Justin...Taking Over The Planet AIM Style

Awww good deal. ANOTHER psycho on my hands. This one, I got the sn from a friend who said some random person claiming to be Justin im'd her. I think it's hilarious how these people...trying to be N Sync, im people. N Sync would not have TIME to just randomly im people first off. I also enjoy the fact that after I piss them off by exposing them for the morons they are...they block me or get off. Lol. And THEN to top it all off, they make up fun, REALLY creative sn's *yeah right*, such as Capt3Sucks, or the all new..and my personal favorite--CaptJSux. So take a look at the convo..and don't laugh too hard. My comments will be marked with a *.

CaptJusty3: Hey

Timby130: who r u

CaptJusty3: my name is jen

Timby130: cool

CaptJusty3: wanna chat?

CaptJusty3: i am bored

Timby130: sure i guess

CaptJusty3: cool

CaptJusty3: what's your name?

Timby130: justin

CaptJusty3: cool.

CaptJusty3: so how old are ya , and where are ya from? I am 18 and from ia

Timby130: cool i am 18 from florida

CaptJusty3: aww you like florida?

CaptJusty3: i love it there

Timby130: yep wow

CaptJusty3: yeah we go there on vacation alot

CaptJusty3: we go to orlando usually

Timby130: wow

CaptJusty3: where in florida are you from?

Timby130: orlando

Timby130: wow cool *such a large vocab our Ju Ju has.*

CaptJusty3: have you lived there long?

Timby130: yep

Timby130: since i was 11 i think or 12

Timby130: i dunno i dont have a good memory *Yeah, seems as though a lot of "Justin's" have a memory that comes and goes*

CaptJusty3: cool. oh you don't?

CaptJusty3: that sucks

Timby130: yep

CaptJusty3: i have a pretty good memory

Timby130: wow * 'Wow', 'cool', and 'yep'...wow that bleach must be getting to his brain. You would think he would be able to say something a little more interesting.*

Timby130: cool

Timby130: so y r u talkin 2 me i didnt IM u

CaptJusty3: yeah. hmmm so you in college?

Timby130: nope

CaptJusty3: cuz i am bored..that's why i imd you

CaptJusty3: oh. just workin huh?

Timby130: my scheduel is 2 busy *Now everyone has typos...but wouldn't a 'good student' like Justy know how to spell schedule?*

Timby130: who gave u my sn? *Nosy aren't we?*

CaptJusty3: ya know i don't even remember where i got it...it was on my buddy list. so since like no one else is on, i just decided to im you *I am such a bullshitter*

CaptJusty3: is that a problem?

Timby130: no not at all

CaptJusty3: oh ok cool :)

Timby130: what does CAPTJUSTY mean?

CaptJusty3: my boyfriend justin is the captain of the football team where i go to school *Hey, it could be a true statement. Looks like you people will never know. Lol*

CaptJusty3: so that's kinda what it means

Timby130: nope dont beleive u *Again with the spelling...use a friggin dictionary*

Timby130: sum1 told me what it meant *OHMYGOD, someone hose me down. JUSTIN knows what my sn means. Ohhhh the shame. Yeah right! Haha.*

CaptJusty3: why don't you believe me?

Timby130: and ive been 2 ure web page * Have you now? *

CaptJusty3: i don't have a webpage * Webpage? What webpage...hehe*

Timby130: ya u do

CaptJusty3: no, i seriously don't

Timby130: ive been there

Timby130: Just thrust it

Timby130: that is ures *ures?*

Timby130: and i saw this AIM name on it

CaptJusty3: nope, you have me confused with someone else. it might be a number different or something. but it's not me *Ok, so that was a reach, but still...it's not my bag baby...lol*

CaptJusty3: i dont' even know how to make a webpage

Timby130: k whateva *Ok, the day I hear Justin use the word 'whateva'...is the day I fall victim to Joey's dimwitted charm.*

CaptJusty3: i am practically computer illiterate *Can't you people tell?*

Timby130: yep sure

CaptJusty3: well if you don't want to believe me that's cool

Timby130: fine i wont *OOOOH 'fine'...don't get your underwear in a knot*

CaptJusty3: doesn't make any difference to me if you don't believe me

CaptJusty3: i just wanted to chat

Timby130: no shit i dont even care *Naughty, naughty 'Justin'..swearing on aim. Lol. What would your mother think?*

CaptJusty3: and you are being all weird

Timby130: how am i being weird pray tell? *'Pray tell'? That sounds like something my grandma says.*

CaptJusty3: i am glad you have so much time on your hands to pose as justin....does he really love the color mint green that much? *Aight, I got sick of beatin around the bush, I know he's a poser..so I attack. Lol.*

CaptJusty3: lol and i am so glad that a straight a student like him can spell schedule

Timby130: actually its BABY BLUE on my comp.

CaptJusty3: lol you people make me laugh so hard

Timby130: do i care?

CaptJusty3: and such a large vocabulary "justin"

CaptJusty3: lol

Timby130: yep i know

CaptJusty3: good comebacks too

Timby130: yep

CaptJusty3: isn't "chris" telling you anything good to say?

CaptJusty3: by the way, where are you guys right now?

Timby130: nope he isnt near here

Timby130: virginia beach

Timby130: we have a concert 2nite

CaptJusty3: don't you have a show in like a couple hours?

Timby130: yep

Timby130: eva heard of a Laptop? *Uhhh, no I live in a cave. Duh, what a moron*

CaptJusty3: interesting...cuz a friend of mine just called me from va beach like an hour ago. she is staying in nsync's hotel..the _________ (*Sorry, I can't say the name, I did in the convo, but I deleted it out of here for various reasons.*)...and said they left for the venue about an hour ago *Aight, so I am stretching the truth a bit...although my friend IS staying in N Sync's hotel in Va Beach.*

CaptJusty3: nice try

CaptJusty3: too bad you are talking to someone who knows just as much or more about nsync as you

Timby130: um a laptop is this comp that u can carry around

CaptJusty3: yeah i know i am not a retard like you obviously are

CaptJusty3: ok, for real..if you are JUSTIN timberlake...answer me one question and then i will leave you alone *After I put it on my page so people can get a good laugh at your sorry ass*

CaptJusty3: who is chris' best friend? what is her name

Timby130: thanx 4 the complement i wish that i could think of 1 that could describe u *Man, he sure is witty eh?*

Timby130: what?

CaptJusty3: who is chris' best friend? what is her name

CaptJusty3: if you are justin you would obviously know this

CaptJusty3: what's the matter? does thinking hurt your head?

Timby130: lost IM *Nice excuse buddy*

CaptJusty3: ok, one last time..what is chris' best friend's name?

CaptJusty3: you would know that if you are justin

Timby130: yep i would

CaptJusty3: so what is it

Timby130: and i do

CaptJusty3: ok, enlighten me

Damn, that's when he got off. See, those difficult questions really stump em eh? Darn, I really wanted to hear what he was gonna say too. Seems as though Chris' best friend's name pry *slipped* his mind. Lol.

Thrust It Outta This Alternate Universe