The Things I've Learned

Well, here's a lil somethin that I got in an email today...but I modified it to fit N Sync. If you want to see the original version, click HERE to read it. :) Enjoy...and thanks to rock for helpin' me out girl. (Not to mention you crack me up like no other!) This is sort of a 'Everything I've ever learned about N Sync' deal...yet not. Lol anyhow read the original first to understand this better. :)

I've learned that you cannot make the N Sync guys love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I've learned that no matter how much money the fans spend, Justin will still just be an asshole.

I've learned that it takes Lou to build up trust and only reality, not pre-planned answers, to destroy it.

I've learned that fame usually lasts about 15 minutes, and after that you better have powerful pelvic thrusts or Britney's implants.

I've learned you shouldn't use Mississippi as an excuse for everything--the people there are more incestual than you think.

I've learned that JC can keep talking long after you think he should be finished.

I've learned that they are NEVER responsible for what they do, only because they are celebrities.

I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy the shower was last month, the freshness fades, and Chris better use his money to buy some soap.

I've learned that the people who you expect to whine and cry when you join THEIR label, will be the ones that do. *ahem BSB*

I've learned that the whole reason they never ditched Lance was because he made the rest of them feel more manly.

I've learned that now matter how they try to cover up the fact that they have bus sluts, they will eventually get caught when Joey gets one pregnant.

I've learned that the boyband members you drool over most will be the ones who get admitted into rehab, and all the less important ones just never go away.

I've learned to say "single and ready to mingle" in 6 languages.

Aww yeah ya liked those didn't ya?! :) Thanks again for Melissa's assistance. ~Jen

Thrust It Home Baby YEAH!