No Strings Attatched...Hmm.... you all have probably heard that N Sync's new album is called 'No Strings Attatched'. Well, since I am...ya know...Stevie's little woman *gag barf*, I got a sneak preview of their thank yous. Not to mention the *real* reason behind them choosing that as the title. Ahh, it's so nice to have connections. Lol.

I would just like to thank Johnny Wright and Lou Pearlman, and the rest of the T-con team for making me the stud I am today. Thanks for the line 'single and ready to mingle'...without that I wouldn't be the favorite. I would like to say thanks to God for spending so much time on me! I would also like to give a big shoutout to my girl Britney Spears...thanks for all times. (By the way you forgot your tube top in my bunk last night) Thanks to all the girls who helped me gain my status as the 'Oral King'. Also, know I love you so much, since I hold your hand in public and do whatever you say. Peace ya'll! ~Justin

First I would just like to say thank you so much to Bobbi for being my own personal "Dr. Kravitz". She's always feelin my timbs, my baggy jeans, my thug appeal. I guess she likes it when a man can keep it real! Thank you to whoever made those WWJD bracelets, I wouldn't be so convincing in my 'God fearing Christian that hates drugs, sex, and drinking' role without them! I would also like to say thanks to all the guys, without you I might just be the next Michael Bolton...but instead of having bad hair, I would just have bad teeth! Stay N Sync! ~JC

I would like to say thank you to all of the guys first of all, for finally letting me have a solo in our show. Also, thanks to you guys for not booting my worthless ass, along with my brother's out on the side of the street...cuz I know I don't exactly pull my weight in the group. (And it's a lot of weight, let me tell you!) To the our management team, THANK YOU for supporting my nasty hoe habit by paying me so generously. And to my many conquests, you know I love ya all...there's just so much Fatone love to spread around. ~Joey

Hey ya'll, first off thank you so much to my home state of Mississippi for keepin it real. (See Justin, I can talk ghetto too!) Danielle, you can BITE troll. Thanks to my inspiration, Garth complete me. (So yeah, I'm a stalker, what can I say...I can't resist a man in Wranglers, but that's cuz I'm from Mississippi) To all of my fans who have supported me through this tough year without my one true love, Toby...thank you, I would still be grieving uncontrollably without your support. Stay N Sync..and remember...'n cest is best! (At least that's what they say in Mississippi) ~Lance

Hey, first off, a big THANK you to the guys of N Sync. Without you I might just be a record spinning freak with bad hair, and even worse jokes. To my idol, and object of my teenybopper tendencies...Busta Rhymes...thank you. What would I name my dog, or do my hair after if you didn't exist?! But what's up with that restraining order? I just wanted to get a picture with you, and camping outside of your house was the easiest way to find you! (You're a slippery little sucker) Oh yeah, and to all the fans, thanks so much for being interested in my new project FuManSkeeto, even though it's an overpriced blatant rip off of FuBu. I appreciate your support, and stay N Sync. ~Chris.

Ok, so we've got the Thank Yous out of the way...moving right along. So yeah, after begging Stevie into telling me the *REAL* story behind the name of the new album, I finally got it out of him...after mucho negotiating. (Which, by the way should thank you know how sick it makes me just THINKING about what I had to do to get that info out of him?) More about that coming later though. So check back! :)

Thrust It Outta This Place!