
"Chad Loves Only Me"

Okay, I just got done watching SOME (not all, I still have to finish the middle of it-don't ask) of MTV's boyband parody 2ge+her, I must confess...my lonliness...wait, wrong song. Okay, how bout my love is all I have to give--dammit. Let's try this one more time...I'm crazy for YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Oops, wrong again. I know my calculus, it's just YOU + Me = US. CALLLLLLLCUUULUS. So yeah, I like that song. And even more, I like the shy one. The hearthrob was hot too, don't get me wrong, but the shy one had a better voice. (And regardless of his hotter than Lance-like looks, he has a better/different voice than the Bassturd. PLUS he seems to have a good sense of humor, so he could pry Back Dat Ass Up without getting pissy. *Ahem*, unlike some people who shall remain nameless.)

Moving right along, I must give MTV mad props for copying the humor sites and finally giving in to a boyband parody. It's about dang time. Not to mention that mockery is the best form of flattery. :) And I freaking love the commercials. I have a hard time deciding whether I like the one with the two homeless looking guys in the store with the teeny mags or the girl who starts making out with Chad's picture and says the above quote.

But I just wanted to say that even though I tried my hardest to profess my love for Chad before any of mah girls 'claimed him'...lol. I had to give him up. Kate, you are one persistant woman. Do you know that? She offered to do the following (this is a joke people just in case you thought I lost my mind over a made up boyband. lol.) for me in order to claim Chad as her own. Hahah, we are dorks.

I, Jen, agreed to give up my rights as a Chad fan in order to claim the following men with no qualms or protest from Kate.

Carson Daly. This man is sexxxy. Not to mention funny. I adore him.

Justin Timberlake. Again, he oozes sexuality. Not to mention he could shatter my pelvis with those thrusts. Ouch.

Scragglypoof. Also known as Trace, he is one hot mutha. Not really, but I like saying Scragglypoof, so I claim him. So there.

And finally THE most important part of the deal....

She will rid the earth of FATone.


Sorry. But really, I did like Chad a lot. His little thing in the bathtub toward the end, and when he laughed and said that the Fat one (dunno his name) could be Jabba the Hut. He made SUCH a cute face. Awwww. Okay, I'm done gushing for now. PEACE.

Thrust It Outta Here!