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Looks like a lot but they are all common rules!

1. The site may be a personal homepage or a commercial site.

2. No profanity, hatred, prejudice, or xxx sites will be considered.

3. Spelling, grammatical, and Java script errors should be kept to a minimum.

4. You should have minimal broken links or images.

5. There should be some content to your page...not just a bunch of links.

6. The award must be linked back to my page (I will add your page to the winner lists in return.)

7. You don't have to sign my guestbook to win...but it would be appreciated if you did. I like to see that people are actually "visiting" my site and not just "APPLYING AND FLYING". After all, you will be posting my award, you should make sure that my site fits into your standards and has nothing offensive. Since you are applying for my awards, I will visit your site and take the time to really look at all the hard work you have put into well as sign your book.

** I can only read English but will look at all sites and attempt to understand them so that all have equal opportunity to win awards.

Please keep in mind, I am new to web site building. I am not a pro. I realize that there are many types of web sites out there. Therefore, I give four different awards.

The Excellence Award

This award is given to sites that demonstrate excellence in web page design and layout. The site should have good content with no broken links or images. The site is a cut above the rest. It should make the visitor say WOW when viewing the page and make them want to come back for return visits.

The Creative Site Award

This award is given to sites that demonstate creativity in design and layout. Uniqueness is a plus to win this award but not necessary. The site should have good content with minimal broken links or images. The sites that win this award will make the visitor want to keep coming back for return visits.

The Great Site Award

This award is given to sites that demonstrate great design and layout. The site shows that the web site owner has put time into creating the page. The site has good content with minimal broken links or images. The sites that win this award should make the visitor feel at home and want to keep checking back for new updates.

The Cool Site Award

This award is given to sites that are new or the owner is just learning to create web pages. The site shows that the web site owner puts time into creating the page and is constantly making updates as they learn more or get more comfortable with web page building. The site has good content with minimal broken links or images. The sites that win this award should make the visitor want to come back for return visits to see how the page progresses.

The Christmas Site Award

This award is given to sites that have a Christmas theme. The criteria is simple because to me, the magic of Christmas is in the giving. So if you have a Christmas site, please apply for this award.

To apply for one of my awards....( and check back for new ones...coming soon ~~ kids award)fill out the form below and click "Did I win?" Please be sure in the comment section to tell me if you are submitting someone elses site for an award...and give your email as well as the email of the site owner. Also, if your email does not support attachments, tell me so I can let you know where to pick up your award should you win.


Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

How did you find my site?
What is your web page name and address? Which award did you wish to win? ( I will keep this in mind when viewing your page) Stunning, fast, FREE!
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Excellence Award, Creative Site Award, Great Site Award compliments of Awards4U

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