What's My Deal?

Aren't they cuties? l to r: Devon, Brad, Rich

Okay people, here's the low down...I heard from my friend on our way home from our softball game, that LFO was a really cool group. She saw them on some show, and she realy liked their single out now called "Summer Girls." So anyways, I saw on www.rockontv.com that they were going to be on Regis and KathyLee yesterday morning. So the day that I didn't have softball til 3:30, and could sleep in as late as I wanted, I got my white ass out of bed at 9:30, just so I could watch them. They are cuties, and I really like that song too! Anyhoo, I was wondering if y'all had any info on these boys, or if you knew anyone with a site that has music clips on it. I have been searching all morning and haven't came across a damn thing. It's a low down dirty shame, but I really want to find out more about these guys. I personally think that Rich is the hottest, but Brad reminds me of David off of Real World Seattle. The other one is just plain ugly. lol, but anyways, if you have any info whatsoever, send it to me at girl_4_nsync@hotmail.com . Thanks bunches peeps! =)~~Rachel

Thrust It Back That'a Way