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It would be fitting that we should attempt to summarize in this last volume of "The Mohawk", the history of Waynesburg High School and make an effort to recount some accomplishments of the school and also some of the individuals who have attended Waynesburg High School. With that thought in mind we started out with high hopes. As in the case of most histories we found more and more difficulty in securing information as we worked our way back through years.

Old Father Time has taken his toll and many of the graduates Waynesburg High have been claimed by death and many have scattered to all parts of the country. From scattered fragments, we have accumulated some interesting facts which we should like to present.

The first commencement of which we could find a record took place in 1893, which makes our class of 1954 the 62nd class to be graduated from Waynesburg School. Since that first class 781 students (including 32 members of the class of '54) have emerged from Waynesburg's "Halls of Learning" to face the world.

In 1907, the Waynesburg High School Alumni Associaton was organized. As stated in the Constitution, it's object was "to foster feeling social intercourse among it's members; to establish fraternal relations and good fellowship; to renew former friendships; to intensify the the felicities of the present and to secure for the future true loyalty to the purple and gold". In the many years since its orginization, the Alumni Association has remaained active and in some cases its annual meeting offers the only chance for many people to renew old friendships and reminsce with high school chums.

In the great world conflicts which have intervened between the first class of long ago and the present time, Waynesburg High has contributed its share to the defense of our country. No records were available for those who may have participated in the Spanish-American War or in World War I, although the number was considerable. The World War II Honor Roll, which is proudly displayed in our school, contains a total of 196 names of those Waynesburg students who were in the armed forces of the U. S. A note of sadness is added to the Honor Roll by the presence of 13 Gold Stars. These stars, however, are a source of pride in those who gave thier lives for us. Among these is listed also the name of one who was awarded the country's highest decoration for valor---The Congressional Medal of Honor. Many of our ex-students are also at the present time serving Uncle Sam in many parts of the world.


For the names of the men and women who served in these wars please use the links below. This information is from various sources including, the Waynesburg School, the U.S. Army Center of Military History, the Stark County Library, the Ohio Historical Society, and the Canton Repository.

World War I has two categories. Those who were born in Waynesburg (49), and those who were listed as living in Waynesburg (20). Pictures of these men and women are included if they were available. The pictures are from the book Honor Roll of Ohio.

Spanish American War

World War I

World War II Honor Roll Gold Stars

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