I'll Have the Usual...A Side Order of Justin...on AOL of course.

Hey ya'll. Justin posers abound on the net, each one claiming to be the one, the only...Justin Timberturd. I personally don't know why the hell you would WANT to be him...that curly hair must be a bitch to style. Hehe. But that's just me. So yeah..take a look at my convo with 'Justin'. Seems as though he should take lessons to be a little more discreet in who he tells that he is Justin Timberlake, that is...IF he really is Justin. *cough, choke*

CaptJusty3: hi

Justin: Hello

CaptJusty3: wasup?

CaptJusty3: my name is jen...

Justin: Hey Jen, sup?

CaptJusty3: not a whole lot. just kinda chillin...talking to some random people. so what's up with you? what is your a/s/l?

Justin: 18/M/FL

CaptJusty3: oh you are in florida right now? cool..I love it there. disneyworld is so fun...do you live near orlando?

Justin: Yeah I do

Justin: We're recording our new album

Justin: right now

Justin: But hey, I am kinda bizzy, so do you think I could IM you later?? Just e-mail me, alright? I promise to write ya! *Jen's note...what the hell...BIZZY?! Learn to spell boy! I thought you had straight A's in school.*

CaptJusty3: oh wow..you are really lucky. you sing?

CaptJusty3: hold up a sec

Justin: yeah I am part of NSYNC *jen again..."Oh really fool?!?"*

CaptJusty3: you are in orlando right now recording?

CaptJusty3: oh you are?!

CaptJusty3: justin right?

Justin: yes we are in orlando now *Jen again...Um...no hon. Sorry Charlie, but N Sync is in Europe right now...at least that is what the OFFICIAL newsletter I got from the Official Euro N Sync site said. Hmmm..something smells like TUNA..and it's ain't me*

Justin: yup!

Justin: that's me

CaptJusty3: nice to meet you

CaptJusty3: :) i am a big fan *GAG ME! Man, I am such a butt kisser*

Justin: NP

CaptJusty3: i will email you...will you write back?

Justin: yes

Justin: i promise *oooh a PROMISE from Justy..yeah RIGHT*

CaptJusty3: ok...don't forget my name now!

Justin: i won't

CaptJusty3: what is it?

CaptJusty3: lol

CaptJusty3: oh yeah i am 18 by the way

CaptJusty3: not some teenybopper or anything

Justin: sorry

Justin: tell me your name again?

Justin: i have a ton of ims

CaptJusty3: my name is jen

Justin: sure, but, I am kinda bizzy, so do you think I could IM you later?? Just e-mail me, alright? I promise to write ya! *Stop with the bizzy shit already mister before I have to regulate on your sorry ass!*

CaptJusty3: alright talk to you later. nice talking to you justin *Me..butt kissing again! Lol! Damn I am good.*

Justin: no problem!

Justin: Bye! =)

Here is the second convo WITH his sn:

CaptJusty3: hi

CurlyJT081: Hello

CaptJusty3: wasup justin?

CaptJusty3: this is jen..remember me from yesterday?

CurlyJT081: Yeah, I do

CurlyJT081: hey

CurlyJT081: Not much, bizzy, but I am good

CurlyJT081: you?

CaptJusty3: hey can i ask you a couple questions? really fast...i am good thanks

CurlyJT081: Sure

CurlyJT081: But if I don't answer right away..just wait

CurlyJT081: I will

CaptJusty3: ok...just to kinda make sure you are the real justin...if you don't mind

CurlyJT081: Alright

CaptJusty3: What happened to you at rock n jock basketball...it was really embarassing for you....?

CurlyJT081: When I missed the shot?

CurlyJT081: Is that what your talking about?

CurlyJT081: Or how I was so short compared to all the pro's?

CaptJusty3: nope....try again

CaptJusty3: it happened when the cameras were off...and it was super embarassing

CaptJusty3: you wouldn't forget it

CaptJusty3: i sure won't *Ok so this is fudging the truth a bit...but my friend that was THERE won't forget*

CurlyJT081: Sorry, I don't know what your talking about

CaptJusty3: oh ok. one more question

CaptJusty3: what did you guys do for lance at the concert on his birthday?

CaptJusty3: anything special?

CurlyJT081: hey, I am really bizzy so if you would e-mail me these ?'s I promise to get back to you

CurlyJT081: peace

CaptJusty3: hey wait

CaptJusty3: just answer it quick?

CurlyJT081: sorry

CaptJusty3: i am curious

CaptJusty3: please?

CurlyJT081: i am trying to answer e-mails

CurlyJT081: sorry

CaptJusty3: if you were really justin you would

CurlyJT081: please understand

CurlyJT081: well, i am, but if you don't believe me.. i can't stop you

CurlyJT081: peace,bye

CaptJusty3: so i can see you aren't. besides the fact that the rock n jock thing was WAYYYYY off

CaptJusty3: lata

Aren't I so mean? Lol...caught his ass in a sling eh? Fun stuff. If anyone STILL wants to believe that it's Justin...go HERE . It pertains to the BSB specifically, and it's from the official BAND page, written by one of the band members. It really can be applied to ALL boyband posers on the net though, not just BSB. Take a look at it, it's very candid, and makes a lot of sense. ~Jen

Thrust It Back To the Bar!