Everybody in Leather

Aight this review is gonna just be a totally random menagerie of TRL today, and the Bye Bye Bye video (and a LITTLE of the Making the video). I still have to watch Making of the Video a little closer to do an actual review of that by itself. Having said that, let's begin.

First let me just comment about the high rate of Joey's ass exposure there has been on MTV lately.


On Monday I suffered minor blindage by seeing Joey's ass up close and personal in tighter than tight leather pants. THEN, today while watching TRL, I get the pleazzzzzzzure of seeing Joey with his pants down. WTF is wrong with these people? Joey needs to leave his pants ON...and maybe he wouldn't be branded the N Sync whore. Am I right? I thought so.

While I'm on the subject of Joey. He scares me...IMMENSELY. (I was so...impressed by his use of that word. I figured it was probably one that Hitler aka JC taught him so he wouldn't sound so idiotic.) And one more thing about FATone...I personally love seeing him slam his fat self into the wall. CRUNK. Surprisingly he didn't bust through the wall. Who knew it was really built to last? Lol.

And can I make one comment about their outfits? *Of course I can, it's my damn page.* Why did they put Justin in red? I mean besides the obvious matter that while the others are wearing black PLEATHER, he stands out as the cutest, most marketable in the crunkin band. Sheesh. Gets on my nerves sometimes. And while we are on the subject of outfits in the new video...WHY in the name of timbs must JC dress in 70's pimp clothes? It disgusts me greatly...almost as much as FATone.

The puppet things, although I liked the AMA puppet crap, this is just TOO much. I am so sorry...and the concept is crunk, but why must they work the 'No Strings Attached' thing to death ALREADY? I mean...by the time the damn album comes out, the puppet thing will be as scary as clowns, and if I have one more dream about a puppet JC that is foaming at the mouth while chasing me...I will just go NUTS. Okay? Lol.

Also I personally have a problem with JC...while driving, he is scaring poor Lance. Lol. I mean, he has that scary Hitler look on his face. I can only imagine the fear that Lancers is feeling. (I'm being sarcastic here people...cept for the whole Hitler face thing.) And about the driving thing...why, may I ask, are all of the cars on the road crusty old pieces of shit EXCEPT for two almost identical models just in different colors, driven by Hitler and the scary Liv Tyler lookalike girl?

Aight and a couple more things....outfits on TRL today: Justin lookin like Scraggles...but that's okay since Scraggles is my new EN FRO favorite. Lol. Lance: HOT DAMN! 'Nuff said. JC: Nice hat heroin boy. Joey: When will you die? Jk...he looked alright, I didn't pay much attention. Chris: BACK THAT ASS UP! (BTW I loved when he did that. Lol.)

Justin's solo of Promises...please no more. He sounded like shit if you ask me.

This has nothing to do with N Sync, but did you see Brit's mad skillz with the football in BOMBH? We owe those to Justin ladies and gentlemen. Lol.

Let's see what else....oh yes. The damn moving room makes me really dizzy. REALLY dizzy. The only one I can ever focus in on is JC having a crack withdrawl fit...and spazzing around on the floor.

Carson's comments about sports bras...then Justin's side note: "Better for everyone". Well then smarty pants, maybe you should make the girls in your videos wear them too. Hmm? That's what I thought.

I thought that Justin's pouty face was cute when Lance read that letter...(I think that is when it was.) And I must admit it was cute when Chris was playing with Joey's ears or whatever he was doing.

Justin's hair looked a lot better in the video than it did in Hawaii. He must have decided to cut it...or comb it. But I like the coloring too. Cute.

One last thought on the video, it's so random it makes me laugh. Justin's crotch grab...not that I'm complaining, but WHERE did that come from? Nevermind, it's JRT BIATCH...I shouldn't even have to ask. Justin's little cocky ass 'haha' or whatever. And my personal favorite part was the CD thing in the car with Scary JC and Lance. Interesting.

So those are some of my thoughts...more later. Peace.

Thrust It to me BABY