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My Awards and Gift


BadBob Susanne, In recognition of your hard work and effort in designing a great page:I would like to award you the "Cool B" award. Given to web pages that just ooze coolness! Your pages are entertaining and presented well.Ease of navigation and use of original graphics were also considered.You're helping make the Web a more interesting, fun place to visit.
Wear it with PRIDE, because you have been determined to bea cool person!Keep up the good work, and thanks for stopping by!BadBobCool is the Rule!
Awarded 1/08/00
Thanks BadBob for the "Cool Award"!!


Jack & Linda--NiteOwl

Hi Susanne: This is Jack and Linda from Niteowl's Place. We have visited your site and found it very interesting and a beautiful site and we would be honored if you would accept our award. If you have any problems retreiving our award feel free to contact usand we will see what we can do to assist you.Your friends on the web Jack and Linda Witt
Awarded 1/09/00
Thank you Jack and Linda for this beautiful award. I am honored to receive it.

Cheryl's PlaceCheryl's Place

I really enjoyed your page...especially learning about your dogs! I'm happy to present you with the "Eeyore Smiles" award. It is attached to this email. I am also sending along the "White Christmas" award for your Christmas pages!Congrats and keep up the good work!Cheryl Flaim
Awarded 1/11/00
Two awards--what a wonderful surprise. Thank you Cheryl

A1Pyro's Site


I was surfing through Angelfire and ran across your site. I think you have an excellent, informative site. I am giving you one of my Personalized Awards. Excellent Job!!
Awarded 1/16/00
Wow...thank you--awards that are given just because... without applying for them are always more special. Thank you!





Tristen's World



Congratulations! I have visited your site and am pleased to award youTristen's World Gold Award! You have done an excellent job on yoursite.Keep up the good work! Sincerely,Tristen
Awarded 1/22/00
Thank you Tristen for this beautiful and unique award!





I would like to give our "Gold Eagle Award" to you! keep up the splendid work you have been doing. You are
learning so much so quickly! Great Going Girl.. Georgie
Awarded 1/23/00
Thank You Georgie for the award and words of encourgement!

I loved your site. It looks like you put a lot of work into your wonderfully creative site. I enjoyed every minute I spent there. Keep up that awesome work!Trumpet_06
Awarded 1/24/00
Thank you Trumpet_06!!

Jackie's SiteJackie's Site
Here Are Your Awards!! You Have A Very Beautiful Site...Im Glad I Got The
Chance To See It!! You Deserve These For All The Hard Work You Have Put Into
Your Pages And It Does Show!!
Awarded 1/24/00
Thank You Jackie!

Anabella's place
Hi!!   We enjoyed our visit to your site and We are happy
to give you our award!!
Anabella Parmigiano

Awarded 1/25/00
Wow....thank you..always a nice surprise to receive an award from someone that surfs in.


Awarded 1/25/00


Shari Corner

Hi Susanne, I looked at your pages and I am impressed! You have put a lot of work into them. You have some worthy causes too, that I like. I just finished my new award. Its called Women of the Web. You are the first to recieve it. *S* It is an award for women that care, like you do. Shari
Awarded 1/26/00
Shari, I am honored to be the first to receive this award. The causes are all near and dear to me and I am proud to let that be known. Thank you for recognizing me with this beautiful tribute to Women of the Web who care!



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