Aren't We Kinky Today?!?

Aight, I just got done viewing the MTV's: N Sync's Top 40 videos UNEDITED. Let me just say that I LAUGHED my ass off!!! First off, I just have to mention that my Stevie is shown PROMINENTLY throughout the video, so ya know..that kept me happy. Lol. He's such a cutie *gag, barf*, and he was wearing the sweater that Justin wore on Sabrina. How cute! My two favorite men share clothes, just like sisters. Awwwww.

Anyways, I just need to make clear that the guys of N Sync bust on each other more than I EVER could. It's utterly hysterical. First off, we have Justin making fun of Lance who can't pronounce Goo Goo Dolls, and has to keep saying it like 5 times. Then we have Chris knockin on Joey, when Joey is asked if he gets homesick. When Joey mentions he doesn't get that homesick, Chris says simply..."Then why do you sleep with your brother?!" HAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Let's see...what else to laugh about. Ohhhh yes. When JC is asked about his craziest fan experience...he can't think of one. Until someone mentions the infamous German fan. Joey runs across the screen, imitating's too too funny. Then Chris says that she "had such hairy armpits she looked like she had Buckwheat in a headlock!" Lance then explains the whole story, and says..."there was this huge bush between us and the fans." Chris states, "And it wasn't her armpit either!" Hahahaha. Then when she busted thru the bush, the bodyguards apparently tackled her. Justin corrects Lance with this statement: "Huh-uh...he clotheslined her and slammed her into the side of the bus, then he threw her over the bus." It's hysterical.

We also have the little "tour" scene on the bus. They failed to show this little portion though: After Lance says, "bathroom, spacious little bathroom"...Justin says loudly: "Show em the pisser..good job." Then Chris says, "this is where we put our NAKED ASSES!" hahahahahahaah. After that, we all thought we heard "nice orgi" right? Well, he really says.."Nice oranges!" Whoops, my mistake. Hehe.

Let's see...hmmm...oh yeah, we can't forget them making fun of Lance when he gets up to do the tour. It's after the part where they say "Shhh, gotta be quiet, Lance is giving a tour". JC says, "now we can talk bout Lance". Then Joey says Lance is a dork, and Justin and Chris say, "he's sucha girl!"

Then they make fun of the Backstreet Boys a little...and basically just fool around and make random comments. They all comment on fans, even Steve throws in his input. Lol.

One other thing that I MUST's like against my religion NOT to. The camera angles are screwy while on the bus, and something unusual, but not unexpected caught my eye. Just thought I would share with you that there are MIRRORS on the ceiling of their bus. Kinky bastards, eh? we know Justin has the bottom bunk, and Lance has a middle one. But who has the top ones? Hmmmm...Joey?!? Just a thought. Boy, aren't we glad mirrors can't talk?!

Also, that damn "noogie" game that they claim they play when they swear? Um...YEAH RIGHT. Lol...they swear quite a bit in this video. Which just makes me say "GO NSYNC! WOOHOO!"

Oh yeah, when watching it again...I forgot that I didn't mention Lance's undies discussion. Ya'll know that girl asked him what kind of underwear he wears...well they talk bout it forever. It's too funny. Lance says..."I wear boxer briefs". Chris goes, "You wear two pair of underwear?" to which JC replies.."he wears briefs and pulls boxers over em." Then Chris says, he wears tighty whities with a G String underneath. Lance then starts talking bout "Scooby Dooby Doo tighty whities." Lol...and Chris starts singing the underoos song. "Underoos are fun to's new, and it's you and your underwear!" He looks SOOO happy! Then after Chris finishes announcing they should have N Sync underoos, Joey asks where their faces would go on them. DUh...he's so stupid. Lol.

That's all for now, but there is so much more coming soon. Lol.

Get Me Outta This Freak Nasty Place!