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My Awards and Gift


You have a wonderful page :o) It was very well done and laid out in design and very easy to navigate. Best Wishes Sundancr
Awarded 1/28/00
Thank you Sundancr for this beautiful award!

Scarlett's Place

Hiya Susanne! Congratulations!!! Your site has won "Scarlett's Lovely Webpage Award"! You have an excellent site which is unique, Well Designed & interesting. It is lovely & I will definitly visit again! You have done a wonderful job on this site & I hope you keep up the great work:) I would love for you to display this award on your site. Thank You so much & again, Congrats!!! Scarlett
Awarded 1/30/00-Thank you Scarlett

Royal Excalibur!

Hello :) I did just surf in and found your nice homepage, and decided to award you "Royal Excalibur award for Creativity" :) Congratulation :) BestJRR Royal- :)
Awarded 1/31/00
Thanks Jan for this award. I am always pleasantly surprised when someone just "happens upon" my site and
likes it well enough to honor it with an award. These "surprise awards" are always special!



Congratulations Susanne! I have reviewed your webpage and you have won my LadyFire's Bronze Site Award from me. Your webpage is sweet and interesting and it's clear that you spent lots of effort in it's development. Keep up the great work. You're a talented lady and don't worry about life. You may not have the answers right now but life is a whole learning experience. Some of us may be teachers but all of us are still students :)*hugz* and take care. Bouncing Always, LadyFire aka Cheryl
Thank you Cheryl for this unique award and for your wonderful comments about my site, as well as your encouraging words for life! You are great!
Awarded 2/4/00


Hello Susanne :) your site deserves an award and then some. You have done an excellent job and you should be very proud of your work. For your site I picked these awards for you to honor and display.
Awarded 2/5/00
Thank you Jennifer for both of these honors!

Gazillion things to think about
Congratulations!I enjoyed visiting your site and would like to reward your efforts withtheGadzillion Award For Creative Thought on the Internet. Take Care and Keep Thinking, Don Fowler, A Gadzillion Things To Think About.
Awarded 2/5/00
Thank you Don for the Gazillion Award!!!

Webtime Treats


After visiting your site I have decided to award you The Webtime TreatsAward. Your site definately comes from the heart, is very friendly andinformative. Well done.Hope you have a great 2000! You will be added to our winners page very soon. Thanks for visiting. Alison (Webtime Treats)
Awarded 2/6/00
Thank you Alison and Webtime Treats!



Hans and ThomasHans and Thomas

Happy Tibetan New Year, Susanne :-)Thomas and I would like to wish you a creative,inspiring, healthy &powerful male Iron-Dragon year (5.2.2000 - 24.1.2001). The maleiron-dragon year stands for starting new projects, reorganization ofone's life, enforcing one's idealistic ambitions, fulfilling one'svisions, using one's individualistic power in a wise but determinedway, overcoming disturbances, enhancing self-confidence and being generoustoothers. It's an energetic year, giving rise to celebrations andgrandiose projects. A year of surprises, when an opportunity can begrasped or lost. - You receive this mail and the 2 attached gifts as a symbol of our cyber-friendship. In case you once received our Kindness Award 99, we attached also our new 2000 version, which you may add or exchange. With rainbows from Ireland, Hans & Thomas (IAS & Manjushri Mandala)
Awarded 2/7/00
Thank you Hans and Thomas again for your kindness and generousity!

Suzanne's Gif Shoppe




Here's your Very Much Deserved Valentine Awards. Your pages look
Great!!! And Thanks for making my Graphics look so Good!!!! Just
remember if you need anything just click. Suzanne @ the Gif Shoppe

Thanks Suzanne!!




Amira Studios

Hi. I am glad to say Congrats. You have won my award, for a job welldone.
Friend on the Net, Amira Studios
Awarded 2/9/00
Thank you for this unique award!





Rose of Excellence Award

Good Morning!
I visited your "My Little World On The Web" site this morning and it's
pretty neat!  My goodness you have a TON OF PAGES!!  How in the world did
you find time to do all of it??  I have a pretty extensive site too but
yours seems like a lot more!  So many informational things and just a lot of
sites to visit and gobs to do too!!  A person can spend MUCH hours surfing
through your "home"!!  It's really very very nice and I'm pleased to send
you the "Rose of Excellence" and have it displayed on your pages!  Lovely,
lovely site! Hoping you have a great day and enjoy!!  Karenann

Wow Karen, Thank you for honoring my site with your Excellence award and for the kind words you sent along with it!
Awarded 2/10/00

Hi Susan: I finally got to visit your site. It is a wonderful site, and I was very impressed. Please accept this award from my page to yours.
Thank you Cathy for this beautiful award!
Awarded 2/18/00

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