This page is dedicated to the memory of my precious sister in the LORD, Jane Toth, who went home to be with her Bridegroom on November 1, 1999. Jane touched so many people in her brief life, and no one left her presence without having been embraced by the love of Jesus, whom Jane knew so well. Everyone who ever met her was also lifted up to God in prayer by this funny, courageous, sweet-spirited, love-filled woman, who was a worshipper in spirit and in truth.
A glance into Your face. I languish in Your presence And marvel at Your grace.
Some storm clouds gather 'round me
"Be not afraid, My sister,
"My arms reach out to hold you,
"I call you My beloved,
"Bask purely in My Presence,
Be strong and of good courage,
Psalm 65:5-8