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Toby's Page


How Dog Got His Name
When God had made the Earth and sky, the flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals and all the birds and bees.
And when His work was finished not one was quite the same,
He said, "I'll walk the Earth of mine, and give each one a name."
And so He traveled land and sea and everywhere He went,
A little creature followed Him, until it's strength was spent.
When all were named upon the Earth and in the sky and sea,
The little creature said,"Dear Lord, there's not one left for me."
The Father smiled and softly said, "I've left you till the end,
I've turned my name from back to front, and called you DOG, my friend."
-Author Unknown

You guessed it...I'm Toby.

I am a yellow lab..and I have a younger sister named Bailey. Woo wee is she a cutie. Here is a picture of the two of us together. After you take a look at a little more about me, then visit her page. I'm telling you, you'll fall for her just like I did. ( woof woof)

Toby's Story

Let me tell you a little about me. There is a funny story I love to tell people. It is about how I got picked to go live with Mommy and Daddy. When I was born, I was one puppy of thirteen. They all had black fur except for myself and one other boy puppy---we had yellow fur. This is where my Mommy and Daddy come in the scene. When I was ten days old they came to look at the puppies. Daddy wanted a black one and Mommy didn't want one at all. (She wanted a little lap dog.) When Mommy walked in I was laying on my back just relaxing. I heard her say, "Aww, look at the two little yellow ones. Aren't they cute?" That was all it took. I sprang to my feet and started wagging my tail. It worked. She looked at my yellow brother and then at me. She said, "Look how long his ears are." Then she bent down and picked me up. I think it was love at first site for her. She held me in her palm (hard to believe I was that little) and just kept rubbing my back. Hee hee...that is the funny part. I must have liked it because I went potty on her. I left a little puddle down her jacket. I thought to myself, "Oh no. Now she won't like you." She put me down and went and cleaned up. Then she came back and picked my up again and started petting me. Well you know what happened.? I left another puddle on her. That is when Daddy said, " That's it. He is the one. The one that peed all over you." Then he said I was a good boy and he laughed. I didn't see Mommy or Daddy for a very long time. I thought they didn't want me. But when I turned five weeks old, the vet said I could go to my new home. So Mommy came and picked me up. That's it. My funny story. Picked because I got her wet haha.

I live a very good life. I had Mommy and Daddy to myself for almost three years. I had a huge back yard ( we moved and have a bigger yard now) and lots of toys. When Mommy was working or at school then Aunt Kris, the neighbor lady, would come and get me and take me to her house. BOY talk about spoiled. She spoiled me rotten then and she still does. Aunt Kris and Uncle Bill had an older dog that acted like my doggie mom. Her name was Kelly. She was blind so I helped her out when I could. Kelly has gone to doggie heaven now but they have a new lab named Marco. I am a family dog. I don't go to shows or hunting. My main purpose is to make people happy.

That is basically my story until I was almost three. That is when Bailey came to live with us. That was a trip. I still do a doggie laugh when I think how wild she was and how much trouble she got in. I have always been laid back and it took getting used to.

Please visit her page and hear her story. We rescused her in a way. AND we are all glad we did.