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Pennsylvania is known for its history, beautiful scenery, and recreation spots.

History and Fun Facts

Nickname: Keystone State

Pennsylvania was settled in 1643. Philadelphia was the capital during the Revolutionary War and York was the first capital of the United States.

Motto: Virtue, Liberty and Independence

The Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and the Gettysurg address were written in Pennsylvania.

State Flower: Mountain Laurel

Tree: Hemlock

Bird: Ruffed Grouse

Animal: White tail deer

Geography: Pennsylvania is 45,888 square miles. It is 310 miles from east to west and 180 miles from north to south.

Fun facts: Lycoming County is the largest county and is larger than the state of Rhode Island. There are two counties with no traffic lights...Forest and Perry. Lancaster County has more people than the state of Wyoming. There are 50 natural lakes and 2500 man made lakes. There are 116 State Parks and 294 State Game Lands. Leading farm products are dairy products, mushrooms, apples, tobacco, grapes, peaches, and cut flowers.

Famous Firsts: First hospital, library, zoo, newspaper, Nation's Capital, all motion-picture theatre, television broadcast, public television station, paper mill, locomotive for railroad use, druggist, high speed mulit lane highway (PA Turnpike), banana split (Latrobe).



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