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What Is Love?

Love is a slow kiss goodnight, it is anticipation.
Love is an imperfection in yourself not bothiering you,
it is acceptance. Love is passing up an opportunity
because the time isn't right yet, it is patience.
Love is a back massage that starts above the hairline
and ends around the innersoles, it is exploration.
Love is not having to say "Let's make love" because
you know what the other person wants, it is understanding.
Love is being given an honest chance to say no when
you thought you were committed, it is consideration.
Love is saying the perfect phrase to make the solemn
embrace dissolve into giggles, it is humor.
Love is being told "Stop or I'll kill you", it is desire.
Love is reviewing the damage to your living room and
realizing personal effects are strewn in a clockwise
pattern from the front door to the bedroom, it is abandonment.
Love is seeing what your love really looks like for the
first time, it is truth.
Love is knowing what time it is and not caring, it is joy.
Love is the arms around you tightening their embrace,
it is ecstacy. Love is telling a person if you have
to leave you will let them sleep and being told they
would rather be awakened, it is tenderness.
Love is waking up to find the subject of the dream
you were having asleep on your shoulder, it is where
fantasy meets reality. Love is being there to wake
your lover...slowly, it is sensuousness.
Love is blatedly knowing why you bought a king size
bed three years ago, it is practicality.
Love is two people only taking up a third of a king
size bed, it is closeness. Love is knowing you gave the extra set of keys to the
right person, it is trust. Love is stretching your arms
and discovering the real meaning of the word sore, it is
a lesson in human fraility. Love is opening your medicine
cabinet and finding your toothpaste turned into a pretzel,
it is adaptation. Love is sitting at your window looking
out and remembering who you were with the night before,
it is reflection. Love is hearing the weather forcast for
a winter storm and wishing you could spend it in bed with
your lover, it is loneliness. Love is stories that will
never be told, it is personal.
Love is a slow kiss goodnight.

