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Plans for Memorial Day Services are just about ready. Parade time for Waynesburg will be the usual time of 1:30 p.m. Parade will start from the school and proceed to the Legion Memorial Hall to get the Flags, then to the Old Cemetery for decoration of graves, fire salute and taps. The parade then proceeds to the New Sandy Valley Cemtery.

The program is combined with the War Memorial Committee and Legion in honor of the War Memorial which was erected in the Legion plot in remembrance of all those who gave their supreme.

The guest speaker will be Mr. H. H. Longsworth, Carroll County's Representative to the Ohio Legislature. Mr Longsworth is also Carroll County County Superintendent of Schools.

The music this year will be furnished by the Magnolia Town Band under the direction of L. J. Weis.

All veterans and all civic orginizations are welcome to take part in this service.

The Magnolia parade will be at 7 o'clock and they will also have as their speaker Mr. Longsworth of Carrollton. Music will be furnished by the Magnolia Town Band under the direction of Mr. Lewis Weis.

The World War II War Memorial located in the Soldiers' Circle of the Sandy Valley Cemetery will be dedicated at the Memorial Day Sevice this year.

The monument is a 10-foot shaft with the following carved on the face "In grateful tribute to those men of Waynesburg who made the Supreme Sacrifice in World War II, and is followed by the following inscriptions:

Joseph Cichetti, Pfc., Inf., the Congressional Medal of Honor; Manila, February 9, 1945.

Harold Lewton, Sgt. Inf. A.B. Silver Star, Braugh, Belgium, January 3, 1945.

William R. Del Corso, Cpl. Inf. Bronze Star, Italy, April 11, 1944.

Lawrence Di Dent, Sgt. Inf. Purple Heart, Luzon, May 17, 1945.

Melvin Sickafoose, S/Sgt. Inf. Puprle Heart, Italy, Sep. 17, 1944.

Charles Slutz Jr., Pfc. Inf the Purple Heart, France Jul 25, 1944.

James S. Barrino, Pfc. Inf., Purple Heart, France Sept 17, 1944.

Henry M. Bacon, Pvt. Inf., Purple Heart, France Feb 20, 1945.

Samuel J. Orlando, S/Sgt Inf. Purple Heart, Okinawa, May 5, 1945.

Harold Kirkpatrick, 1st Sgt. Purple Heart.

Ray W. Parker, Pvt., Oak Ridge, Tenn July 7,1944.

Harry E. Shine, Pfc. F.A. Luzon June 18, 1945.

Francisco Aquino, 3/c Navy, Moffett Field, California, March 27, 1945.

John F Elson, S/Sgt. A.F., Glenrock, Wyo., March 3, 1943

Clifford R. Burwell, 2/c Navy New Guinea, February 6, 1944.

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To the people of the community and surrounding area:

There is an addition inscription to be put on the Memorial, honoring those of all previous wars. We are in hopes to have it completed for Memorial Day, but if it is not, it will be placed thereon as soon as it is possible.

William DeLuca, Chairman
