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For My Valentine

Finding the right person to love
is so important.
Love comes naturally
but you must both work
at making it last
and try your hardest
at all times
to be fair and honest with each other.

Strive for your own goals
and help your mate achieve his (or her).
Always try to understand him (or her).
Always let him (or her) know what you are thinking.
Always try to support him (or her).
Try to successfully blend
your lives together
with enough freedom
to grow as individuals.
Always consider each day you spend together
as a special day.
Regardless of what events
occur in your lives
make sure that your
relationship always flourishes
and that you always
love and respect each other.

Poem written by Susan Polis Schutz

Unconditional Love

I will love you no matter what.
I will love you if you are stupid.
If you slip and fall on your face,
If you do the wrong thing,
If you make mistakes,
If you behave like a human being,
I will love you no matter what.

Where do I go to start over?
When in your arms, is where I want to be.

by Leo Bursaglia
