - or lack of it. The number of Honour Points which the Knight has gained determines his Renown. Just like with Honour Points, you should keep a record of your Renown on your Warrior's record sheet. Your Renown will influence your chance of success at certain locations and in certain circumstances. Note that Renown can go down as well as up; a Knight who continually does dishonourable deeds will soon become scorned by the common peopl!

No Honour Points: Modest Renown

You have eaarned the reputation of a brave and honest Knight. The people in this barony have heard rumours of your exploits and show due and proper respect as you pass.

500-999 Honour Points: Widespread Renown

Your fame has spread throughout this part of the land. Nearly everybody has heard about your brave deeds. Fair damsels bat there eyelids at you in the streets as you approach and call out to you from windows. You may start to hear songs of your deeds being sung by minstrels.

1,000 Honour Points: Legendary Renown!

You have earned the reputation of a formidable and invincible Knight. everyone you meet has heard of you and minstrels stroll alongside you sining your praise in the street as you go on your way! If you lift your visor fair damsels rush to kiss you and give you tokens of their affection. Your way is strewn with flowers scattered by the townsfolk. All look up to you as a paragon of virtue and courage.


The Questing Knight has a knightly virtue common to all Bretonnian Knights. Protected by the Lady of the Lake and sure of the rightness of his quest, he has a certain protection against Fear and Terror dice rolls, according to the level of his Renown.


Meagre renown +2 +1
Modest renown +3 +2
Widespread renown +4 +2
Legendary renown Immune +3


When the Knight arrives in a settlement, he is honour-bound to visit the Baron's Castle to pay his respects, or must lose half of his current Honour Points.

Once he has visited the Baron's Castle, or paid the penalty, he may visit the General Store, the Temple, the Armourer, the Alehouse (but note the Honour Point penalty), the Gambling House (ditto), the Animal Trader or the Weaponsmith. The Knight follows all of the normal rules in the above locations, and rolls two dice with no modifications in the Alehouse. Whilst in a settlement, he may also search for a Grail Chapel. Each visit to any of these locations takes one day as usual, thought he may be detainedat the Baron's Castle for longer.


The Baron's Castle is a Special Location. Since even a village may have a castle, it can be found on a roll of 6 or more, instead of the usual score of 7 or more required to find the location.

If he finds a castle, the Knight will ride up to the drawbridge and announce himself to the guards. The guards will only lower the drawbridge and admit the Knight if they have already heard of him and his exploits. In other words only a Knight with enough Renown will be let in! However, if the Knight is truly famous, others may queu up to challenge him to a single combat in order to learn from him. If the Knight is admitted to the castle, the local Baron who lives in the castle, or whosoever is lord of the Settlement is honour bound to provide a feast for the Questing Knight.

Upon arriving at the Baron's Castle, roll 3d6 and cross reference it with your Knight's Renown on the Event table below to discover what happens:


Event Meagre Moderate Widespread Legendary
Refused Admittance 3-7 3-5 3-4 -
Challenged 8-10 6-9 5-7 3-6
Jousting 11-12 10-11 8-11 7-10
Hunting 13-14 12-14 12-14 11-13
Errand 15 15-16 15-17 14-17
Mistaken Identity 16-18 17-18 18 18


Whether it is a case of mistaken identity or your lack of Renown, when you announce yourself at the castle, the surly gatekeeper takes one look at you and says, 'Begone, you insignificant ruffiant!'  You must lose 2d6 Honour Points and leave; this counts as one day.


If you have a high Renown, all the other Knights of the Baron's Castle will want to challenge you to combat in order to be taught some new skill. If you have a low Renown, it is more likely that another Knight will challenge you just because they don't like your face.

  Either way, as you step through the gate, you are greeted by a Knight throwing his glove down at your feet and challenging you to meet him in single combat! If you are unlucky, or really famous, there may be more queling up behind him to do likewise.

  If you refuse this challenge, you must lose half of your Honour Points and leave the castle immediately. This counts as one day.

  If you accept, roll a d6, modifying it by -3 if you have Meagre Renown, -2 if Moderate, -1 if Widespread, and with a minimum score of 1. This is the number of Knights who challenge you.

  For each Knight, discover their Renown by rolling a d6 and comparing it to your Renown on the following table:


d6 Meagre Moderate Widespread Legendary
1 Meagre Meagre Meagre Moderate
2 Meagre Meagre Moderate Widespread
3 Meagre Moderate Moderate Widespread
4 Meagre Moderate Widespread Legendary
5 Moderate Widespread Widespread Legendary
6 Widespread Legendary Legendary Legendary


Decide the outcome of the combat by making a to hit roll against your opponent as if in regular combat. Your opponent's WS can be found by rolling a D6. +1 if they are of Meagre Renown, +2 if Moderate, +3 if Widespread and +4 if Legendary. If you fail to hit, they will strike back, and so on. The first Knight to make a successful hit is considered the winner. Roll 2D6 to determine the outcome of the fight:

2-8 First Blood

At the first wound, the fight is over. If you won. gain 2D6 Honour Points. If you lost, take 1 Wound and lose 2D6 Honour Points.

9-11 Serious Injury

After battering him to the ground and demanding he yield, the victor accepts his opponent's plea for mercy. If you won, gain 3D6 Honour points. If you lost, take D3 Wounds and lose 3D6 Honour.

12 Death

The fight continues to the death. If you won, gain 3D6 Honour Points. If you lost, your opponent shows you no mercy - you're dead!

Any Wounds will apply at the start of the following adventure; they will not be healed before it starts. If you survive this challenge you may have more fights to resolve! if you killed your last opponent, however, you rnay refuse any further fights without losing honour.

Once any challenges are resolved, you are allowed to stay for the Baron's feast. Tomorrow you may stay at the castle another day, roll again on the first table as if you have just arrived, rerolling any Refused Entry result. Alternatively, you may leave without dishour.


A tournament is being held at the castle. This is one of this foremost tournaments in this land and all the best knights wlll be there. Now you have turned up as well, everyone expects you to live up to your reputation and defend your honour on the tilting field.

You may face up to 6 opponents, but you must state how many you intend to face before starting your first bout.

The joust proceeds just like a Challenge. Determine the Renown of your opponent using the table in the previous section. Then decide the outcome of the combat by making a normal to hit roll. Your opponent's WS can be found by rolling a D6, + 1 if they are of Meagre Renown, + 2 if Moderate, + 3 if Widespread and +4 if Legendary. If you fall to hit, they will strike backed and so on. The Knight who strikes the first blow is considered the winner. Roll 2D6 to decide the outcome of the joust:

2-4 Unhorsed

A flick of a lance and one Knight goes flying. If you won, gain 3D6 Honour Points. If you were unhorsed, lose D6 Honour Points.

5-7 Unhorsed and Hurt

Lances clash and one Knight falls. If you won, gain 2D6 Honour Points. If you lost, take 1 Wound and lose 2D6 Honour Points.

8-9 Unhorsed and badly hurt

There is a deafening crash and one Knight lies still. If you won, gain 2D6 Honour Points. If you lost, lose D3 Wounds and 3D6 Honour Points.

10-11 Lance splinters

A lance snaps and slides under a breastplate. If you won, gain 2D6 Honour Points. If you lost, you must lose 1 Wound permanently and 3D6 Honour Points.

12 Death

The fight continues to the death. If you won, gain 2D6 Honour Points. If you lost, your opponent shows you no mercy - you're dead!

Any Wounds will apply at the start of the following adventure; they will not he healed before it starts. If you won a joust, you receive D6 x 10 gold. Also, you rnay receive a special Reward on a roll of 6 on one dice; if so, go to the Reward section below.

You may now have further opponents to fight if you are injured, you may choose not to fight any further opponents with no loss of honour. if you fight on despite an injury, gain D6 Honour Points. if you are unharmed and have further opponents lined up, you must fight them.

Once you have fought all or your opponents, you join the rest of the company for a lavish feast. Tomorrow you may stay at the castle another day: roll again on the first table as if you have just arrived, re-rolling any Refused Entry result. Alternatively, you may leave without dishonour.

1 The forest is very dense and you soon fall off your horse and look very foolish indeed. Back at the castle, the fairest damsels in all the land laugh at you and the jester composes a cheeky rhyme. There is mud on your armour! Lose 2D6 Honour Points.

2-3 The mighty beasts seem to be the fables of ignorant peasants. No beast can be tracked down and the biggest creature you see is a squirrel. Ride all day and get very saddle-sore for nothing.

4 Suddenly 'the great black boar' breaks cover and the peasant beaters flee headlong. Unfortunately it turns out to be a tiny piglet! A great belly laugh is enjoyed by all the company, but the escapade is only worth 1 Honour Point!

5-6 Suddenly the great red stag charges out of a thicket. The Baron's horse fleas but you confront the beast and slay it. You win 2D6 Honour Points. On a roll of 6 on one dice you may also receive a Reward; see that section below.


The Baron is obsessed with catching a mighty boar or stag which is rumoured to lurk in the tangled forests that fringe his lands. As you enter his Great Hall, he approaches you and slaps you on the back, knowing that you are just as eager to catch the beast as he is.

"We ll see who spears him first. eh?" he says with a hearty chuckle, and before you know it the whole household is getting ready for the hunt!

You may refuse to hunt, but you must lose 3D6 Honour Points and leave the castle. This counts as one day. If you decide to stay and accompany the Baron in a day's hunting prior to eating at the feast, roll a D6 and refer to the table on this page to see what happens at the hunt.


The entire castle is overshadowed by a mood of doorn and despondency. The Baron tells you that he has been awaiting a brave, perhaps reckless knight who would be chivalrous enough to perform a feat of arms to the evil which afflicts the land. The Baron knows your reputation for boldl hacking your way into the deepest and dankest dungeons and asks you to recover a precious relic now lost, rescue a fair damsel in distress or slay a monster which he believes is lurking or locked away in a foul dungeon nearby. All eyes in the Great Hall are looking to you!

You are honour-bound to accept. If you will not, you must lose all of your Honour Points and leave the castle immediately Your visit counts as one day.

If you accept, the Baron will give you a task. One day you will find the dungeon where the relic is hidden, the monster is lurking or the damsel is imprisoned. When you have completed your errand, you must return to the Baron's settlement. Assume that this is the next settlement you reach once your errand is compete. Once there you can deliver the relic, the monster's head(s) or the damsel and collect your Honour Points and a reward in gold. You receive a reward in Honour Points and twice the gold the object or monster is worth in the Roleplay Book tables. On the roll of a 6 on one dice you will also receive a Special Reward.

First, roll a D6 to see what the errand is; keep a note on your Adventure Record. It is possible to be given more errands by other Barons before you've finished a previous one. Errands can be completed in any order.


The monster that the baron asks you to slay has been troubling the region for many years. It may be lurking in any one of the dungeons, caves or deeps somewhere in the surrounding wilderness. It may happen that you disturb this very monster as you delve into your next dungeon, or you may not come across it for some time. Roll one dice to see which notorious monster you are required to seek and slay, and the reward you can expect for doing so:

D6 Monster Reward
1-2 Roll on your Battle-level Monster Table 25 Honour Points + gold
3-4 Roll on your Battle-level +1 Monster Table 75 Honour Points + gold
5-6 Roll on your Battle-level +D6 Monster Table 100 Honour Points + gold

lf you happen to encounter this particular monster in the course of exploring a dungeon, you recognise it immediately and declare 'Stand back, he's mine!'. You have the privilege of taking it on single-handedly to fulfil your quest and win the honour.

If the rest of the Party have to help you out, you receive only half the Honour Poirits and must share the Baron's gold reward equally.


The relic that the Baron asks you to find belonged to one of the Baron's ancestors and has been lost for centuries. It may be hidden in any dungeon, cave or deep anywhere in the Old World. It could come to pass that you stumble upon this very relic as you rummage for treasure in your next dungeon, or you may not find it for some ttme.

Roll to see which precious relic you are required to retrieve, and the reward you will get for doing so:

D6 Relic Reward
1 The Blade of Couronne 20 Honour Points + gold
2 The Dragonhelm 30 Honour Ponts + gold
3 The Shield of Ptolos 25 Honour Points + gold
4 Heartseeker 50 Honour Points + gold
5 The Sword of Heroes 90 Honour Points + gold
6 The Chalice of Sorcery 70 Honour Points + gold

If the Warriors happen upon this relic while exploring a dungeon, you recognize it immediately and declare, 'By the Lady, it's mine!'. You demand possession of the relic to fulfil your quest and win honour.

If another Warrior found the item or the rest of the party feel they deserve recompense for handing it over to you, when you return the relic to the Baron's Castle you may share the reward equally between them all.

Note that you cannot use the item; whether in battle or whatever; It must be returned unharmed for you to receive the Baron's reward.


At the feast in the Baron's castle, in front of the entire nobility of the region, the nobleman announces that you, a guest at his table, are the very knight who can rescue a fair damsel who is said to be in terable danger in a distant Part of the Barony. She has recently been captured while travailing through the region and imprisoned in a dungeon by a wicked sorcerer. Only a vague rumour of her whereabouts is known as could be gleaned from the dying words of her fatthful squire and this is the name of a particular chamber in a notorious dungeon that no-one in the region will dare to go anywhere near! There is much honour and a reward in gold for her rescue.

Roll a dice for each of the four columns (i.e. roll four times) to see which fair Damsel you are now honour-bound to rescue from her perilous predicament!

D6 Title First Name Surname Reward
1 Lady Heloise de I'Anguille 50 Honour Points + 500 gold
2 Dame Isoide de Couronne 50 Honour Points + 750 gold
3 Marquise Rowena de Bordeleaus 75 Honour Points + 500 gold
4 Baroness Celestine de Brionne 75 Honour Points + 750 gold
5 Duchess Ursula de Bastonne 75 Honour Points + 1000 gold
6 Princess Estelle de Quenelles 100 Honour Points + 1000 gold

To find out in which chamber she is held captive roll a D66 on the following chart:

D66 Chamber
11-13 The Well of Doom
14-16 The Dungeon Cell
21-23 The Fountain of Light
24-26 The Idol Chamber
31-33 The Fire Chasm (on the other side of the chasm!)
34-36 The Tomb Chamber
41-43 The Fighting Pit
44-46 The Guard Room
51-53 The Circle of Power
54-56 The Torture Chamber
61-66 The Monsters' Lair

If you happen to enter this particular chamber while exploring a dungeon, you discover the damsel cowering in a dark corner. If a suitable miniature is available, you can make the Knight complete the task by escorting her safely out of the dungeon; otherwise assume she escapes into the daylight as soon as she is freed to tell the Baron of your chivalry and courage. So if you survive the dungeon just go and claim your reward! If you want to impose on the poor Knight the duty of escorting her out of the dungeon, she moves 4 spaces, after all the other Warriors have rnoved. She cannot be attacked or shot at since the Knight will always interpose his body and be attacked instead!

If the Knight falls in combat, he extracts an oath from one of the other Warriors to fulfil his task with his last dying breath! Choose a Warrior counter at random to see who swears the oath. If this Wamor breaks the oath, the wrath of the Lady of the Lake will turn any gold he has gained in the dungeon so far into worthless fool's gold! If the Warrior does break the oath, or dies, the damsel will be lost amidst the dungeon passages and recaptured by her evil tormentor!


The Baron greets you with indifference and as soon as you lift your visor or announce your name he scowls and denounces you for many dishonourable deeds. The old fool has got you mixed up with someone else! You protest your innocence but he is adamant that you have insulted hirn in some way. He lets his jester mock you and calls his men to seize you. Roll a dice to discover what happens:

D6 Outcome

1 Thrown out of the castle; lose 4D6 Honour Points.

2 Put to work in the kitchens for 1D6 days; lose 1D6 Honour Points.

3 Put in the stocks for D3 days; lose D6 Honour Points Per day.

4 You are forced to joust with his champion, who has Widespread Renown. If you win, he will reward you as if you entered and won the jousting.

5 Jailed for D6 days; lose D6 Honour Points per day. When released, on a 5 or 6 on one dice you are also thrown out of the castle as 1.

6 The Baron recognises you at last and apologises profusely for his mistake; gain 2D6 Honour Points and a Special Reward.


If you are especialty successful at the Jousting, or manage to complete an Errand in a spectacular fashion, the Baron may decide to reward you with something special. If sent to this section to get a Special Reward, roll a dice on this table:

D6 Reward

1 A fine Warhorse: as described on the Animal Trader Chart.

2 Treasure: roll once on the Dungeon Room Treasure Table for weapons and armour.

3 50 gold and a treasure: roll once on the Dungeon Room Treasure Table for weapons and annour.

4 100 gold.

5 200 gold.

6 Land: the Baron bestows upon you a small area of land in a distant corner of his domain. One day, perhaps, once all your adventuring days are over, you may settle down there, but for now their revenue is enough.

At the start of each adventure, you rnay send a message asking for gold. Roll a D66 and receive that much in gold; however, a roll of a double (e.g. a 22) means that the gold was stolen by evil bandits en route to you and does not arrive!


The ultimate aim of any Questing Knight is to discover a path to the Lady of the Lake and sip from her holy grail. To this end, when a Knight arrives at a settlement he rnay seek for a Grail Chapel dedicated to her worship.

Roll a D6 to see if he can find a Grail Chapel in the locality. This search will take one day whether he is successful or not; if he is successful, further time may be needed, as detailed below.


1-3 None
4 Sacred Lake
5 Ruined Grail Chapel
6 Grail Chapel

1-3) NONE

You cannot find a Grail Chapel. Either you are the first Bretonnian ever to come here or the Chapel has vanished without a trace if there ever was one. You must continue your search elsewhere.


You search hard but cannot find a chapel. Instead you come upon a Sacred Lake, deep in the forest. This is a Special Location.. It Is believed that the Lady of the Lake may appear to those who are worthy of her favour in certain holy places, most often sacred lakes.

If you find such a place while searching for a Grail Chapel, you may wait there in the hope of seeing a vision of the Lady of the Lake, perhaps even the Grail itself! Only the most worthy knights can expect to see her, so roll D6 once for each day spent beside the sacred lake and apply the following rnodifiers.

Your Renown Modifier
Meagre no modifier
Modest +1 to dice roll
Widespread +2 to dice roll
Legendary +3 to dice roll

On a score of 6 you see a fleeting vision of the Lady of the Lake. You are inspired with holy zeal, filled with knightly virtue and become courageous and bold. You may Increase one of your characteristics by 1 point for the duration of the next adventure. The Lady will only ever appear once per lake.


1 Magical Blessing

As you draw your sword out of the holy water, it gleams with holy light The sword has become enchanted and may now hit magical monsters. (If it is already magical you rnay roll again, ignoring any 1's-)

2 Blessing of Sharpness

This enchanted sword is so sharp it may cause 2 extra Wounds per damage dice, once per adventure.

3 Blessing of Protection

For every attack that you give up, any monsters attacking you take a -2 modifier to hit you, in one turn per adverrture.

4 Blessing of Fortune

You gain +1 luck whilst in possession of this sword. Two blessings bestow +2, etc.

5 Blessing of Banishment

If this sword hits and wounds any Daemonic or Undead creature, roll a dice. On a 6 the creature is banished and removed from the games and you gain the gold for killing the creature.

This power works once per adventure, and you must state that you are attempting to invoke the blessing before you roll to hit.

6 Blessing of Justice

You may re-roll any one failed to hit dice roll, once per adventure.

Request a Blessing

Whilst beside a sacred lake, you may dip your Knight's Broadsword into the sacred waters to have it blessed. Only his Broadsword will ever receive a blessing. Other weapons are profane, lacking in ancient nobility and not worthy of such a favour!

First roll D6 to see if the Broadsword is blessed by being dipped in the sacred lake:

Your Renown Blessed on a...
Meagre 6
Modest 5 or 6
Widespread 4, 5 or 6
Legendary 3, 4, 5 or 6

If the sword is blessed, roll on a D6 and consult the table above to see what blessing it receives. There is only one blessing per lake but his sword can acquire further blessings from other sacred lakes. If a 'once per adventure' blessing is acquired twice, lt ran be used twice per adventure, and so on.

Losing a Blessing

It is said that if a Knight is good, noble and proud then his sword will retain its blessing forever. If the Knight dishonours his sword it will lose its blessings. This happens if a Knight loses all of his Honour Points. The sword becomes an ordinary weapon once more and must be purified and blessed again; it will not automatically recover when he gains some new Honour Points.


You find a ruined Grall Chapel, overgrown and forgotten. It is a Special Location. There is no one there, no Hermit Knight guarding it, nor any grail damsels. The only thing you can do here is search for a relic which rnay lie buried among the ruins or beneath the tomb slad of a knight buried in the chapel. Usually such a weapon would only ever be given to a worthy Knight by the hermit guarding the chapel. However, if the chapel is forgotten and overgrown. there may still be a relic hidden among the rubble. Roll a D6 to see how many days your search lasts, then another D6 to see what you discover.

1-3 Nothing

Despite your searching, you have found nothing.

4 Monster

You find nothing but disturb a monster, or several, lurking in the shadows of the ruined chapel. Use the Tomb Chamber floorplan and generate the monster(s) from the Monster Table equal to your battle-level. Fight thern as normal. If you kill them, you may gain their gold value as usual, but they have no other treasure with them.

5 Relic

After much searching, you find a lost relic at last. Roll on the Dungeon Room Treasure Table for weapons and armour to see what you have found.

6 A Trapdoor, Leading Down...

Beneath a rusting trapdoor, you find the entrance to a dungeon! Tell your companions and decide whether to explore this dungeon as your next adventure.

Alternatively, you can decide to go in alone. This will be a solo adventure and lasts one further day. The dungeon is small and consists of the crypts beneath the ruined Chapel. It is generated by 1D6 Dungeon cards. Since the crypt still has lingering sanctity emanating from the holiness of the place located as it is in a site sacred to the Lady of the Lake, and since this wards off all but the most determined monsters from dwelling in it, any monsters generated appear in half (round up) the numbers they would otherwise do in a normal dungeon. If you make it through to the last room in the dungeon, you gain some extra treasure - roll twice on the main Dungeon Room Treasure Table.


You are either in Bretonnia or a region where Bretonnian Knights once fought and set up a small Grail Chapel. Here rest the remains of brave knights who fell in battle, guarded by servants of the Lady of the Lake. At the Grail Chapel you can be healed by the Grail Damsels who dwell here, and seek advice from the Hermit Grail Knight who guards this sacred spot. It is a Special Location. Before you can enter the Grail Chapel, you must make a pious donation and do penance.

Pious Donation

As soon as you enter the Grail Chapel, you must make a pious donation of D6x50 gold. If you cannot or will not, you must leave immediately.

Do Penance

You must spend D3 days doing penance in the chapel before you are pure enough to request a blessing, advice or be healed. This not only involves washing off the dungeon dust and Orc blood, but also clearing your mind of all impure thoughts of fear, greed and rage that may be lingering there from the last adventure! By penance, the Knight can regain some Honour Points that he might have lost through dishonourable deeds. Roll a dice for each day in which you do penance. On a score of 1-3 you regain no honour. On a score of 4-6 you may regain that many lost Honour Points.

The Hermit Knight

You may seek wisdom and advice from the old Hermit Knight who guards the Grail Chapel. He will be a Grail Knight who long ago completed his quest and saw the Grail. You may ask him about the whereabouts of artifacts and the nature of any beasts which you might meet on your travels. The Hermit Knight will not give advice to a Knight who is lacking in honour and virtue, so roll a D6 to see if you gain any advice.

Your Renown Gain advice on a...
Meagre renown 6
Modest renown 5 or 6
Widespread renown 4, 5 or 6
Legendary renown 3, 4, 5 or 6

If the Hermit Knight does give you advice, roll a D6 to see what it is. You rnay receive only one piece of advice on this visit; should you seek more advice, you must seek out another Grail Chapel.

1 Cryptic Message

You spend the entire day listenting to the hermit Knight, but fail to understand a single one of his cryptic one-word answers to your questions!

2 Weak Spot

The Hermit Knight tells you of a special weak spot in a monster. in one turn in the next dungeon, all of your attacks against a monster of your choice can ignore any Toughness or Armour (or special damage modifiers like Ignore Pain) that the monster might have.

3 A Dungeon

The Hermit Knight describes a dungeon which he once entered. In the next dungeon, deal D6-2 (minimum 1) Dungeon cards to the Knight. In any exploration phase the Knight may swap one of his Dungeon cards for the one turned over.

4 A Questing Beast

The Hermit Knight warns you of the nearby lair of a mighty beast. As luck would have fit, it's the very beast you are searching for. Even if you are not questing for a beast, this is welcome news, because the beast is rumoured to have stolen treasures and damsels from hereabouts, so the object of your quest rnay well be in his lair. You may choose what level dungeon the Warriors will explore next (this will help if you are looking for a specific beast which you have been charged with slaying).

5 Magical Item

The Hermit tells you the location of a mighty magical item. In the next dungeon you can re-roll D6 rolls on the treasure tables if you wish.

6 A Relic

The Hermit Knight gives you a relic weapon from the Grail Chapel as he is so impressed with your honour, chivalry and valour. Roll on the Dungeon Room Treasure Table for magical weapons.

The Grail Damsels

If the Hermit Knight deems you worthy of advic, you may also request the help of the Grail Damsels. These holy devotees of the Lady of the Lake are trained in the arts of healing, both of the body and the soul.

If your starting Wounds, Strength or Toughness have been reduced, perhaps even by events in the settlemerlt such as jousting, you may ask that your characteristic is restored to its original level. Roll a dice. On a score of 4, 5 or 6, the characteristic is restored. This takes one day for each characteristic affected and you may only attempt to restore one characteristic per day.

A Questing Knight can bring with him a faithful companion to be healed in this way. The Grail Damsels will only heal one such friend and he must be vouched for by the Knight as honourable and worthy. Roll a dice. On a score of 1, the Grail Damsels recognise your friend as a scoundrel and both of you are shut out of the Grail Chapel. You must lose 2D6x10 Honour Points. If the Damsels agree to heal your friend, the donation to the Grail Chapel must be Doubled! The healing works as for yourself.

If you are not wounded or hurt in any way, you may ask the Grail Damsels to enhance your constitution for the coming Quest. Roll a D6 on the following chart: only one such gift may be bestowed.

1 Lady's Challenge

The Damsels tell you that the coming quest is a challenge sent from the Lady of the Lake and that you rnust face the test without further gifts from her. Inspired by these wise words, you will leave the settlement today, taking all the adventurers with you, regardless of what their plans were! Go straight to the next dungeon.

2-4 Invigorating Potion

The Damsels give you a special invigorating potion. Start the next dungeon with an extra D6 Wounds. These cannot be recovered by using healing, etc.; once they have been used they are lost.

5 Endurance

You are given a potion of Endurance, which adds + 1 to your Toughness for the duration of the next adventure.

6 Strength

You are given a Potion of Strength, which adds + 1 to your Strength for the duration of the next adventure.


The Bretonnian Questing Knight strides through the world, sword at the ready upholding honour and virtue. He is a noble warrior who knows he must protect the weak and confront the wicked. He must resist worldly temptations and uphold what is good and virtuous. If he fails he diminishes his honour. With this view of the world the Knight reacts to some events differently to other warriors and the things that happen to him may be slightly different as well. Hazards and Events which affect the Knight differently are as follows: those not listed here proceed as normal according to the regular rules.


13 Chapel

If the Knight is present with the party, on a dice roll of 4, 5 or 6 you recognise the chapel as a Grail Chapel. The other adventurers may not enter the Grail Chapel, but you may visit it in the same way as in a settlement (see above). You must roll another dice first, however. On a score of 1, 2 or 3 the Grall Chapel is ruined; on a score of 4, 5 or 6 it is not.

25 Prisoner

You may relinquish your share of the gold for rescuing the prisoner and gain 2D6 Honour Points instead.

26 Guests

If you are able, you must pay the bill and gain D6 Honour Points!

61 Militia

If you have Legendary Renown, the militia allow your party through with no charge!

62 Brigands

If you pay the brigands, you must lose as many Honour Points as gold!

63 Minstrel

If you have Legendary Renown, the minstrel sings a ballad of your exploits and the party count as automatically rolling a 6 when entering the town.


11 Thrown Out

If you are thrown out of town, you lose your Battle-level x 2D6 Honour Points for this shame and dishonour.

21 Fight

If you are beaten in the fight, you lose your Battle-level x D6 Honour Points for the shame of being beaten by mere thugs.

33 An Honest Day's Work

Knights don't do menial work worthy only of peasants. You have an uneventful day instead.

34 Riotous Living

Lose 2D6 Honour Points for being tempted by worldly comforts!

41 Gambling

Lose 3D6 Honour Points for failing to resist temptation and engaging in dishonourable pursuits.

51 Crime

You insist on your right to a trial by combat. The accusers must find a champion to fight you. You do not have to be bailed out and are not put in jail. Roll a D6 for the outcome:

1 The accusers cannot find anyone reckless enough to fight as their Champion so you are released.

2-4 You easily beat the champion and are vindicated. Gain D6 Honour Points.

5 You claim sanctuary in the Grail Chapel and must hide there until the party is ready to set off on its next adventure.

6 The accusers find the awesome Black Knight to fight for their cause. Roll D6. On any score but a 1 you defeat him: lose 1 Wound from your starting Wounds and gain 2D6 Honour Points. On a score of 1 you are beheaded!

54 Beggars

If you are reduced to begging, your Honour Points are reduced to zero!

63 Hunting

This presents no problem to one who was once a Knight Errant and is now a Questing Knight. You return to the settlement next morning dragging the head or carcass of the elusive Quarg behind you and gain 2D6 Honour Points and D6 x 20 gold in reward from the grateful, not to mention astonished townsfolk!

64 Witchcraft

You demand your right to trial by ducking stool and since you are wearing armour, you promptly sink - proving decisively that you are not a witch. You stride ashore and gain D6 Honour Points as well as 100 gold in compensation for the wrongful accusation.


A Knight can improve his skills by training. He can hone his skills to perfection by training in the courtyard of any castle he visits and by taking part in tournaments against other Knights.

The Knight has the following skills available to him as he goes up his Battle-levels. To determine which specific skill he learns when given the opportunity, roll D66.

11-16   Shield Master The Knight is a master of using the shield. No matter how skilful the foe, the Knight always manages to deflect some of their blows with his shield. If armed with a shield, the Knight rolls a d3 every time he is wounded. The result is the number of wounds deflected by the Knight's skill with the shield. If the Knight is attacked by a monster which ignores armour, it does not ignore the shield used in this way.
21-23   Dragon Fighting The Knight has been specially trained in the art of attacking fire-breathing creatures without getting scorched; he knows exactly how to spot when a creature is about to send great gouts of flaming death upon the warriors. If the Knight is hit by a fire-based attacker, roll a d6. On a roll of 4 or more the Knight has managed to crouch low and protect himself from the deathly flames, and is compleately unaffected by the attack.  On a roll of 3 or less, the Knight is hit as normal.
24-36   Knightly Temper The Knight may be overcome by Knightly Temper. If the Knight misses when trying to strike a blow against a monster, he may become so angered by the beast that he tries to kill it with one blow if he chooses! Any hits in the following turn against the same monster do one dice of damage per Battle-level of the Knight! This may be used once per adventure.
41-46   Battle Charge In the first Warrior's Phase after monsters have been placed, the Knight may elect to go first, regardless of initiative or whoever has the lantern.
51        Whirling Flail  This skill can only be used by the Knight if he is using a Knightly Flail, which is a bit more spiky and heavier than an ordinary flail. If he acquires this skill, he is given his Knightly Flail from the castle armoury. The Flail gives him +2 Strength. However, it is difficult to use, so whenever the Knight hits a creature, resolve damage as usual, then roll a dice: 

1     Pick out a Warrior counter at random and do normal damage to them, modified for Toughness, etc. (yes, this does mean you could hit yourself). 

2-3  Normal hit. 

4-5  One extra Attack against the monster; roll to hit again as usual. 

6      Rather than just hit your chosen opponent

52-61   Bind Wounds The Knight knows how to bind up his wounds using a leather thong as a tourniquet (perhaps the garter of a fair damsel donated for just such a task!). The Knight may recover d6 wounds instead of doing anything else in any turn while he pauses to bind up his cuts and stop the flow of blood. He may do this once per adventure per Battle-Level.
62-63   Shield Butt This skill can be used when the Knight attempts to break from Pinning. He lunges with all his force behind his shield to punch or barge his way out of this difficult situation. Roll to break from Pinning as usual. If the Knight succeeds, he smashes the monster in the face with his shield to force his way out. The monster takes 1d6 Wounds, +2 per Battle-level of the Knight, modified for toughness, etc., as usual. The monster is also knocked back a square if possible.
64-65   Coup de Grace The Knight knows where the weak spots are on several large monsters and can finish them off rather than risk the wild attacks of such beasts in their dying moments. 

At the end of the Warriors' Phase, the Knight can elect to perform a Coup de Grace on any adjacent monster that has lost at least half of its original Wounds score. The Knight rolls d6; the number rolled is the number of Wounds that the monster takes with no deductions. However, if the Knight rolls a 1, the Monster still suffers 1 Wound but also lashes out at the Knight as he darts in for the kill. The Knight is hit automatically by the monster; roll for the damage as normal.

66        Heroic Death These could be the Knight's dying moments but he is going to go down fighting. If the Knight is ever reduced to 0 Wounds, roll a dice and add the Knight's Strength (including any bonuses, like Ogre Strength). 

If the score is 8 or more, the Knight finds an inner energy and continues fighting. The Knight may immediately fight another round of combat, just as if the Knight had received another Warriors; Phase. He then falls to the ground unconscious, and will be dead at the end of the turn as usual unless healed.


To roleplay one of the Questing Knights of Bretonnia is to enter a realm of myth, legend, honour and glory. In some respects, roleplaying such a warrior will be relatively easy, in other ways devilishly hard.

The Bretonnian Knight will have very little choice in his actions in many situations. For example, he will never run away, stab a monster in the back, resort to trickery or underhand tactics, or desert his companions in time of need. He will never refuse a good turn or favour, so long as what is required is honourable, and he will always help out lesser mortals than himself whenever possible. He will carry himself with dignity and purity wherever he goes, for he sees himself as the personal embodiment of all that is good and chivalric.

This may rnake roleplaying a Questing Knight appear to be fairly limited. Not so! Sticking to your honourable intentions when all around is falling to pieces is actually quite tough. Particularly when your compatriots are deserting you. Maintaining a pious and honourable outlook when the rest of the Warriors are out carousing, gambling and getting drunk is guaranteed to test your roleplaying skills to the full!

In same respects, the Bretonnian Questing Knight might find an unusually kindred spirit in, of all Warriors, the Dwarf Trollslayer. They both follow a quest, and neither of them will ever retreat or surrender. Of course, the Trollslayer is also not averse to quaffing vast quantities of ale too, but he may nonetheless prove an ideal ally for a Bretonnian Knight in any adventure.


The Knight will excel at any combat-related actions, and will be no good whatsoever at anything that is even vaguely sneaky or underhand. He may have some knowledge of ancient inscriptions, long-lost texts and the like, and will certainly be able to identify different magical weapons and armour quite readily.

The table below gives some suggested modifiers to the various tests the Questing Knight might be required to make (see the table in the Roleplay Book), together with suggested Honour Point additions or subtractions for attempting certain actions: those not listed are tested as normal and have no honour modifications.




Honour Points

Barge Aside







Climb on







Disarm Enemy



Distract Enemy






Identify (sword/

armour only)





-2D6 if torture




-1D6 for

being sneaky



Honour Points




+1D6 if freeing


Difficult Shot


-2D6 (missile

weapons not


Pick Lock



Play Dead





+1D6 if, e.g.


ancient texts

Search Object



Stun Enemies



Take cover










Gold Title Move WS BS Str Damage


T Wounds I A Luck WP Skills Pin
1 0 Initiate 4 4 6+ 3 1 3 1d6+7 4 1 0 4 0 6+
2 2,000 Champion 4 4 5+ 3 1 3 2d6+7 4 2 0 4 1 6+
3 4,000 Champion 4 5 5+ 3 1 3 3d6+7 4 2 1 4 2 6+
4 8,000 Champion 4 5 4+ 3 1 3 3d6+7 5 3 2 4 2 6+
5 12,000 Hero 4 5 4+ 4 2 3 4d6+7 5 3 2 4 3 6+
6 18,000 Hero 4 5 3+ 4 2 4 4d6+7 5 4 2 4 4 6+
7 24,000 Hero 4 6 3+ 4 2 4 5d6+7 6 4 3 4 4 6+
8 32,000 Hero 4 6 3+ 4 2 4 5d6+7 6 4 4 5 5 6+
9 45,000 Lord 4 6 3+ 4 3 4 6d6+7 6 4 4 5 6 5+
10 50,000 Lord 4 6 2+ 4 3 4 7d6+7 6 4 4 5 7 5+