I'm A Barbie Girl....

Ok, now I know that I have restrained myself from going off on the slutbag whore they call Britney Spears, but because I am going to see her in concert on the 14th, I must share my thoughts with ya'll. So..*deep breath*..here goes.

First off, I must definitely address the Justin/Britney issue. Because I am a huge Justin fan *as you all know*, this ya know..bothers me a little bit. I must clarify first of all though...I am not psycho, and I do NOT in any way think that I will ever woo Justin with my charms. *Although I do think the 'I'm a free agent...I'm Looking' line, followed by looking at Lance (?) lovingly and the gay ass cheesy smile might work wonders for me..hey you never know, right Kat?* So yeah...the fact that Justin has a girl doesn't bother me. BUT the fact that his 'woman' is possibly this streakily tanned, blow up chest, fake hair wanna be talent named Britney Spears gets on my nerves. I mean, he's hot..there's no denying that. And I am sure he's hornier than a rhino in mating season. So because he's hot, horny, and famous, he could bed anyone he desired. Which leads me to the inevitable question, WHY in the name of the lord does he choose Britney as his sex toy? The least he could do is find someone who doesn't have a vast collection of platinum wigs. Ahh..now I feel much better.

Moving right along...I personally think she is a horrible role model for young girls. She presents the image that if you are slutty and fake, and basically act like you have more of a brain in your implants than you do in your head..then you can get anywhere in life. Seeing my eight year old cousin looking up to someone like Britney makes me sick!

Also we have the issue of her riding N Sync's fame like it's the last Greyhound bus back to her trailer park in Lousiana. I mean seriously, you don't see her going on and on about knowing Keri Russell or anything. It's always...blah blah blah, yeah Justin and Jc are like brothers to me...they're so sweet. *gag barf* I personally think that if she's SO talented, then she wouldn't have to rely on N Sync's fame to catapult her own horribly annoying career.

Now, some people might say that I am jealous of Britney, yada yada yada. BUT I refuse to say that jealousy has anything to do with this. I have yet to be jealous of someone who in my opinion wears more fake tanner than the entire cast of Baywatch, has inflatable boobs, wears fake hair, acts dumber than Joey on a GOOD day, and is basically nothing but a studio enhanced slutbag whore that gives new meaning to the words "Miss I-da-ho". If Britney can make it in the pop world on little or no talent, then hell..hand me my platinum wig, bronzing solution, and a Wonderbra. I mean, all I have to do is claim to know N Sync and screech..err..sing like a cat on fire, and I'm ready to claim the throne as the newest 'princess of pop'. So move over Britney, I'm ready for my close up.

Thrust It Outta This Inflatable World!