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Left to right: Donald Parker, President; Helen Richardson, Treasures; Beverly Bevington, Secretary; Richard Gainey, Assistant Reporter; Dick Fedder, Vice President; Amelia Aquino, Reporter.


The Junior Class has the distinction of being the smallest class in Waynesburg School this year. We are also anticipating another distinction --- becoming the first class at Sandy High School.

During our career in the lower grades we followed the usual pattern of acquiring additional members and losing other members until our class numbered 34 students as we began our struggle through high school as the Freshman class in the fall of 1951.

Our sophomore year started with a class which had dwindled in size to 30 pupils. The year was marked by the additional withdrawal of those who wished to get married or were eager to go to work and by the time we started our Junior year our membership had been reduced to 24.

During our Junior year we have thus far lost two pupils and gained one, so that our present enrollment is 23. Our year has been filed with many new activities most of which been for the purpose of raising funds to give the Seniors a banquet in the spring. At present we are preparing for our class play which we hope will be a huge success.

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