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My Special Page

There are so many worthy causes that are near and dear to my heart that I have decided to start a special page to show what I support and all that I have "adopted" in support of the various causes. Please take time to visit the links and read about each. Then if you choose, each link tells how you can join the support.


In support of stopping abuse, I have adopted two Little Angels in Heaven. Please click on Baby Girl Biancuzzo and Baby Michael's banner to see their tragic story. Then help support the cause, click the banner below and Adopt an Angel in Heaven.

The Teardrop Project
Please display this teardrop and link on your page for all our innocent children who have shed silent, lonely tears from abuse! By displaying this teardrop, I am showing my support for all physically, emotionally, and sexually abused children of the world.

Meet my adopted baby girl...

This is Delanie

I adopted her August 11, 1999. She is learning to sit up on her own. She needs a lot of TLC so she can grow up to be a beautiful, happy little girl. Please be kind to her--We are both against child abuse.

In Loving Memory of the students at Columbine High School, Littleton Colorado

April 20, 1999

Meet my adopted cyber pet....

This is SIERRA

I adopted Sierra on August 10, 1999. Sierra is a huggable, lovable teddy bear. Just like all teddy bears, she helps us feel safe at night as we sleep. She needs lots of love in return. Please be kind to her....we are both against cruelty to animals.

Visit Woobie World Today

I support Breast Cancer Awareness

This has recently become closer to me than I wish to admit, as a family member was recently diagnosed with breast the late stages. After a long emotional and physical battle, she is in the recovery process. Please, do your part to spread awareness among all women...your grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece....any women that you care about.

I support women against domestic violence.

Ok...something new for me. I didn't think I wanted to get into all the "advertising" that happens on web pages. But, as a teacher, children to me are the world. I firmly believe that EVERY child has the right to live in a happy, loving environment ( and not only children~but everyone). I feel that as adults, we are the foundation for our youth. It all begins with us. SO.....I have decided to help do my part. I am an avid supporter of the NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN. Please take a look below and see if you recognize any of these children. I have also put a link up from my home state of OHIO of all children missing from that state. Please....let us all do our part to help get these children back home where they belong. Together WE CAN all make a difference!

Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you've seen one of these children.

Have you seen us? We are missing from Ohio.

(click to see missing children from Ohio)

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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