To Give Credit Where It Is Due
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I have to thank 2 friends of mine whom without, my web site wouldn't have happened. These are two people whom I have grown pretty fond of. Lori Mullins and John Weingard when you guys read this I want you to know how much I appreciate your help and our friendship. You both are great! John you gave me countless amounts of help with this page...and always so willingly, yet asked nothing in return. Without your help, there is a lot of stuff on here that would not or could not have been I just didn't have the patience, when you did...a HUGE THANK YOU...I owe you!-------------> Check out Lori's page, created by John. Lori's Humble Abode

I have to add another friend here now also...without going into too much detail...I have to thank Paul...the president of the JIFSTERS fan is a special friend of mine...who has kept me laughing for months and never gives up on the idea of Sus Is Jiffy ....he gave me many ideas for the JIF page...I have only used several...but keep checking back...he has great ideas, I just have to figure out how to use YOU PAUL!!!! I think you know what your friendship means without me saying it....