Armagedd'n sync: PLEASE don't let Joey save the earth...we'll die for SURE!

Hey peeps...guess what? I finally got to see Armagedd'n Sync. ten years after everyone else, but hey, I still gotta see it right? So here is my very late, but still funny (I hope) review. :)

First off, The B*witched asterisk? Hahaha, actually I think Britney's old boob would have been MUCH funnier, but I guess it just didn't have the same crowd appeal. Lol.

And WHAT is up with the bald scary guy saying, "I always wanted to meet JC"?!?!? If I were JC, I would run for my life, although I do have to say that the old guy had worse teeth than JC's...which says alot.

"There's no 'I' in N Sync" ~JC. Um...sure ok. Lol...but there is an 'u' in "fix yoUr damn teeth boy"! My god, he's so freakin rich, why can't he fix those scary things?

Anyhow...notice Justy tame those unruly sideburns, and shit. Blah, blah, blah. The only real comment I have to make is this bout Armagedd'n Sync: "Poppin" fresh dance moves makes me think they are advertising themselves for the Pillsbury doughboy. I just laugh thinking bout it. And Justin needs to take some advice and stop trying to act...especially with that damn Southern accent. It was so retardedly funny. I was laughing so hard I was bawling, seriously. I rewound the damn thing like 6 times just to hear him say Mo-bIles...and astey-roid. Absolutely cheesy..pure swiss kids.

Aghhh! I don't wanna die! Thrust Me HOME!