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Are You Sending The Right Flowers?

Flowers & Their Meanings

Flower TraditionalMeaning
Aster: Talisman of love
Begonia: A fanciful nature
Carnation, red: Admiration
Carnation, white: Pure and ardent love
Chrysanthemum, red: I love you
Chrysanthemum, white: Truth
Daffodil: Regard
Daisy: Innocence, gentleness
Forget-me-not: True love
Globe amaranth: Unfading love
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Jasmine, white: Amiability
Jasmine, yellow: Modesty
Larkspur: An open heart
Pansy: Thoughtful recollection
Primrose: Young love
Rose, pink: Perfect happiness
Rose, white: Charm and innocence
Rose, red: Love and desire
Rose, white and red: Unity
Rosebud: Beauty and youth
Tuberose: Dangerous pleasure
Tulip: You are the perfect lover
Verbena: May you get your wish
Violet: Modesty and simplicity

(this is provided for fun and should not be held as "the law" of flower giving)
