LEARN TO READ for God's Sake!!

MY GOD people!!!! Would the teenies please pay attention in reading class? I am SICK and TIRED of explaining to people to READ the damn warnings!! If you DON'T believe the No Scrubs article...then for God's sake, just don't believe it. You don't have to write me and tell me you and your grandmother's opinion on the matter. Cuz frankly my dears, I don't give a damn. I believe it, and to me that is really all that matters. Got it?! Good! Here is an "average" hatemail that I get about that article. Take a look, my response is in italics.

First of all, no way in hell would *N SYNC EVER do anything like what you said they did at a club! I know that *N SYNC aren't perfect and probably have made mistakes and whatnot, but there is no way that they would do that! You know, it is people like those who wrote that story that give these guys a bad reputation. Besides, they are so worn out after their concerts, how in the world would they have the energy to go dancing at a nightclub afterwards? I don't think so! Plus, *N SYNC would know that if they did something like that, and word got out about it, Transcon would kick their little white @$$e$! I don't think that any of them would even think about doing something like this. They just don't have the time or energy. And what really got me ticked off is that part about Joey wanting sex from that hoochie! Joey is not like that!! If you're going to lie, you might not want to make it so obvious that of course you chose the flirtiest one to be the one asking for sex! I have met *N SYNC at a Meet 'N Greet, and another time too, and they were the nicest, sweetest, most charming guys that I have ever met. And if after that you dare to tell me that *N SYNC goes to clubs after their concerts, which makes no sense at all, and get freaky with sluts, then you are terribly mistaking. You say that you're a fan, but fans don't go writing false stories >about them. Don't even try to tell me that this story is true, because you are probably a dillusional little moron who doesn't know any better than to write such rotten and filthy $hit !

First of all, I am not a "dillusional little moron who doesn't know any better than to write such rotten and filthy shit"...I am 18 years old and just finished my freshman year of college. I personally think that the dillusional ones are the people like YOU who defend 5 guys that you don't even know! Don't you think that they are just like every other guy their age? I for one am not going to be so naiive as to say that they don't do things like this. I refuse to buy into that Transcon shit about them being "single and ready to mingle" angels. I just don't buy it, and I feel sorry for anyone who does, such as yourself. Second of all, I am really getting annoyed with retarded people writing me hatemail about something that is CLEARLY labeled with numerous warnings. So, if you read it and hate it, or even hate me because of it...that is YOUR problem. I don't want to hear about it, and I CERTAINLY do not care to hear about how you have met the guys and that they are perfectly innocent, and without flaw.

Secondly, to answer your question about Joey wanting sex from that girl? HELLO...I am not lying, it really happened, and maybe he got that image as the flirtiest because he is such a damn DOG?!? Are you completely oblivious to the things that guys his age do...famous or not? Haha, and if you know SOOO much about the guys, you will know that occasionally they have afterparties at clubs that they invite everyone too, but after a certain time, you must be 18 to stay. Um...yeah, I can tell you know your N Sync stuff. Ok...maybe you should write me when you actually know what you are talking about, and have something semi worth reading. I really do get bored with the same old hatemail...the least you people could do is be inventive. Also, this email is no longer used for hatemail...so any problems that you may have that you would like to write me about, please send it to just_thrust_it@hotmail.com. Thank you.

Here is an email that my good friend Emilie received about her site. Most of the response is mine, as well as a few hilarious comments from Emilie.


First of all, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on what FAGES are. I know what fags are...but am unclear on the definition of FAGES. Perhaps you know. Also, do you think you could tone down the punctuation? I know you are are REALLY excited about the Backstreet Boys, but you don't need to overemphasize your already capitalized point. Also, about the capitalization...see that little key to the left of your keyboard? It's labeled..Caps Lock. See it? Now TURN THE DAMN THING OFF, CUZ YOU ARE DRIVING ME NUTS!

Now..onto your comments. They are butt ugly? Ok..so maybe Chris isn't the cutest thing, and he can start a small tornado if he spin his head around, and well..Joey either..but does that make Nick, AJ, or Howie better looking? I don't think so. Lol. Also,if 'N Sync can't sing..how do you explain the multitude of record sales they have had? And who won an American Music Award? Um...let me see...N Sync?!? Yes, I believe it is so. What about their KCA and the Blockbuster award? As for not being able to dance, I think you have N Sync confused with your precious Backdoor...oops...BackSTREET boys. Last time I checked, their dancing included a whole lot of AJ humping the ground, and not much else. But, hey..if that is dancing...then I guess he is pretty good after all that practice. Backstreet can dance when they are back up by 20 bimbos behind them who still can't manage to get the moves down. About them being Backstreet "want to bees", no one from N Sync wants ANY of the BSB's honey...so buzz off. Brian needs to take a hint and go solo, while Kevin needs to take a hint and form 2 brows. Lol. About me having a life...I obviously have better things to do than to write on an N Sync page about how great BSB is, when the author of it could care less about your opinion. Also, you go ahead and keep that Backstreet Pride Alive...god knows they need SOMEONE to. They are on a downward sprial. I feel a huge backlash coming on for all boygroups. I really see no need to futher trash Backstreet I believe the media has already done enough from just the recent new release. Anyway you can't compare BSB to 'N Sync, it's 2 different groups with 2 different sounds. I think it's really sad that you go to 'N Sync websites to trash them. You need to slow your roll before someone bust your spot. Oh and get some balls, next time sign your name.

Here's another LOVELY email I received. It's sooo intelligently written, that I had to share it with you. The subject of it was BITCH, so I figured it was someone praising me highly on my site. You can imagine my surprise when I opened it up to find this:

I read your site and I think you SUCK! 'N Sync are fine and I love them, stop disssing them. Well, I must admit, some of it was funny.

Hahahaha, ok, besides the fact that a 12 year old OBVIOUSLY wrote this...it is so well written, don't you think? First off all, compliments abound, beginning with the statement that I "SUCK". Damn, I was hoping that she would be a little more harsh...sucking isn't quite what I had in mind. Well, to the point...little girl, perhaps you need to learn how to read. Obviously you don't realize that this is a HUMOR page. I am a fan of the boys, especially considering that I spend obscene amounts of money on their ungrateful asses. I know that they don't give a flying f*** if I like them or not, so why should you care if I do? And if I want to "disss" them...it's a free country, and like I said many many times before...I practically support their nasty habits, so it's almost like my job. Hope that answers your questions. Stop again sometime when you get a sense of humor.

Reading Lessons...HERE!

Email: just_thrust_it@hotmail.com