
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin to say but nothin comes out when they move their lips; just a bunch of gibberish.... ~Eminem (Forgot About Dre)

Here's a lovely thing that was written in my guestbook. People need lives. My comments are in italics.



P.S. PAYBACKS ARE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First...learn to spell. Sheesh. Trailer trash people need to know that hooked on phonics really does work. Check it out...PLEASE.

Secondly, caps lock is NOT NEEDED. Turn the damn thing off.

Does this even make SENSE? First of all, I would love to know where it says that we are 18. I am 19...and my sister is 16. I don't think an 18 in there works. Nice try...next contestant please.

Making fun of N Sync means I have low self-esteem? Do you ever LISTEN to them?! They bust on each other more than I EVER could. So get with the program would ya?

I never said Chris was ugly. I used to think he was less attractive because he was a 27 year old with bad hair and now that he got it fixed there is a VAST improvement. I would say he borders on extremely attractive as a mature looking 28 year old. (One point I must make, if we act like we are 5, then Chris must act like he's what...4? Or wait, you are a 12 year old who wants to marry the poor guy. Nice try sweetie, come up with some original insults okay?)

Justin may not be the FINEST person on earth, if I may use that direct quote from you and the rest of the teenies in America, but he is damn hot. I never said he wasn't. In fact, I think he's even cuter in person. So in conclusion, if you don't like the page, get a life and stop coming here. And your petty threats really scare me since you can't really do a whole hell of a lot of damage in cyberspace you moron.

Yet another intelligent lifeform has entered our home here at Just Thrust It. I just LOVE these emails...it gives me a great hearty laugh for the day. Kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Check it out. My response, as always, are in italics.

yeah i appreciate all the effort you put into the newsletter, but some of it is crap and way harsh. Chris does not deserve to be treated the way you guyz treat him on this site. AND JCS TEETH ARE BEAUTIFUL and i dont appreciate you making fun of him like that

Side Note: One thing I've noticed is that all hatemails have three things in common.

1. Many grammatical errors/spelling errors


3. so is lowercase

Moving on...First off, I don't have a newsletter. Nice try. Crap? It's called humor. Try it sometime. I have nothing against Chris, I think he's hilarious by the way. And JC's teeth are repulsive...you might want to get your eyes checked if you think those hamster teeth are beautiful. PEACE.

Here's here lovely return email...and my response again in italics.

whatever i meant site, and dont be a smart ass. I dont see how you can call your self an NSYNC fan if you arent gonna be fair to all of them. Your site is bull and its offensive. Oh, and about your asking for my opinion... IF YOU PUT THE FREKKIN LINK FOR MY OPINION IM GONNA GIVE IT TO YOU! SO IF YOU DONT WANT PEOPLES OPINION TAKE OUT THE LINK FOR OPINIONS SMART GIRL. thats all i have to say for you and your pathetic site

First, I must say..I think this girl is good friends with Steve. He likes to say what EVER as two words...and she likes to say your self..as two words. HELLO people...they are BOTH one word. Whatever and yourself. Morons.

Moving on again....

Alright, first off let me just say I wasn't trying to be a smartass. If you are going to write negativity towards me then I will write you back and tell you my response. What on earth is possibly offensive about my site? It clearly states that it's HUMOR, so if you are to visit it, then you should have the maturity level to take it as such.

About how you say I shouldn't be able to call myself an N Sync fan...I can call myself an N Sync fan because I spend enough money to pay all of Joey's child support checks as well as purchase all of their gaudy jewelry. Not to mention the fact that in this country we have such things as freedom of speech and I can say what EVER I like about them...and an email from a 12 year old such as yourself isn't going to get me to change my site. Also, in your opinion, just out of curiousity, what DOES make an N Sync fan? Someone who only writes pathetic sites about how much they love a certain member and plan to marry them just as soon as they can figure out how to hook their training bra? I don't think so. Or how bout going to humor sites and writing them obnoxious hatemail that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, making an ass out of not only yourself, but giving all fans in your age group a bad name. And you wonder why they call you teenyboppers. Get over it.

And one other thing. I make fun of them all equally. They are all normal guys, none of them gods, or angels. Why would you say I'm not being fair? Because I said JC has bad teeth? It's TRUE! His teeth are beyond nasty. Because I said Joey is a male whore? That's a little obvious! He's a playa, plain and simple. Because I said Chris is older than dirt? He IS. Hello...he's going to be 29 this fall for God's sake. Or how bout the fact that I say Lance used to look like Ellen? Um...have you seen pics of him? It's the god honest truth. And what about Justin being a mama's boy with more afro than Puff Daddy? That boy needs a haircut NOW.

I just have basically one thing to say. If you don't like the page, just don't visit it. If you think it's crap, don't go there. Act like it doesn't exist. You know, kinda how N Sync thinks of you. They don't know you, you don't know them...you are just another crazed fan that screams I LOVE YOU to them as they thrust in front of you at a concert. So quit trying to convince me or any other humor page writers that our stuff is trash. We don't care. You don't like it, don't read it. It's THAT simple. It's been fun. Buh-bye now.