Jen Pearlman....My Story

Well, first off I should probably explain a little about how TransVes Records, Inc. got started. It all began when Rachel Wright and I decided to try to revive and revitalize the boyband 5ive to join the ever popular ranks of groups like N Sync and BSB.

Then, when the boyband thing went down the drain 5 years ago...I hooked up with Justin Timberlake. Things were going fine, he was toning down his massive (now massively BRUISED) ego, and we had plans to marry. Suddenly...all hell broke loose when my old partner Rachel Wright-Conlon (She married Sean from 5ive soon after our attempt to popularize them in the States) called me up. She wanted to start up the old company and contacted many of the old boyband members in attempts to recreate the mass hysteria once more. We came up with an amazing team of singers, songwriters, choreographers, and roadies from our long list of old teen pop sensations.

Anyhow...while trying to get TransVes Records back on it's feet, I met up with my old flame Raul from C Note. Nothing came of it at first, because I was true to my main man J Dawg. BUT, then I found out that he cheated on me with that trailer park filth Britney Spears. Not wanting to catch any of her STDs, I dropped his ass faster than Joey goes through a box of Ding Dongs. So, me and Raul hooked it up...and got married shortly after the release of UFO's (Ultimate Funky One's) first single..."Shimmy Up My Palm Tree".

Now, we live in a luxurious house in Orlando, near the TransVes Records studios. We have no children, but have one dog named Kevi. Lol. (My idea...don't ask). We get along pretty well, besides the fact that he insists on speaking Spanish every other Tuesday, knowing full well that I can't speak a word of it. So that is basically my, Jen Pearlman-Molina's story. Lol.

Woo BABY Thrust That My WAY!