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Left to right:
Franklin DeGraffinreed
Ronald Reed
Donald Towery
James Reed
Larry Bankert

Sophomore Class Officers


It seems but a short time since the Class of '56 entered the halls of learning at Waynesburg School. We were greeted as first graders by Miss Thompson who had 30 of us to keep her busy. As we moved on through grade school we had the following teachers and enrollment. In the Second Grade 39 pupils were divided into two groups with Miss Pearson and Mrs. Fritchley as our teachers. Mrs. Tinehart was faced with our "gang" in the third grade as Marian Kloppman and Donald Towery joined our class. Mrs. Metzger guided us through the mysteries of the Fourth Grade during which year Connie Small and Barara Landes rejoined us. Thirty-nine Fifth Graders entered Miss Vogelsang's room. Jerry and Larry Rogers, Estel Adkins, Ann Faulk and Emanuel Speicher became members of the class. Mrs. Wiggin was our instuctor for our Sixth year as Hugh Roberts and Norma Truett were added to the group.

We had finally achieved the point in our careers where we were allowed to mingle with the High School. In our seventh year Mary Hawkins returned to our class and Miss Vapenik was our home room teacher and adviser. As ninth graders, James Swinehart, Bonnie Moran, and Ronnie Wynn were additions to the class. For our tenth year, which is now in progress, we have Mr. Mirto for our home room teacher and Dorothy Johnson and Wilma Howell are new students in our class while Bernice Frazier has rejoined us. We are looking forward to next year when we will be a part of the new Sandy Valley High School.

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