All Access: A Review

Aight, Jen here..and this review was sent to me courtesy of Christina. :) She is a friend of my girl that makes her a friend of mine. Anyhoo, I am finally getting this up after she sent it to me forever ago. So Christina, thank you for the review..and for the rest of you, enjoy!

Okay this episode was probably one of my favorite pieces of footage of the guys. They were really funny and did stupid things (as usual)...

-Okay...Rachel, Michelle, Jenn-um NO! Only TRUE airheads try and slap high-fives and miss like every single one of them!

-When the camera takes us on a tour of the house you will notice posters of *NSYNC up in a's the friggin' bathroom! WHY!? does one put posters of Justin up in the bathroom!? Actually...i bet I can guess why-if they are THAT desperate!

-Message to Rach, Michelle, and Jenn: YOU DO NOT NEED TO PUT ANY MORE MAKE UP ON! Face it're ugly. No amount of makeup is going to change it!

-When they are on the bus...what gets thrown at Joey?!?! I REALLY wanna know!

-JC explains sleeping situations...We can officially say Joey sleeps on Steve!

-JC- "we watch a little TV on the thing..." the THING!? All that crack/caffene effected your brain a little too much. It's called a TELEVISION...not THING! (By the way, JC rubs/scratches his nose on this part...even sniffs too! it SCREAMS crack sniffer!

-Back to the I mean fans..."no one deserves it more than us", actually one else agreed to give "Big Daddy" Pearlman a hummer! You didn't actually think you were THAT lucky did you?!

-Oh also, Rachel...blow your nose for heavens sake! You sound like a sick 5 year old

-Okay...caught sight of a "blooper"! When Chris and Justin are showing us the key chains...notice that Justin is eating goldfish, seated behind Chris...but when they show Lance's keychain and he puts on the Taz mask (which is retarted by the way), Justin is standing up behind Joey...then he's sitting again for Joey's PePe LePew key chain...LoL!

-The Taz Mask part...Chris mouths something about Lance and points to him! WHAT DOES HE SAY!? I REALLY WANNA KNOW!

-By the way...I LOVE Justin's hands!!! Don't ask why...I just do!

-EAT EAT EAT...all day long! I LOVE THIS PART!! (Note the way Justin flicks his left hand outward to the beat-it's cute!) =) ALSO...LANCE: STOP YOUR DAMN RAMBLING! THEY'RE TRYING TO SING A SONG HERE!!

-Joey DOES have some sort of talent...drumming on a table.

-JC: do NOT try and dance like that any more!

-Goldfish in Joey's mouth part-- "Lance scores from downtown" Wait? Is Topenga around???

-Employee Kelvin from the Doubletree: How many times can you incorporate the word "Ladies" into ONE sentence!?

-Ironman part--Why does Chris always steal everyone else's jokes!? Also...gotta love Justin's little hitchiker dance! =)

-Again, when the bus "cuts" in line to get into the venue- SHUT UP LANCE! no one is listening to you, hun!

-Oh yeah...if anyone wants to know the definition of "Teenybopper" just look at the part where Chris makes fun of the fan who is dangling out the window of her van! Someone put that in the dictionary!

-When the whores...whoops fans...are driving along singing "You got it"... "I'll do whatever it takes" GRR! I just wanna slap her! C'mon gimme 2 minutes alone with her in a dark alley and a loaded gun!

-"We Love you Jaaaames" I have NO idea why they start singing this, but I'm glad they do =)

-Lance: easy on the bass there!

-Okay, I noticed Lance was rambling YET again on the part where the guys do their little "so say it the Shepard/Flock" thing, but when you listen carefully, you hear Lance stupified saying "Wow look @ that! It's an *NSYNC mobile!" From what I could tell after watching it in is in fact Rachel's car. But...they don't show the girls driving up until AFTER that shot. Silly MTV! =)

-2 UNEXPECTED events that start with 'B': 1) Justin gets off the bus and plays BASKETBALL...and 2) Chris brings out his adorable (alright we're sick of him already!) dog BUSTA!

-Justin-"Money Shot!". Only Justin can get away with saying something stupid like that!

-It's 4:17, the whores...I arrive at the venue. Their posters are gone...aww darn! (HEH! That's what you get for putting GOOD posters on your CAR!!!)-Joey: Lance is playing PIN BALL...not PING PONG!!

-"I just got 3 balls and then you cover my eyes" know what Lance? I am not EVEN gonna go there!

-I Love the way Justin says "Rigatoni" like "oh excuuuse me". It's adorable!=)

-Justin-"They do us well here"...hehehe yeah Justin, I would do you well too!

-Justin is such a good eater! =) Good boy!!

-Okay...anyone else notice that Lance plays video games in like every shot!?

-"Okay I'm gonna give you a sneak preview of tonight's show...... This is a sneak preview of tonight's show" LANCE YOU'RE SOOO NOT FUNNY!!

-All the "staff" of the venue CANNOT act/pretend to not know anything!

-"Now it might get a little bit kind of loud because our band is kind of rehearsing a little bit"...GUESS WHO SAID THIS!? (This is, by the way, a DIRECT quote taken from the man himself who said "I hopefully hope") YOU ARE RETARDED JOEY! LOL!

-JC and the scary guy....LOL LOL LOL LOL!! Even though it was cheesy, I laughed my @$$ off! Aight, Jen here, and I just have to say that the scary long haired guy is part of their crew, and we have a picture of him from Sweetstock. We got our photos back, and there is one of him and Joey, and he's like blending into the background except for his snarly hair and his eyes were glowing cuz of the flash. Can you say CREEPY?

-Alrighty, when Lance and Joey are standing on the stage and Lance starts rambling on about how people can bring picnic blankets, make it an all day thing, yadda yadda blah blah blah, Lance pulls something off his head, looks at it, gives a confused/disguisted look, like "HUH?" and flicks it off.

-"Can you sign...THIS?" Translation: "Put your hands on my skanky body, okay?" ('s a pretty good idea though. If I were to envy this girl at all, it would be because she gets to say that Justin Timberlake put his hand on her area!)

-Justin is so adorable! He looks all shocked and shaken when Jenn says "asses".

-Lance-"Busta's takin' a piss" (That boy ALWAYS says something wrong...I mean, not that piss is a bad word, but you know the 10 year old teenyboppers were like "OOOOh I'm telling!")

-JC-"Whatchya gonna do?" I dunno....I thought this was a cute little quote.

-Special message to MTV: THANK YOU FOR SHOWING US JORDAN KNIGHT! =) oh baby! Prrrrr!

-Did anyone notice that during IWYB, Lance actually got a little better at the dance moves....most improved is the part where they get in a line and do there little "giddy up" movement. "So don't hang up the phone now...."

-Chris sings SOO much like a high-pitched girl!

-JC spazzes again! "GIRL...WHAT CAN I DO!!??"

-Rachel- "Hey...I don't care what...they write on it...nothing's gonna make... me feel bad right now." FOR THE LAST TIME SKANKS!! SHUT UP!! If you think TOO hard, you might strain something!

I know you can all tell Christina is a Justy yours truly. However, she was a little TOO easy on him. :) When I get my lazy ass in gear, my own review will also be up. Thanks rock girl!

Thrust It To Me Babe!