My Cups Runneth Over!...a AIM convo bout Beefy Pecs...among other!

**Ok guys, this is an AIM convo that my friend Jen and I had. The convo was just too funny to keep all to myself. I hope you enjoy! (It starts out with me talking about Sweetstock this weekend!)**

CaptJusty3: i think if i manage to get a spot in the front row..i am gonna wave a dollar bill at justin.

JcsLover: *LOL* OMG, that would be SOO funny!

CaptJusty3: lol...i think that would be hilarious to do that...just to see if he would come and take it!

CaptJusty3: i bet joey will if justin won't

JcsLover: lol

CaptJusty3: i could put the dollar in joey's cleavage

JcsLover: Joey would probably jump over Justin to get it...

JcsLover: and then say, "it was for me, you know it!"

CaptJusty3: probably! he would think...Hey, I could buy a hamburger at micky d's with that dollar!

JcsLover: 3 on Sundays...they're only 29 cents on Sundays! hee hee hee

CaptJusty3: that is too funny. joey is a dirty pimp. lol

JcsLover: He'd probably stick it in his shorts just as he grabbed it...right there in front of everyone...

CaptJusty3: yeah he would! ewwwww

CaptJusty3: it should be interesting. i HOPE joey doesn't dive off the stage trying to grab the dollar!

CaptJusty3: he might injure me

JcsLover: Ah...he'd be busy thinking, "Yes! I got a dollar!"

CaptJusty3: "yay! now i don't have to beg justin for money since i spent all mine on prositutes"

JcsLover: LOL

CaptJusty3: :) it's true! haha

JcsLover: Did Kat tell you we were thinking about going to Vegas to see them? I'm thinking I should dress up like a hooker and see what happens...

CaptJusty3: HAHA. I am really considering making a shirt that says Joey's ho...or Timberlick's slut

CaptJusty3: i still am determined to call justin Nick

CaptJusty3: haha

JcsLover: I want to make a sign that says, "Where's Nick?"

CaptJusty3: you should! i want to take one to sweetstock that says Backstreets Back

JcsLover: HAHAHA

CaptJusty3: i am still debating it

JcsLover: I would die to see that if you were in the front!

CaptJusty3: oh i know. imagine the dirty looks i would get...from the guys. (cept joey..he would be struggling with the word's past his four letter limit)

JcsLover: He'd be like...Back...door? Back...yard?

CaptJusty3: hahahah

CaptJusty3: he is so least it seems like it to me

CaptJusty3: lol

JcsLover: He's a little slow...unless he's being REALLY

CaptJusty3: We might try to sweet talk a body guard, or a dj

CaptJusty3: just try to sneak back and see someone with less security than nsync's army...and then "bump" into justin

CaptJusty3: hell i would settle for chris!

JcsLover: Oh, you're setting low standards, eh? HAHAHA

CaptJusty3: i can only move up from is joey, then lance, then jc...then the main man justin.

JcsLover: Yeah, that's true...only way to go is up...hee hee hee...

CaptJusty3: so true :)

JcsLover: I do appreciate Chris's sense of humor, though...I think that's the only thing I appreciate...or maybe the fact that he's 27 and in a boyband...

JcsLover: But then again, there's his maybe it's just his sense of humor...

CaptJusty3: yeah, haha...i think it's the sense of humor...and his dog busta...and the fact that he just is so completely obssessed with busta rhymes that he does his hair like him, and names a dog after him

CaptJusty3: maybe they DO understand the teenyboppers...he is still one himself

JcsLover: Yeah...that's true!

JcsLover: lol

CaptJusty3: haha

JcsLover: I've been told I sing like him...maybe I could take his place in the group...hahaha

CaptJusty3: maybe could become justin's best friend...jc's possible bunk mate. but if you do, you best be hookin me up with some timberlake ass

CaptJusty3: lol

JcsLover: Oh, you'd be the first I'd call...and then I'd make him strip for you, me and kathy..."dolla dolla billz, yo!"

CaptJusty3: haha. oh yeah baby!

JcsLover: And what's this "JC's POSSIBLE bed mate"? I'd be there all the time! lol

JcsLover: Of course, that doesn't mean he'd be there, too...

JcsLover: lol

CaptJusty3: lol...i am sure he would...but we all KNOW that boy wouldn't be getting himself any sleep

CaptJusty3: ifyaknowwhatimsayin

CaptJusty3: lol

JcsLover: hee hee hee...we are so on the same wavelength! lol

JcsLover: Of course, I'd get Justin to be your love

JcsLover: not that it would take much prodding...

CaptJusty3: :) so i am just hoping that joey doesn't shake his ass in my face at sweetstock. Lol...good deal...justin as a love slave..i think i could handle that!

JcsLover: Okay, when does Joey NOT shake his ass at anyone's face? He'd probably slap it a couple of times..."yeah, I'm a bad boy...git down wit my bad self!"

CaptJusty3: haha, GROSS!!! He has some beefy pecs i think

CaptJusty3: no wait...flabby pecs

CaptJusty3: lol

JcsLover: lol

JcsLover: I think he's got bigger boobs than I do...

CaptJusty3: that is enough to make me sick...thinking of joey's boobs being bigger than britney's (real or fake..we aren't sure!)

CaptJusty3: maybe i should make a sign that says Joey...What's your Bust Size?

CaptJusty3: lol

JcsLover: Okay, that is just OUT OF THE QUESTION...

CaptJusty3: hahaha

JcsLover: Throw a bra up there and say, if you can fit into this, I'll make it worth your while!

CaptJusty3: LOL!!!!!!!!!

CaptJusty3: but make it a training bra

CaptJusty3: so there was no chance of me ever having to make good on the deal

JcsLover: Add some padding...

JcsLover: Add a LOT of padding!

CaptJusty3: oh definitely! then he will never ever get himself into it

JcsLover: And you KNOW he'd try! lol

JcsLover: He'd probably be like, STOP THE SHOW! I need to put this

CaptJusty3: probably! i think maybe that would be the scariest thing

JcsLover: Okay, see, that's the way to empty an arena...and being slow, he'd be like, "What? What's wrong? Why is everyone leaving?" while he was still wearing the bra...

CaptJusty3: GROSS!!!!!!!!!

CaptJusty3: haha, but i can see it now...everyone running away screaming "I am BLIND! I AM BLIND!"

CaptJusty3: lol

JcsLover: I hope I don't have nightmares now because of Joey...

JcsLover: He'd be like, looking down at his chest and be thinking, "now THIS is good support!" AH HA HA HA HA

Alright, the rest was just me saying I had to go...blah blah blah. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed the chat my friends and I have on aol. Isn't it interesting the things we come up with?

Thrust It To Me!
