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Susanne's Web Contest

Ok here it is folks. We all know that when people apply for awards, the majority of them do what is called "Apply and Fly". They apply for your awards but don't really take the time to look through your sight. This contest is for the people who really take time to look through my sight. Somewhere in one of my pages, I have hidden a piture that looks like this. While looking through my site, keep an eye out for the picture of the groundhog. When you find it, all you have to do is email me and tell me where you found on in my site. I will mail you a special award that you can post on your site. Good luck...and happy hunting! the way, if you find the groundhog and sign my guestbook, don't tell where you found it's a secret!


p.s. a note from me...the groundhog...I am famous! I predict the coming of Spring each year. Do you know where I am from? If you do then that will be a hint to help you find me in My Little World On The Web! ( and no, the picture of me on the main page of the site doesn't count!)

HOME....take me home.