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Wounds: 1d6+7 Elf Ranger
Move: 4
Weapon Skill: 4 Damage Dice: 1
Ballistic Skill: 5+ Luck: 0
Strength: 3 Willpower: 2
Toughness: 3(4) Skills: 0
Initiative: 5 Pin: 3+
Attacks: 1
Equipment: War Crown of Tirinoc.
Weapon: Sword, which causes 1d6+3 Wounds.
Armour: Scale Mail, giving him +1 Toughness.
Pinning: The elf Ranger escapes from pinning on a roll of 3+.
Special Rules
Choose whether your Elf Ranger will be a Ranger Knight, or a Ranger Mage. The rules for both are listed below.
ENEMY'S WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TO HIT FOE 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5
The War Crown allows the Elf Ranger to freeze time, and take another Warriors' phase whenever he wishes. He may do this once per adventrure.
Ranger Knights and Treasure
A Ranger Knight may wear any magic armour and use any magic weapons, unless the Treasure card itself says otherwise. He may not use a gun or other forms of powder weapons.
Starting as a Ranger Knight
A Ranger Knight starts the game with a Bow, as well as a sword. The Bow is Strength 3, and can be used for one attack per turn. The Ranger Knight must either use his Bow, or make a hand-to-hand combat attack - he cannnot do both in one turn. See page 26 of the Warhammer Quest Rulebook for the rules for using missile weapons.
Blades of Death skill
The Elf Ranger Knight has the Blades of Death skill. He is skilled in the arts of war, and can inflict dreadful wounds with his Elf blade.
This skill only works if the Ranger Knight actually manages to hit his opponent with his attack. If he does so, then resolve damage against the Monster as usual, including death-blows etc. If his attack hit, the Ranger Knight gets an extra attack. Resolve this extra attack as normal. If the Knight's first attack misses, he does not get the extra attack that turn.
Ranger Mages and Treasure
The only armour a Ranger Mage may wear is the Scale Mail he starts the game with. He may only use any treasure which is normally only for Wizards.
An Elf Ranger Mage may cast one spell per turn. When the Wizard rolls the dice in the Power Phase, the score shows how easily the Ranger can cast spells.

Power Phase Roll     1     2     3     4     5     6
No. to Cast Spell      6     5     4     3     2     1

For example, if a 4 were rolled in the Power Phase, the Elf Ranger could cast a spell if he rolled a 3 or more on a d6.
A Ranger Mage has three spells. Remember that Attack spells may only be cast in the Warrior's Phase, while Healing spells may be cast at any time.
Elf Ranger Mage Spells

Aura of Vitality                                                              Healing
The Ranger floods the area with a bright light.
Each Warrior on the board section regains 1 Wound. The Ranger gains 5 gold for every Wound he heals on other Warriors.

Shockwave                                                                     Attack
The Elf Ranger invokes a shockwave throughout the dungeon.
Having successfully cast the spell choose a Monster, and roll a dice. If you score 3+, the Monster suffers 1d6+1 Wounds. If you score 3+, then you can try against a different Monster and so on. If you fail, then the shockwave dies away and the spell ends. You can try this once per turn for every Monster on the board section the Ranger Mage is on.

Sword of Aenarion                                                         Attack
A bloody dripping sword appears in the Ranger's hand.
A Monster adjacent to the Ranger suffers 1d6 Wounds, with no deductions at all.

Although fairly accomplished magic users, Elf Rangers are not as devoted to the arcane arts as the Wizard, for whom magic is everything.
     A Ranger may cast one spell per turn.

To cast a spell, the Ranger Mage relies on the winds of magic in a similar way to the human Wizard. In the Power Phase, when the dice is rolled to determine magical power and unexpected events, this dice roll also determines how easy the Ranger finds it to cast spells.
Number rolled in the Power Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6
d6 score to cast each spell 6 5 4 3 2 2
So, if a 4 is rolled in the Power Phase, the Mage can choose one of his spells to cast, and that spell will be successful on a dice roll of 3+.

Every time that a Ranger heals other Warriors, he gains 5 gold for every Wound he heals.

A Ranger Knight starts the game with the Blades of Death skill, and a bow, as well as a sword.
     The bow is Strength 3, and has 1 Attack per turn. See the Warhammer Quest rulebook for rules for using missile weapons.

The Ranger Knight is skilled in the arts of war, and quickly takes advantage of every opportunity given him by his foes, breaking through their guard and inflicting dreadful wounds with his Elf blade.
     This skill only works if the Ranger Knight actually manages to hit his opponent with his attack. If he does so, then resolve the damage against the Monster as usual, including death-blows etc.
     Then, because his first Attack hit (even if it failed to cause any Wounds) the Ranger Knight gets an extra Attack as well, which is resolved as normal.
     If the Knight's first Attack missed, he does not get an extra Attack that turn.

Some items of treasure assist the Wizard by storing power, or adding to casting dice rolls. Because a Ranger Mage has slightly different rules for spellcasting, these items of treasure work in a somewhat different fashion. Although there is not space here to explain how every item works with the Ranger Mage, the basic rule is that any items which add Power etc will add +1 to the Mage's casting rolls when he attempts to cast a spell.
     For example, if a Ranger Mage finds a Deathstone, then once per adventure he may cast any one spell of his on a casting roll of 3+, no matter what is rolled in the Power Phase. Likewise , each one of the points of Power stored in an Orb of Might can be used up to add +1 to a casting roll for a Ranger's spell attempt.
     Another example, if a Ranger Mage finds an Energy Jewel then he rolls for the points of Power as usual, and may use them up one by one to add +1 to his spellcasting dice rolls.
     Some magical items are tailor-made to augment the power of human Wizards, and the Ranger cannot use them at all. These items are:
     The Book of Arcane Magic
     The Tablet of Adain
     The Brooch of Power
     The Chalice of Sorcery
A Ranger following the Warrior path may attempt to cast the following number of spells per turn. Attack spells may only be cast in the Warrior's Phase, but other spells can be cast at any time in a turn.
                    Number of spell
Level          attempts per turn
Novice                  none
Champion                1
Hero                        2
Lord                        3
A Ranger following the Mage path can attempt to cast the following number of spells per turn. He may cast attack spells only in his Warriors' Phase, but all other spells he can cast at any time in a turn, as usual.
                    Number of spell
Level          attempts per turn
Novice                     1
Champion                2
Hero                        3
Lord                        4

Note that a failed attempt to cast a spell still counts towards the total number of spells the Ranger can cast per turn. He can attempt to cast a spell as many times as he likes per turn, within the limits outlined above. However, once a spell has been successfully cast, it may not be cast again until next turn.

When visiting Settlements, an Elf Ranger may visit all the standard locations such as the various traders, and the following special locations:
     The Alchemist, Gambling House, Temple, Alehouse (-2 on the dice roll for the Alehouse Event Table), Elf Quarter and Wizards' Guild.
     In addition, there is a special new location - the Elf Noble House.
     Of course, if there are any dice rolls to be made to see if a certain location can be found, then all the usual rules apply.
An Elf Ranger may only visit the Wizards' Guild if he has at least one spell.
     If he finds a Wizards' Guild, then rather than paying as he enters, the Elf Ranger sweeps in arrogantly, demanding to see the "High Lord of the puny human Wizards in this squalid place". His bravado and arrogance are not always appreciated by the Wizards, however, particularly in a large city with a well established and powerful guild, and there is a chance that they will simply turf him out for being a rude upstart.
     Before the Ranger can visit the Wizards' Guild, he must roll a dice and consult the following table, to see whether he is allowed entry or not:
1)     The Wizards cannot believe the cheek of the fellow, and report him to the City Watch. Roll on the City Watch Table below, to see what happens to the Ranger now...
2-3)  Unimpressed by the Ranger's arrogant manner, the Wizards slam the door in his face. He must pay 1d6x100 gold before he is allowed in.
4)     Unimpressed by the Ranger's arrogant manner, the Wizards bar his entry.
        He must pay 1d6x50 gold before he is allowed entry.
5-6)  The Ranger barges his way into the Wizards' Guild, despite the protestation of the Wizards within. He gains entry to the Wizards' Guild for free.
1 The Ranger has so incensed the locals, and his attitude to the City Watch is so offensive, that they throw him out of the Settlement there and then. He must leave town. He may wait at the city gates for the others, but must pay living expenses as usual.
2 The City Watch will stand for no nonsese, and the sergent at arms takes the Ranger's sword and locks him up in jail for 2d6 days. He may do nothing at all whilst in jail, but need not pay living expenses or roll on the Settlement Events Table.
3 The City Watch appear at once, and march the Ranger away to the jeers and catcalls of the locals. They lock him up for 1d6 days. He may do nothing as in number 3 above.
4, 5 The City Watch declare that they have not got the time to deal with such petty desputes, but will stand by to see justice done, with the sentence carried out by the Wizards. The Wizards turn the Ranger into a toad for the rest of the day (to teach him a lesson), during which time he may do nothing at all. 
6 The Ranger is cautioned, and fined 1d6x10 gold. He may try to gain entry to the guild again tomarrow if he wishes.
Once in the Wizards' Guild, the Elf Ranger may buy a wizard's staff if he is a Mage, and may have it re-charged in subsequent visits as usual. He may follow the rules for consultations, whether he is a Warrior or a Mage, but he may not change his spells or buy potions. He considers that potions are the province of the rustic Wood Elves, and potions made by men are likely to be foul-tasting, vulgar and crude.
When visiting the Elf Quarter, the Ranger has no need of herbs for potions, he leaves such things to the Wood Elves. He will, however, buy waybread, but in his arrogance he always pays 3 times the list price for it. He may buy armour etc as normal from the Elf quarter.

Finding a Noble House
Elf Noble Houses can only ever be found in a city, and even then only in the Elf Quarter (if one can be found). The Ranger player will have to roll 7+ on three dice in order to find a Noble House in the Elf Quarter...
     The Noble House is where the Ranger trains to go up battle-levels. As he does so, his profile changes as usual. He also gains dice rolls on the Skills and Spells Table, as shown on the battle-level tables. He has to pay the gold indicated to go up a level.
     There is a chance that at the Noble House he will find extra items to purchase. Rangers are vain, arrogant, and love jewellry, fine wines, spices and fabrics. They cannot take these on there travels, but when they venture into the furthest reaches of the world they like to be able to reflect on the wealth of riches and comforts awaiting their return.
     A Noble House will often contain some of the most exclusive items of art or culture in the Warhammer World, and the dispossessed love to barter and trade treasure from across the globe.
     Whenever the Ranger visits a Noble House, he must try to resist purchasing some exotic item. To do this he must roll a d6. On a roll of 2 or more, he doesn't see anything he really likes. On a score of 1 he is so overcome with the beauty of a particular item that he simply cannot resist it. He just has to buy the item if he can afford to. This must be done BEFORE any training is paid for.
     If the Ranger can't resist buying an item, roll on the table below to see what he has fallen in love with. If he cannot afford the item, he is thrown out of the Noble House in disgrace.
d6 roll Item Cost
1 Rare silks of Ulthan. They look splendid! 2,000
2 Jewels of the Dragon Isles. They glitter like ice! 1,5000
3 Spices from Araby. The fragrence is heavenly! 1,000
4 Fine wines of Bretonnia. A rare vintage indeed... 750
5 Exotic foods of Tilea. A true gastronomic delight. 500
6 Ancient vase from Lustria. It will finish the set! 500
News and Stories
Whilst in the Noble House, the Ranger will pick up on the latest news and reports from accross the world. This will involve specific information about certain monsters, lairs and hidden treasure, as well as news from Ulthuan and Loren. Roll a dice to see whether the Ranger learns anything helpful.
d6  News
1 There is nothing much of interest to be learned in the Noble House.
2 The Ranger makes a useful contact with a friend he has not seen for many years. When next training, the friend will lend what assistance he can - the Elf may add +1 to his next dice roll to see who his trainer is.
3 The Ranger is given a map of the next dungeon. If he wishes, he can demand to be the leader in the next adventure, whether it is his turn or not.
4 The Elf Ranger is told to beware a certain Monster in the next dungeon he ventures into. At any one time in the next dungeon, The Elf Ranger may declare that a particular Monster is the one he was warned about. For the first turn of combat against that Monster, the Ranger gains double his usual Attacks.
5 The Elf learns of a hoard of gold at the end of the next dungeon he is headed for. The value of the hoard will be 5d6x100 gold. It is up to the Ranger to decide whether he wants to let the others know or not!
6 The Elf learns of a certain item of trweasure buried deep below the mountains. In the next dungeon, he can claim one item of treasure as his, on top of his rightful number, and despite the fact that he may be claiming it out of turn.


Every time a Ranger visits a Noble House, he is welcomed with open arms as a long lost son or brother. There are few enough of the dispossessed left, so the arrival of any Elf Ranger is cause for great celebration.

Within each Noble House, there is usually at least one resident Ranger who is nominally in charge and deferred to by all who visit. Often he is old beyond telling, and runs the Noble House as its Lord. These great Lords rule the Noble Houses by right of birth, because of their great accomplishments in the past or through sheer presence of will. The Lords seldom venture out of the Noble Houses, content to run their affairs by gathering information from those who pass through.

The ancient Elves who control the Noble Houses are among the wisest creatures in the entire world, and there is much to be learned from them by other Rangers.

One of the first things a Ranger must do when he arrives at a Noble House after a prolonged absence is to visit the Lord of the House. Not to do so would be considered the height of rudeness and such behaviour will not be tolerated more than once. To ignore the Lord of a Noble House is to be shunned throughout the Noble Houses of the Warhammer World as the news travels through the network.

It is customary to offer gold or treasure to the Lord of the Noble House, as a token of gratitude for his protection whilst the Ranger stays in his halls. In exchange, the Lord will stay closeted with each visitor for anything up to a day, discussing events in the world, and giving the Ranger the benefit of his great knowledge and wisdom. Most Rangers emerge from such a meeting tired yet enlightened, having often learned something of value to help them in their next adventure.

In Warhammer Quest. this part of the Ranger's visit to the Noble House is represented by the tables below. There is one for the Mage path and one for the Warrior path. The Ranger must roll 1D6x100 and pay that amount of gold over to the Lord of the Noble House. In exchange, he will receive advice and other assistance.

Once he has paid his gold, the Ranger must roll another dice. The number rolled shows how many times he may roll on his respective table .
1 The Ranger and the Lord discuss the ways of magic, and the Ranger benefits much from the conversation.
Once in the next adventure, the Ranger may attempt to cast one extra spell.
2 The Lord of ttle Noble house is a powerful rnage himself arld explains how the Ranager can better manipulate the winrs of magic.
For one turn in the next adventure, the Ranger may add + 1 to the Power Phase dice roll.
3 Whilst discussing the relationship of the world of magic arnd the physical realm, the Lord demonstrates how the raw stuff of magic can actualy be used to ward off physical blows.
For one turn in the next adventure, the Ranger may add t 1 to his Toughness .
4 The Lord explains how the Ranger may draw extra power from his War Crown.
During the next adventure, the Ranger may use the special ability of his War Crown of Tiranoc twice, not Just once.
5 The Lord gives the Ranger a small gem, which he claims is a potent source of magic.
Once during the next adventure, the Ranger may cast a spell of his choice automatically, no matter what the Power roll.
6 The ancient master of the Nohle House clips a small brooch onto the Ranger's cloak. the brooch radiates magical energy, and the Ranger can see that it is a great gift indeed.
Once during the next adventure, the Ranger may increase the effect of a spell by + 1 D6, as appropriate.
1 The Lord of the Noble House is a great Warrior, and despite his advancing years takes pleasure in fencing with the Ranger, demonstrating his superior sword play.
Once in the next adventure, the Ranger may make an extra Attack.
2 The ancient Warrior Lord explains how one cannot always rely on skills or spells from within, that sometimes a Ranger can only survive by paying heed to the signals given out by the world around him. "Listen even to the rocks of the dungeon, they have much to tell." Mystified, the Ranger determines to try to better attune himself in future.
The Ranger gains +1 Luck point for the next adventure.
3 The Lord is wise, and has sources of information everywhere. With a conspiratorial air, he beckons the Ranger to listen carefully to what he has to tell.
The Ranger may make one extra roll on the News Table, at +1 to the dice roll.

The training of an Elf Ranger is less formal than the training for many other Warriors. Within the Noble Houses there is no 'training ground' as such and there are no formal instructors. However, it is almost certain that there will be another Ranger passing through the Noble House at the same time as the Ranger wishing to train, and they spend time honing their skills and exchanging useful information .
 This tends to focus the Ranger's mind, and after a period of time in the other's company, they both part having learned much from each other. Elf Rangers recognise that the Noble Houses must be maintained in order to fulfil this essential function, and so they pay much gold to keep the ancient traditions alive. The closure or abandonment of a Noble House is a cause for great concern amongst the dispossessed, as with it dies a part of their dwindling heritage.

In the Noble House, the Elf Ranger may be trained up to the next battle-level, if he has enough gold to pay for the training.
Apart from the characteristic increases gained, as listed on his battle-level table, the Ranger will gain a new skill or a spell each tirne he goes up a level.
At the end of this section there is a table of skills and spells which the Ranger may gain as he trains. Notice that there is not a separate table for the Mage and the Knight, simply a single table numbered from -8 to +22. The spells and skills are arranged so that a Mage is more likely to gain spells and a Knight is more likely to gain skills. However, it is always possible for a Mage to gain a skill, and for a Knight to go a spell .
When the Rarlger is training to go up a battle-level he makes one roll on the Skills and Spells Table. A Ranger on the Warrior path rolls (2D6+ the battle-level he is training up to) to see what his new spell or skill is. A Ranger on the Mage path rolls (2D6- the batle-level he is training up to) to see what new spell or skill he gains.
For example, if a Ranger Mage were training to go up to batle-level 5, he rolls 2D6-5 to see what spell or skill he gains. Rolling a 1 and a 2, he gets a total of 3. 3-5=-2, and the -2 result on the Skills and Spells Table is the "Storm of Vengeance" spell. This spell is added to his spell book.
If the Ranger rolls the same skill or spell twice then he may re-roll. If he still gets the same numbers he may try once more, and once more only. After this, he must give up and leave his skills/spells as they were.
It is not always certain that the Ranger will be training with are EIf of a higher calibre than himself. Sonnetimes he may spend time in discussion with a relative newcomer to the Ranger way of life, little travelled and eager for knowledge. Still there is usually somethirlg to be gleaned from such a meetings one way or another. To see how the training goes, the Ranger must first roll a dice to see whether his proposed iristrasctor is more or less experienced than himself.

1     The Trainer is less experienced than the Ranger.
2-4 The Trainer is an Elf of around the same experience as the Ranger.
5-6 The Trainer is an Elf of greater experience than the Ranger.

Less Experienced Trainers
The Ranger must pay the gold and amend his profile accordingly. Howevert if he is a Knight then when rolling on the Skills and Spells Tablet, deduct 1D6 from any roll you make instead of adding the battle-level you are training up to. If the Ranger is a Mage then add 1D6 to the score instead of deducting the battle-level you are training up to.

If the Instructor is Your Equal
The Ranger may train as usual, paying the gold and rolling on the Skills and Spells Table in the normal fashions.

Superior Instructor
The Ranger trains as usual paying the gold and rolling on the Skills and Spells Table in the normal fashion including the plus or minus modifier for the battle-level he is trainirmg up to.
A Ranger Knight may, if he wishes, roll a D6 and adjust his score by up to the amount rolled. So, if he rolled a 4, he could add 1, 2. 3 or 4 to his roll on the Spells and Skills Table.
If your Ranger is Mage, then he may roll a D6 a nd deduct up to the score rolled from his result on the Spells and Skills Table. So, if he rolled a 3, he could deduct 1, 2 or 3 from his roll on the Spells ancl Skills Table.

If your Ranger is a Warrior and his spells are ever more numerous than his skills (or vice versa), then he will charge path. All the rules for armour, spellcasting etc for the particular path you have changed to now apply, and you may no longer use items of treasure, weaponry and armour which are no longer applicable to your Warrior. From now on, when you train to go up battle-levels, you will train as appropriate for your new path.


-8     SPELL                    Attack
     The Ranger is surrounded by a cloud of whirling blades, dripping as they hack and slash at his foes.
Roll 1D6 for each Monster in a square adjacent to the Ranger, to see whether they are hurt by the swords. The scores required are as follows:
     Level          Score
 Novice              6
 Champion         5
 Hero                 4
 Lord                 3

On a successful dice roll, that Monster suffers 1 Wound per level of the caster, with no deductions .

-7     SPELL                    Heal
 Aura of Vitality
     The Ranger is suffused in a brilliant golden aura, which expands to fill the are, flooding it with bright light.
Each Warrior on the board section regains 1 Wound per battle-level of the caster.

-6     SPELL                    Defence
Shield of Tor Alessi
     The Ranger puts up a magical shield around the Warriors, cloaking them in a near impenetrable cowl of raw magic.
     The area covered by the magic shield depends on the level of the caster.
     A Ranger Initiate or Champion may only 'cloak' one square, so he can cast the spell on himself or another Warrior on the same board section.
     A Ranger Hero or Lord may 'cloak' an area of four squares.
     Any Warrior within the shield can only be hit by Monsters scoring the required number or above, as shown below. The Ranger declares where the shield falls, but he must be careful not to shield any Monsters, they will gain the same benefits as the Warriors!

                              Squares          Monsters
Level                      covered        score to hit
Novice                         1                   4+
Champion                     1                  5+
Hero                          2x2                 5+
Lord                          2x2              5+ OR
                                    1                  6+
Duration: Lasts until the end of the turn.

-5     SPELL                    Special
Breath of Bel Shaanar
     The cave is filled with a light breeze, which tugs at the sleeves and cloaks of the Warriors, and fills the air with the tang of sea salt.
 The Warriors' hearts are lifted, and they attack their foes with renewed vigour. A number of Warriors gains extra Attacks for the turn. The table below shows how many Warriors are affected by the spell, and how rmany extra Attacks they gain . The Ranger chooses which Warriors are affected.

     Level of caster           No affected           Effect
Novice                                 1               +1 Attack
Champion                            2               +1 Attack
Hero                                    2              +2 Attacks
Lord                                    2          +1d6 Attacks

Duration: 1 turn

-4     SPELL                    Heal
Vigour of Bel-Korhadris
     The Ranger performs an ancient ritual of healing carried out by the great mages of Saphery.
     The Warriors feel lost energy returning to their weary limbs. The number of Warriors affected by the spell varies according to the level of the caster. No-one rnay be healed above their Starting Wounds. The Ranger chooses which Warriors are affected.

Level                Number
of caster           affected                        Effect
Novice                  1        +1d3 Wounds back
Champion             1        +1d6 Wounds back
Hero                     1       +1 Wd per battle-lvl
Lord                     2       +1 Wd per battle-lvl

Duration: Immediate.

-3          SKILL                    Attack
     Time spent in meditation, training and  discussion at the Noble House has proven to be time well spent, as the Rangers fighting Skills are honed to perfection.
     The Elf Ranger may attempt to use this skill once per turn. He may choose one of the following benefits:
+ 1 Attacks this turn
+ 1 to all to hit rolls this turn
+ 1 Strength dice for resolving damage this turn.
     The Ranger does not automatically get the benefits, he must make a successful dice roll first:

Level     Dice roll
Novice       6 +
Champion   5 +
Hero          4 +
Lord          3 +

-2     SPELL                    Attack
Storm of Vengeance

 As the Ranger cdraws on the power of magic, a violent storm rushes through the area. The raging winds tear at the Monsters, whilst miraculosly avoiding the Warriors themse/ves.
     Every Monster on the board section must score less than or equal to its Toughness on a D6 to avoid being hurled to the ground - the Ranger player rolls the dice for the Monsters. A score of 6 is always successful no matter what the Monsters Toughness.
     If a Monster is hurled to the ground, it suffers 1D6 Wounds with no armour deductions. Any hits against a Monster thrown on the ground will be at + 2 to hit.
     It will take a Monster a whole turn to get up. During this time it may do nothing else.

-1     SPELL                    Special
     Mutterirng strang words in the ancient tongue of his kind, the Ranger imbues a single object with the light of the dawn, giving off the sarre light as the lantern.
     Choose an object. It now glows brightly, and the carrier can explore just as the leader with the lantern. The magic glow isn't permanent. If a 1 is rolled in the Power Phases the glow dies.

0      Skill
     The Elf Ranger attempt to avoid an incoming attack, whether a hand-to-hand attack or  a missile attack.
     The Elf Ranger must roll a 5+ to dodge an attack in this fashion.
     He can try this once per turn.
1     SPELL                    Heal
Light Power
     The Mage calls upon the power of light and magic to sustain him through the darkness of the dngeon.
     This spell may be cast once and once only per dungeon. Once cast, the Elf Ranger will regain 1D6+2 Wounds in the Power Phase of each turn, although he may never be restored above his Starting Wounds score.
     If he is reduced to zero Wounds, the spell will heal him once more for 1D6+2 Wounds, getting him on his feet again. Then its effect will fade until he casts it again in the next dungeon .

2     SKILL
The Healer
     The Elf Ranger has the touch of the healer upon him, allowing him to cure ills and seal wounds.
     At the end of a turn, if there are no Monsters on the board, the Ranger may heal any single Warrior (incluciing himself), for 1D6 Wounds +1 Wound per battle-level of the Elf, on a dice roll of a 4, 5, or 6. On a score of  2 or 3 nothing happens, whilst on the score of a 1, the technique goes badly wrong and the Warrior suffer Wounds instead - with no deductions at all.

3     SPELL                     Defence
Dust of Khaine
     Opening a small leather pouch, the Ranger hurls a small quantity of dust into the air. The dust is said to be the ground down bones of those who died within the dread influence of the shrine to Khaine, the Elf god of War. The dust swirls around the are, chocking and blinding Warriors and Monsters alike.
     No further combat or magic is possible this turn, and the Warriors' movement rate is halved as they struggle through the dust. In the dust, Warriors cannot be pinned.
     Once cast, this spell lasts for an entire turn.

4     SPELL                    Attack
     Useing an ancient spell the Elf Ranger invokes a schockwave throughout the dungeon.
     The Ranger chooses one Monster, and rolls a dice. On a score of 3+, the Monster suffers 1D6 Wounds + 1 Wound per battle-level of the caster, with rormal deductions for armour and Toughness.
     If the Ranger rolls a 3+, as required, then after he has rolled a dice to wound the Monster, he can move onto another Monster on the same board section and try again, rolling another 3+ to see if that Monster is affected too. He can carry on doing this for every Monster on the same board section as the Ranger.
     He may only try this once per Monster on the board section per turn. As soon as he fails to roll a 3 + to see if the next Monster is affected, the shockwave dies away, the Monster is not affected, and the spell stops.

5     SKILL
     The Monster's attack carves a wound in the Ranger's chest an inch deep, but, summoning his reserves of willpower he grits teeth and ignores the terrible pain.
     This skill allows the Ranger to ignore the Wounds caused by a single blow that would Otherwise kill hirn.
     This skill may be used once per adventure.

6     SPELL                    Heal
Palace of Avelorn
     Invoking a temporary warp gate, the Elf Ranger  steps through to the palace of the Everqueen Avelorn. Whether it is an illusion, or whether he really travels by magical means to Ulthuan is unknown. However, in the palace of the Everqeen his Wounds are tended.
    Remove the Ranger model from play - he is in Avelorn! For every turn the Ranger remains in Avelorn, he regains 1D3 Wounds, up to a maximum of his Starting Wounds. Whilst in Avelorn he may do nothing else at all. He may emerge from Avelorn at any time he likes. He will always emerge in the room he vanished from, in a square of his choosing at the start of the Power Phase.

       NUMBER 6 OR 8

8    SKILL
Reaction Strike
     A Monster lurches out of the darkness towards the Ranger. No sooner has he caught sight of its huge bulk than his sword is out and ready to strike.
    This skill allows the Ranger to make one immediate attack on a single Monster as soon as it is placed on the board next to him. If there is more than one eligible target then you may choose which Monster he attacks. The attack is in addition to any others which your Warrior may make this turn.
     This blow may not cause death-blows, and when striking the Warrior is immune to any psychology effects caused by the target.

9     SPELL                    Heal
Power of Teclis
     Using a spell said to have been handed down from Tecli himself, the Elf Ranger sends beams of healing power through the wounded Warriors.
     Roll a D6 for each Warrior on the board. On a score of 1, 2, or 3, nothing happens. On a score of 4+, the Warrior receives 1 Wound per battle-level of the caster.

10     SKILL
Swordmaster of Hoeth
     This skill is a special form of lightning fast attack, originating in Hoerth. Taking years to master,  the wielder is all but unstoppable.
     The Elf Ranger must roll a dice. On a score of 5 or 6, he gains double Attacks. On a score of 2, 3 or 4, he attacks as normal. On a score of 1 he trips up and falls over. He may do nothing at all for the rest of the turn and is treated as prone.
     He may try this once per turn.

11     Skill
Cry of Vengeance
     Harnessing the bitter resentment within his soul, the Ranger hurls himself upon his foes with no regard for his personal saftey.
     Every attack the Ranger makes this turn which hits causes tripple damage. However, if he misses, then the Monster he was attacking makes an immediate Reaction Strike attack resolved just like the skill Reaction Strike.
     He rnay try this once per adventure.

12     SPELL                    Attack
Sword of Aenarion
     The Ranger howls in anguish as the hazy outline of a bloody dripping sword appears in his hand. Where it strikes there is nothing but blood and death.
     Choose one Monster adjacermt to the Elf Ranger. It suffers 1D6 Wounds per battle-level of the caster, with no deductions for Toughness or armour.

13     SKILL
     The Ranger is so fast in combat that he is a blur compared to the other Warriors, striking before his opponents can even draw breath.
     Whatever anyone else's Initiatives or any other rules whatsoever, on a score of 4+, the Ranger may go first regardless.
     He can try this once per turn.

14     SPELL                    Defence
Sword guard of Hoeth
     The Ranger is surrounded by a whirling wall of blades, making it almost impossible for his enemies to hit him.
     The Ranger is at + 1 to his Toughness per battle-level up to a maximum bonus of +5, and all Monsters attacking him are at -1 to hit.

15     SKILL
      Seeing the Monster prepare to attack, the Ranger makes as if to move one way, before doing just the Opposite .
     The Ranger may try to make a feint once per turn to avoid an attack which has hit him. Roll a dice. On a roll of 1-4, the feint doesn't work. On a roll of 5, the feint is successful, and the Monsters attack misses. On a 6, the feint was so successful that the Monster loses all the rest of its attacks for the turn.

16     SKILL
 Warning of Asuryan
      The Ranger always seems to be one step ahead of the Monsters.
     When ambushed, the Ranger rolls a dice. On a score of 6, he warns the Warriors, and the attackers do not get their Ambush attack.
     The Ranger may try this once per event which generates Monsters with the Ambush ability.

17      SPELL                    Attack
Fury of Indraugnir
     Holding aloft a single dragon Scale, the Elf Ranger is covered in a ball of flame. In a moment, the flame expands to fill the whole board section.
     Miraculously the Warriors are not affected, but the Monsters on the section are seared and burrned by the dragons breath.
     Every Monster on the board section suffers 1 Wound per battle-level of the caster.

18     SKILL
     Putting all his strength behind his shield, the Ranger shoves his enemies to one side.
     Before moving, the Ranger may try this skill. He must roll a dice and add his level to the score. If he scores 8 or more, then he is successful .
     If he succeeds, then BEFORE movirig, he rmay shove any one adjacent Monster one square backwards or to the side, if there is an empty square available
     He may try this once per turn.

19     SKILL
Wall of Steel

      The sword of the Ranger is a shimmering blur through which none may pass.
     In a Corridor or doorway, no Monster may pass the Elf whilst he uses this skill, whether they are flying Monsters or even Monsters who are never pinned. They must kill him in order to stop his whirling blade.

20     SKILL
Battle Lord
     Through rigorous training, the Ranger is able to shoot on the run, without having to stop and take aim.
     The Ranger rnay fire with a missile weapon BEFORE or during moving. This uses up his Attacks as usual.

21     SKILL
Flame of Vengeance
     This skill allows the Elf to move and fight with fluid grace, shouldering one weapon and taking up another without breaking stride.
     If the Elf has a missile weapon and has more than one Attack, he may split up his attacks between hand-to-hand and missile attacks as he sees fit. For example, if the Ranger has a total of 3 Attacks, he may choose to make 2 missile Attacks and 1 hand-to-hand Attack. Missile Attacks made using this skill ignore the usual rules concerning not being able to fire a missile weapon whilst in a square adjacent to a Morister.

22     SKILL
     With a desperate lunge, the Ranger reaches past his opponent's guard and strikes deep into its heart.
     The Ranger may use this skill instead of any other Attacks he might have. He may make one Attack against his foe instead, and if he hits, then the foe suffer 1D6 Wounds per battle-level of the Ranger with no deductions for armour. This attack may not cause deathblows.
     He may try this once per turn.
Gold Title MOVE WS BS St1r Damage 
T Wounds I A Luck WP Skills Pin
1 0 Novice 4 4 5+ 3 1 3 1d6+7 5 1 0 2 - 3+
2 2,000 Champion 4 5 5+ 3 1 3 2d6+8 6 1 0 3 1 3+
3 4,000 Champion 4 5 5+ 4 1 3 2d6+8 6 2 1 3 2 3+
4 8,000 Champion 4 6 5+ 4 1 4 3d6+9 7 2 1 3 3 3+
5 12,000 Hero 4 6 4+ 4 2 4 3d6+9 7 3 1 4 4 3+
6 18,000 Hero 4 6 4+ 4 2 4 4d6+10 8 3 2 4 5 2+
7 24,000 Hero 4 6 4+ 4 2 4 4d6+10 8 4 2 4 6 2+
8 32,000 Hero 4 6 3+ 4 2 4 5d6+11 8 4 2 5 7 2+
9 45,000 Lord 4 7 3+ 4 3 4 5d6+11 8 4 3 5 8 2+
10 50,000 Lord 4 7 2+ 4 3 4 6d6+12 9 4 3 5 9 2+