In worship, there is communion. The more you commune with Him and He communes with you, the more you know Him. Our relationship with the Father must be a growing, ever-increasing one.
If we go through the motions or outward expression of praise and worship, but our hearts are not yielded to Jesus, we merely praise Him with our lips, but our hearts are far from Him. It then becomes an act that is vain worship. It is fruitless worship. It is strange fire. Whoever you praise and worship (give worth to) is who you give your life to. Whoever you give your life to is who you praise and worship. This yieldedness must be lived out daily. Every day we have the opportunity to live the yielded, crucified life. When we yield to the Spirit of God rather than to our flesh, we have worshiped Him (Galatians 2:20).
We are to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord in all things, and we are to come into His presence with singing. We are to give thanks to Him and bless His Name. Accordingly, Scripture shows us that God inhabits and is enthroned upon the praises of His people. Praise is His address - it's where He lives (Psalms 22:3; 100:2,4). Thankfulness in our hearts is expressed with the words of our mouths. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Thankfulness changes things! Thankfulness changes attitudes, changes situations, and changes us! As we give thanks to God and praise Him, His presence is in our midst and His Glory is revealed (Matthew 12:34).
When we worship our God, there is a gathering or drawing in of people. This drawing comes from the Presence of the Living God who dwells in, and is enthroned upon the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). As God our Father is enthroned upon our life of praise, He draws all men to Himself.
We have such a limited view of praise and worship! It's so much more than singing a song or playing an instrument! It's so much more than a once or twice a week event within four walls of a building! Just like the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob, we often have a narrow understanding of what true worship is. Jesus revealed to her that worship of God is not limited by location, nationality, or anything else. Jesus taught her that true worshipers worship God in Spirit and in truth. Man is so often encumbered by traditions, rules, laws, and regulations in worship! Many times we are more concerned with what day, what time, what location, and other outward boundaries rather than true worship which proceeds from the Spirit. As Jesus Christ has revealed the Father's heart to us, we understand that the day or time is not of central importance. Jesus taught us that He is our Sabbath day of rest! The issue is not a time or place (or what other people think), but our relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ, His Son! Worship is our lives fully yielded to Him. It is His life lived through you and me!
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